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2023-03-05 18:15:04

GRE考试写作的常用句型1  It’sgenerallyagreedthat......(人们普遍认为......)  Thereisagrowingbodyofopinionthat......(下面是小编为大家整理的GRE考试写作常用句型3篇【优秀范文】,供大家参考。



  It’s generally agreed that ... ... (人们普遍认为... ...)

  There is a growing body of opinion that ... ... (越来越多的人认为... ...)

  An increasing number of people have the tendency to believe that ... ... (越来越多的人倾向于认为... ...)

  Some people, especially the old, believe that ... ... (一些人,尤其是老人,认为... ...)

  Other people, the young in particular, argue that ... ... (别的人,尤其是年轻人,认为... ...)

  Some current *yses conclude that ... ... (当下的一些分析表明... ...)

  ... ... is a heated topic in our times. (... ...是我们这个时代火热的一个话题)

  The topic about ... ... has been raging for decades. (关于... ...的话题已经风行几十年了)

  ... ... is an eternal/a perpetual topic in our daily lives. (... ...是我们日常生活中一个永恒的话题)

  ... ... is one of the most talked about topics in the contemporary society. (... ...是当代社会讨论最多的话题之一)

  Recently, the impact that ... ... has had on our daily lives, in general, is huge and undeniable. (近年来, ... ...对我们日常生活的影响,总的来说,是巨大且不可避免的)


  一. 开头

  In the argument, the …(主题对象) recommends that …(对结论做论述,基本上可以抄原文,用另外一种方式表达即可). To support this recommendation the argument point out that …(说明文章用了什么论据去证明观点了,同上抄袭即可) however …This argument is logically flawed in several critical respects (说明这篇文章逻辑上是有缺陷的)。

  二. 攻击论据

  1. 调查结果没有证据申明

  To begin with, the argument depends on the assumption that… (阐述说出了一个没有根据的申明,并说出文中的原因) —rather than for some other reasons. Yet it is entirely possible that… (说明这种猜测可能的原因) or some other factor. Without ruling out all other reasons why… (重述这个申明)…(说出反方向的结论)。

  2. 提到了样本,但是数据不具有代表性(数据不够)

  Firstly, the author provides no evidence that the survey is statistically reliable. Perhaps the survey’s sample is not sufficient in size or representative of the quality of …(说明对象的数量和质量不够) For that matter, this survey is not strong enough to establish causation between… (在这里列出原因和结果,做比较) However, the other reasons of the survey which (叙述其他原因下的情况). As a result, without the evidence that the survey is statistically reliable the author cannot justifiably draw any conclusion by relying on this survey。

  3. 猜测,但是没有证据

  Thirdly, the argument assumes that… (阐述文中的猜测) However, the letter provides no evidence to substantiate this assumption. In fact, the letter suggests that this might be the case. By admitting that …, the letter implies that …说明影响他们happy的因素还有其他的方面,不光是研究中所列举

  三. 攻击论证过程

  1. 时间上的错误类比

  To begin with,…(陈述某个数据) may not a reliable date of that rate would be now(和现在相比较是不可信的). Perhaps the… (反例), For that matter, perhaps …(说出反例的情况下会导致何种结果). In short, without ruling out other possible reasons for …(假设说出针对反例应该怎么做)the memo’s author cannot convince me on the basis of …(说出应该有的结论)


  3. 两个事实错误的类比

  Even if…(让步,即使某个条件成立) the argument unfairly assumes that…(说明错误的类比的情况). It is entirely possible that the …(比较对象) own different situations. Perhaps …(具体说出反例) Without accounting for such differences between the two places is unreliable。

  4. 错误的推论

  Even if …(让步,即使某个条件成立)the argument relied on the future assumption that …(说出要让步的是事实). Yet the only evidence the argument offer to substantiate this assumption (说出文中的根据). Perhaps …(说出有可能出现的"其他情况导致这个事实)if so, (说出不一样的结果,与上面事实相矛盾). Or…(其他的情况) In short, without more information about…(对上面的可能情况总结) were established it is impossible to assess …(回到上面的结论)。

  四. 结论的攻击


  Finally, the argument fails to consider …(有更好的办法实现目标). Perhaps by…(办法一), or by (办法二), (对目标进行展望) In short, without weighing the suggestion against alternatives, it is unconvincing that (说明提供的方案不好)。


  Finally, even if the families support to build the new seafood restaurant, the restaurant would not necessarily be profitable as a result. Profitability is a function of both revenue and expense. Thus, it is quite possible that the restaurant’s costs of obtaining high-quality and healthy seafood or of new promoting restaurant might render it unprofitable despite its popularity. Without weighing revenue against expenses the argument’s conclusion is premature at best。


