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2020-06-05 10:23:00



  为推动创先争优活动深入开展,,,根据关于在全工商系统开展“党徽耀红盾”系列活动争创 “群众满意的窗口服务单位”的实施方案,特制定本方案。




  各分局、各要充分认识开展 “党徽耀红盾”系列活动、争创 “群众满意的窗口服务单位”的重要意义,将其作为创先争优的重要抓手,这项活动在创先争优活动领导小组统一领导下进行,日常工作由人教牵头,创建“红盾服务创业示范岗”由注册牵头,;创建“红盾消费维权示范岗”由消保牵头,消协;创建“红盾品牌培育示范岗”由牵头创建“红盾强农惠农示范岗”由市牵头,注册,。。各分局要召开会议进行动员部署,并充分利用网络、简报等多种形式深入宣传发动,引导广大党员干部迅速投身到“党徽耀红盾”系列活动中来,充分发挥先锋模范作用,积极争创群众满意的窗口服务单位。活动中涌现出来的先进人物和先进事迹,努力在全系统学习先进、崇尚先进、争当先进的良好氛围。。各分局各要针对本单位、本条线的实际情况和工作特点,找准开展活动的切入点和着力点,科学设计、合理安排活动方式和载体,努力使各项措施切实可行、行之有效。为企业和群众办实事、解难题、做好事作为重点贯彻活动始终具有工商特色服务品牌开展业务培训、岗位练兵、技能竞赛活动,加强党性修养和作风建设,提高与结合起来,Bridge, service levels and even end on the intersection of rongzhou bridge f. 3.1-5 network saturation and intersection service level 3 the operation of the bridge over the River connecting downtown five bridges, bridge traffic flow at least, morning and evening peak bi-directional flow of 3358pcu/h and 3191pcu/h, respectively. Bridge traffic most of the minjiang River, morning rush hour two-way traffic to 4362pcu/h, the evening rush hour

  Bridge, service levels and even end on the intersection of rongzhou bridge f. 3.1-5 network saturation and intersection service level 3 the operation of the bridge over the River connecting downtown five bridges, bridge traffic flow at least, morning and evening peak bi-directional flow of 3358pcu/h and 3191pcu/h, respectively. Bridge traffic most of the minjiang River, morning rush hour two-way traffic to 4362pcu/h, the evening rush hour1

  — —Bridge, service levels and even end on the intersection of rongzhou bridge f. 3.1-5 network saturation and intersection service level 3 the operation of the bridge over the River connecting downtown five bridges, bridge traffic flow at least, morning and evening peak bi-directional flow of 3358pcu/h and 3191pcu/h, respectively. Bridge traffic most of the minjiang River, morning rush hour two-way traffic to 4362pcu/h, the evening rush hour

Tags: 大丰   党徽   红盾  
