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2020-10-23 19:02:31

 人教版(PEP)小学英语三年级下册Unit 4 Where is my car? Part B & C 阶段训练A卷 姓名:________



  小朋友们,经过一段时间的学习,你们一定进步不少吧,今天就让我们来检验一下! 一、 判断每组单词是否同类。

 (共1题;共6分) 1. (6分) (2018五上·温州期末) 选出同类的单词。

 ⑴clever polite ________ ⑵Monday Saturday ________ ⑶above behind ________ ⑷forest hill ________ ⑸fresh hot ________ ⑹cook swim ________ A.in front of B.hard—working C.Tuesday D.sweet E.play basketball F.mountain 二、 从下列所给字母中选出你认识的单词,并写在后面的四线三格内。

 (共5题;共16分) 2. (3分) Let's ________ ________ ________.

 3. (8分) 看图填写字母补全单词。


  c ________;p


  sc ________;________f


  c ________;________;t


   sw ________;________;ter


  gl ________;ves

 4. (2分) There are so many ________(植物)in the ________(房子).

 5. (2分) —What sports ________ you like?

 —I ________ running.

 6. (1分) Parrot is a ________ (good) bird. 三、 单项选择。

 (共5题;共10分) 7. (2分) —Can your father swim? —      He can swim very well.

 A . Yes,he can.     B . No,he can't.     C . Yes,he does.     8. (2分) Can you think of any other        ?

 A . change     B . changes     C . changing     9. (2分) (2016五上·宝山期中) There are two children. They       want to be a doctor.

 A . are     B . all     C . both     10. (2分) — __________ is it?

 — It's five dollars. A . How much     B . How many     C . How long     11. (2分)       worry,it's not a monster. A . Don't     B . Do     C . Not     四、 选择与图片意思相符的应答语。

 (共5题;共10分) 12. (2分) (2019二上·龙华期中) —How old are you?

 —I am ____ years old.

 A . fine     B . five     C . Five     13. (2分) (2020三上·云浮期中) —Goodbye,Miss White.

 —              A . Bye,Sarah!     B . OK!     14. (2分) 你想知道别人身体怎么样?你应该这样说:

 A . How are you?     B . Good morning.     C . Hi !     15. (2分) Is that a ball?  A . No,it's Janet's.     B . Yes,I am.     C . Yes,it is.     16. (2分) 你想问兔子想要胡萝卜吗 ,你可以这样问:

 A . Do you want some carrots?     B . Do you like cucumbers?     五、 描述图中物品所在的位置,用上下面所给的方位词(填序号)。

 (共1题;共5分) 17. (5分) 选词填空(只填序号即可)。

 A. in  B.make  C.put  D.brush  E.wash (1) What do you do ________;the morning?

 (2) I ________;my hair.

 (3) I ________;on my clothes.

 (4) I ________;my face.

 (5) I ________;the bed.

 六、 阅读短文,判断正误。

 (共1题;共10分) 18. (10分) 阅读理解 Last Sunday Mike went hiking with his classmates.They climbed to the top of the mountain and had a picnic there.But they had some problems.Wu Yifan and John wanted to hike quickly,but they went the wrong way.Mr Black went and found them.Amy had too many things in her bag.Her bag was heavier than Mike's.She couldn't carry it.So Mike helped her,but he tripped over his shoes.When they were in the middle of their way,it began to rain.What bad weather! At last,they got to the top of the mountain.The rain stopped.The air was fresh and clean.They sang and danced,played games and had a picnic there.Amy shared(分享)good food with friends.Her bag was lighter when they climbed down the mountain.They went home late in the afternoon,but everybody was happy. 阅读短文,选择正确的一项。

 (1) Who went hiking?    

 A . Mrs Black.     B . Zhang Peng.     C . Mike and his classmates.     (2) Whose bag is heavier?    

 A . Mike's.     B . Amy's.     C . Mr Black's.     (3) Which is the good news for them?    

 A . The rain stopped.     B . Wu Yifan and John went the wrong way.     C . Mike tripped over his shoes.     (4) How was the day?    

 A . It was bad.     B . It was happy.     C . It was tired.     (5) What's the meaning of “lighter“?    

 A . 弄脏     B . 丢失     C . 更轻的    

 参考答案 一、 判断每组单词是否同类。

 (共1题;共6分) 1-1、 二、 从下列所给字母中选出你认识的单词,并写在后面的四线三格内。

 (共5题;共16分) 2-1、 3-1、 3-2、 3-3、 3-4、 3-5、 4-1、 5-1、 6-1、 三、 单项选择。

 (共5题;共10分) 7-1、 8-1、 9-1、 10-1、 11-1、 四、 选择与图片意思相符的应答语。

 (共5题;共10分) 12-1、 13-1、 14-1、 15-1、 16-1、 五、 描述图中物品所在的位置,用上下面所给的方位词(填序号)。

 (共1题;共5分) 17-1、 17-2、 17-3、 17-4、 17-5、 六、 阅读短文,判断正误。

 (共1题;共10分) 18-1、 18-2、 18-3、 18-4、 18-5、


Tags: 下册   人教版   小学英语  