  The memo also makes two hasty assumptions about …(说明两个猜想相关的内容). One such assumption is that …(第一个猜想的情况说明). It is entirely possible that …(反例). Another assumption is that(另外一个错误的猜想) Common sense informs me that (反例)

  Furthermore, the difference in the two firms’ overall placement time last year does not necessarily indicate that Delany would be the better choice to serve XYZ’s laid-off employees. These employees might have particular skills or needs that are not representative of the two firm’s clients in general. Besides, one year’s placement statistics hardly sufficient to draw any firm conclusions。

  五. 结尾段

  In sum, the argument seems logical, but is based on nothing more than pure speculation and perhaps wishful thinking, yet lack of some warranted investigation. To strength it, the author needs to evaluate all possible alternatives and provide detail and comprehensive evidence before jumping to the conclusion that …(文中的结论)





  1. That sex ratio will be favored which maximizes the number of descendants an individual will have and hence the number of gene copies transmitted. (难度系数5,下同)


  2. (This is )A desire to throw over reality a light that never was might give away abruptly to the desire on the part of what we might consider a novelist-scientist to record exactly and concretely the structure and texture of a flower .(5++)复杂+倒装+省略;(这是一种)照亮现实的欲望,此欲望从来就不会唐突的取代后面的那种欲望,后者是我们可以将其部分的理解为一个兼任小说加和科学家的人想要去准确并具体的记录下一朵花的结构和文理的那种意义上的欲望。

  3. Hardy’s weakness derived from his apparent i*lity to control the comings and goings of these divergent impulses and from his unwillingness to cultivate and sustain the energetic and risky ones. (3)


  4. Virginia Woolf’s provocative statement about her intentions in writing Mrs. Dalloway has regularly been ignored by the critics,since it highlights an aspect of her literary interests very different from the traditional picture of the "poetic" novelist concerned with examining states of reverie and vision and with following the intricate pathways of individual consciousness. (5)

  弗吉尼亚.伍尔夫(Virginia Woolf)在创作《黛洛维夫人》(Mrs. Dalloway)时有关其创作意图的这番发人深思的陈述,迄今为止一贯为文学评论家们所忽略,因为它突出反映了她诸多文学兴趣中某一方面,而这一方面则与人们对“诗性”小说家(poetic novelist)所形成的.传统见解大相径庭。所谓的“诗性”小说家,所关注的是审视想入非非和白日梦幻的诸般状态,并致力于追寻个体意识的通幽曲径。

  5. As she put it in The Common Reader , “It is safe to say that not a single law has been framed or one stone set upon another because of anything Chaucer said or wrote ; and yet , as we read him , we are absorbing morality at every pore .”(5-)就像她在《致普通读者》一书中所表达的那样,“尽管可以毫无疑问的说,没有任何法律被指定出来,也没有任何高楼大厦被建立起来是因为乔叟说了什么或者写了什么;然而,当我们读它的书的时候,我们身上每一个毛孔都充满了道德”

  6. With the conclusion of a burst activity , the lactic acid level is high in the body fluids , leaving the large animal vulnerable to attack until the acid is reconverted , via oxidative metabolism , by the liver into glucose , which is then sent (in part )back to the muscles for glycogen resynthesis .(4+)随着爆发出来的运动的结束,再体液中乳酸含量会变得很高,使得大型动物处于容易受到攻击的状态,直到乳酸通过有氧新陈代谢,被肝脏转化成(convert into)葡萄糖,而葡萄糖接下来又会(部分)传送回肌肉中重新合成糖原 。

  7. Although Gutman admits that forced separation by sale was frequent,he shows that the slaves’ preference,revealed most clearly on plantations where sale was infrequent,was very much for stable monogamy. (3+)


  8. Gutman argues convincingly that the stability of the Black family encouraged the transmission of-and so was crucial in sustaining-the Black heritage of folklore,music,and religious expression from one generation to another,a heritage that slaves were continually fashioning out of their African and American experiences. (4)


  9. This preference for exogamy,Gutman suggests, may have derived from West African rules governing marriage,which,though they differed from one tribal group to another,all involved some kind of prohibition against unions with close kin. (3+)

  古特曼表示,这种对于外部通婚的偏爱很有可能缘起于西部非洲制约着婚姻的规定,尽管这些规定在一个和另一个部落群体之间不尽相同,但都涉及到某种对近亲联姻(union with close kin)的禁止。

  10. His thesis works relatively well when applied to discrimination against Blacks in the United States,but his definition of racial prejudice as "racially-based negative prejudgments against a group generally accepted as a race in any given region of ethnic competition," can be interpreted as also including hostility toward such ethnic groups as the Chinese in California and the Jews in medieval Europe. (4+)





  象征:symbolize; emblematize; indicate; represent; signify; stand for

  进步,提高:improve ameliorate better develop remedy revise enhance enrich upgrade refine

