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2020-10-26 01:02:03

人教版(PEP)2019-2020学年小学英语五年级下册Unit 3 My school calendar Part B 自我检测B卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 小朋友们,经过一段时间的学习,你们一定进步不少吧,今天就让我们来检验一下! 一、 Read and find.(读一读,把同一类单词的序号写在 (共1题;
共1分) 1. (1分) —What are these?   —They're ________.             二、 Read and choose.(读一读,选一选。) (共5题;
共10分) 2. (2分) The       is a plant. A . butterfly     B . ladybird     C . sunflower     3. (2分) People washed clothes by hand_______. A . in the past     B . now     C . tomorrow     4. (2分) —Does Linda      playing tennis? —Yes,she        . A . 1ike,does     B . 1ikes,likes     C . 1ikes,does     5. (2分) 选出与图片对应的单词( ) A . hi     B . hand     6. (2分) 找出不同类的一项      A . swimming     B . shopping     C . skip     三、 Choose the right date.(将正确的日期代 (共1题;
共5分) 7. (5分) 写出下列标志所代表的意义。

(1)  ________ (2)  ________ (3)  ________ (4)  ________ (5)  ________ 四、 Choose the best answer.(选择合适的答 (共1题;
共4分) 8. (4分) 一________ ________ do you like best? —I like ________.Because l like ________. 五、 Read and judge.(阅读短文,判断正误.) (共1题;
共8分) 9. (8分) 阅读理解 Danny:Good morning,Jenny. Jenny:Good morning,Danny. Danny:Oh,Jenny ,this is my sister Kate. She is a teacher. Kate:Nice to meet you ,Jenny. Jenny:Nice to meet you ,too,Are those your students? Kate:Yes ,they are. Jenny:And ,Who is he? Danny:He's my brother,Jack. Jenny:Oh,I see. Well,have a good day! Jenny\Kate:Thanks! You ,too . Bye! (1) What does Kate do ? A . Kate is a doctor.     B . Kate is a teacher.     C . Kate is a girl.     (2) What's Kate's sister's name? A . Jenny.     B . Danny.     C . Jack.     (3) Who is Danny's brother? A . Danny's brother is Kate.     B . Danny's brother is LiMing.     C . Danny's brother is Jack.     (4) Is Jenny a teacher? A . No,she isn't.     B . Yes,she is .     C . I'm sorry.     参考答案 一、 Read and find.(读一读,把同一类单词的序号写在 (共1题;
共1分) 1-1、 二、 Read and choose.(读一读,选一选。) (共5题;
共10分) 2-1、 3-1、 4-1、 5-1、 6-1、 三、 Choose the right date.(将正确的日期代 (共1题;
共5分) 7-1、 7-2、 7-3、 7-4、 7-5、 四、 Choose the best answer.(选择合适的答 (共1题;
共4分) 8-1、 五、 Read and judge.(阅读短文,判断正误.) (共1题;
共8分) 9-1、 9-2、 9-3、 9-4、

Tags: 学年   下册   人教版  