  重要,关键:important significant consequential momentous considerable essential valuable distinctive great weighty major serious grave vital capital substantial material

  正确的,无误的:correct rectify accurate precise proper undistorted right impeccable

  增长和减少:increase rise extend magnify decrease reduce fall amplify aggrandize elongate intensify enhance prolong strengthen curtail shrink terminate lessen abate raise boost intense(intensify) expand augment enlarge diminish dwindle slump

  证明:justify warrant assert claim contend argue validate substantiate verify accuse assign indict allege affirm

  论题:statement claim declaration assertion opinion belief view conviction persuasion

  要求:request demand needs requisition

  撤销:to cancel; to revoke; to countermand; [Law] to rescind; to quash

  建立:to build up; to establish; to set up; to found; to take root; to strike root

  消除:to eliminate; to clear; to remove; to clear up; to take away; to smooth away

  推理: inference; reasoning; deduction; ratiocination


  1. corresponding; relevant; relative; fitting; appropriate

  2. accordingly; correspondingly; by the same token; in a corresponding way

  3. to correspond to; to act in responses; to work in concert with; to support each other

  导致:to lead to; to bring about (or on); to result in; to cause; to spark off; to conduce to; to procure; to induce; to generate

  后果:a consequence; an aftermath; an outcome

  检查:to inspect; to check; to examine; to look over; to put to the test; to keep a check on

  程度:strikingly greatly highly exceedingly dreadfully remarkably drastically dramatically

  足够:sufficient adequate enough

  越来越: be increasingly + adj., be on the rise, a growing number of

  人们认为: it is generally/widely believed/held/agreed that

  许多问题: a host of/a number of problems

  引起人们注意:claim /call/attract general/public/world attention to sth.

  意识到:there is a growing awareness/realization of/that, awaken sb. to the fact/danger

  适应新的形势/变化:adapt/adjust/accommodate oneself to new environment/change


  underbid make a lower bid then smb else

  undermine weaken gradually, at the base, make smth under

  unfeigned not pretended, sincere

  unscathed unharmed, unhurt

  untoward unfortunate, inconvenient

  upbraid scold, reproach

  urbane polite, elegant




  1. 我们应该不遗余力地美化我们的环境。

  We should spare no effort to beautify our environment.

  2. 在建立个人网站前,先问问自己,为什么想要一网站,想要达到的目标是什么。

  Before you build a personal site, ask yourself why you want one, and what you want to accomplish.

  3. 在造访一个提供网站空间服务的网站时,你会看到种类繁多的方案可供选择,哪一种价位可以给你多少网络空间及多大的.传输流量。

  When you visit the site of a Web host, you’ll see a wide variety of plans-so much space and so much network traffic for so much money.

  4. 典型的网站包括图像、文字及图片,比较精心制作的网站还有动画、影像、声音和其他额外的内容。

  Web site typically contain graphics, texts and pictures, while more elaborate ones include animation, video, audio and other extras.

  5. 关于网站设计,有许多是很吸引人的,也有许多则令人泄气。

  There are many things about Web sites that are appealing and many that are just plain frustrating.

  6. Pizza came to the U. S. with Italian immigrants; the first U. S. pizzeria opened in 1905, and pizza became one of the nation’s favourite foods after World War Ⅱ。 It is now popular worldwide. (英译汉)



  1. 我们应该不遗余力地美化我们的环境。

  We should spare no effort to beautify our environment.

  2. 在建立个人网站前,先问问自己,为什么想要一网站,想要达到的目标是什么。

  Before you build a personal site, ask yourself why you want one, and what you want to accomplish.

  3. 在造访一个提供网站空间服务的网站时,你会看到种类繁多的方案可供选择,哪一种价位可以给你多少网络空间及多大的传输流量。

  When you visit the site of a Web host, you’ll see a wide variety of plans-so much space and so much network traffic for so much money.

  4. 典型的网站包括图像、文字及图片,比较精心制作的网站还有动画、影像、声音和其他额外的内容。

  Web site typically contain graphics, texts and pictures, while more elaborate ones include animation, video, audio and other extras.

  5. 关于网站设计,有许多是很吸引人的,也有许多则令人泄气。

  There are many things about Web sites that are appealing and many that are just plain frustrating.

  6. Pizza came to the U. S. with Italian immigrants; the first U. S. pizzeria opened in 1905, and pizza became one of the nation’s favourite foods after World War Ⅱ。 It is now popular worldwide. (英译汉)



  1. We should get into the habit of keeping good hours.


  2. The condition of our traffic leaves much to be desired.


  3. Smoking has a great influence on our health.


  4. Reading does good to our mind.


  5. Overwork does harm to health.


  6. Pollution poses a great threat to our existence.


  7. We should do our best to achieve our goal in life.


  8. Weather a large family is a good thing or not is a very popular topic, which is often talked about not only by city residents but by farmers as well.


  9. As is known to all, fake and inferior commodities harm the interests of consumers.


  10. Today an increasing number of people have realized that law education is of great importance. In order to keep law and order, every one of us is supposed to get a law education.

  现在,愈来愈多的人认识到法制教育的重要性。为了维护社会治安 ,我们每人都应该接受法制教育。









  1. 每天按照正常考试的时间要求去完成一篇issue和一篇argument作文, 所写的题目可以从高频题中去抽取题目。

  2. 自己写完后,找出范文,进行详细的对比,重点放在整体结构,句式变换,和主要论据的应用上,找出自己不足的地方,记录下来并时刻注意在考试的时候避免。好好分析总结,查漏补缺。



  1. GRE写作考试有题库:

  为了达到公*,ETS公布了它考试的所有写作题库,那么为了达到能和native speaker一起竞争,考生应该在考前对所有题目都进行预习(节约考试时的审题时间),并通过100-150个提纲的写作了解GRE写作的一般结构,通过30-50篇写作来练习自己的写作思路和表达。对题库中的题目越熟练,对考试越有利。

  2. GRE写作考试的评阅是计件工作制的:

  每个评卷人对你文章的评阅非常快,不可能对每个细节都很仔细地去看。考生应该迎合评卷人的评卷思路,用最规范的结构和最清晰的表达来体现自己的思路:首段要鲜明地提出观点,中间段落层次要拉开,每段的开始应该就是该段的topic sentence。

  3. GRE写作的评分是整体评分(holistic scoring):

  首先,从ETS公布的各分数段评分标准看,其评分主要注重以下三个方面:①、逻辑分析能力(要求insightful);②、文章的组织(要求well-organized);③、语言能力(要求standard written English; concise; varied structure等)。


  4. GRE写作两个部分在总分中的权重是一样的:













  1. 见到题目,能立即反应出大概从哪三点切入,这就是所谓的思路,没有思路才是写作的大忌。

  2. 准备好例子素材。一般来说,一篇作文至少要包含三个分论点,那么想出论点后就要立刻想出配套的例子,一定要在考前充实一些例子。例子一写,字数一下就上去了。

  3. 一定要举一返三。GRE作文很多题目看似不同,但本质上其实说的都是一个问题,把内容类似的题目放在一起复习,复习一个就等于复习好几个,这种举一反三的.做法可以大大提升复习效率。






  (2)例句:“Should We Learn to Do Housework?”的结尾是“Everyone should learn to do housework. Don’t you agree,boys and girls?”



  (2)例句:“Fishing”(钓鱼)的结尾是“I caught as many as twenty fish in two hours,but my brother caught many more. Tired from fishing,we lay down on the river bank,bathing in the sun. We returned home very late.”



  (2)例句:“I Cannot Forget Her”(我忘不了她)的结尾是“After her death,I felt as if something were missing in my life. I was sad over her passing away,but I knew she would not have had any reGREts at having given her life for the benefit of the people.”



  (2)例句:“A Day of Harvesting”(收割的日子)的结尾是“Evening came before we realized it. We put down our sickles and looked at each other. Our clothes were wet with sweat,but on every face there was a smile.”



  (2)例句:“I Love My Home Town”(我家乡)的结尾是“I love my home town,and I love its people. They too have changed. They are going all out to do more for the good of our motherland.”



  (2)例句:“Let’s Go in for Sports”(让我们参加体育运动)的结尾是“As we have said above,sports can be of GREat value. They not only make people live happily but also help people to learn virtues and do their work bettter. A sound mind is in a sound body. Let’s go in for sports.”


——高中英语写作开头段常用句型 (菁选3篇)



  [1] When asked about..., the vast/overwhelming majority of people say that …. But I think/view a bit differently.


  [2] When it comes to ...., some people believe that…. Others argue/claim that the opposite/reverse is true. There is probably some truth in both arguments/statements, but I tend to the former/latter.


  [3] Now, it is commonly/generally/widely believed/held/acknowledged that..... They claim/ believe/argue that ... But I wonder/doubt whether.....




  [1] Recently the rise in the problem/phenomenon of ... has cause/aroused public/popular/wide/ worldwide concern.


  [2] Recently the issue of the problem/phenomenon of ...has been brought into focus/into public attention.


  [3] Inflation/Corruption/Social inequality ... is yet another of the new and bitter truth we have to learn to face now/constantly.




  [1] "Knowledge is power." This is the remark made by Bacon. This remark has been shared by more and more people.


  [2] "Education is not complete with graduation." This is the opinion of a great American philosopher. Now more and more people share his opinion.


  [3] "...." We often hear statements/words like those/this.


  [4] We often hear such traditional complains as this "....".


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