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2020-12-27 21:02:22

 落实课程计划 体现学讲精神 优化教学过程 提高教学效率

  集 体 备 课 手 册







 写在前面的话 尊敬的老师:

 您好! 为贯彻徐教教研【2013】4号文件“学讲计划”精神,积极有效推进我区课堂教学改革,提高我区小学教学水平和教学质量,根据教育局文件,借鉴先进学校经验,结合我区实际,教研室研究决定:从2014年秋季开始,组织全区小学英语、科学、思品、音乐、体育、美术、健康、信息技术等学科带头人、骨干教师开展电子集体备课。为了使这种具有实效性的方法能够适应并促进小学课堂教学改革,就复备作进一步要求。





  复备栏(眉记)中的复备主要包括教学内容的增补、对原教案增删修改的分析说明、预见性意见及对策、对原教案中的教法、学法分析说明等。复备时注意与原教案中的修改标记相对应。复备需高度重视对教学过程及内容的修改、调整与补充。另外,原教案的字里行间 空白之处都可以作为复备的空间,不必拘泥于形式的要求。

 三、关于“教后笔记”的撰写 学期教后笔记次数不少于总课数的三分之一。教后笔记既要写出教学法、教学效果的总结、教学信息的反馈,更要体现对教法、学法等理性的分析。






 一、教材概况 小学《英语》六年级上册教材以《义务教育英语课程标准(2011年版)》规定的课程目标和教学要求为依据,在原有教材的基础上:进一步注重素质教育,全面渗透德育,有机融入社会主义核心价值体系;进一步面向全体学生,解决“内容偏多、要求偏高、难度偏大”的问题,切实减轻学生的课业负担;进一步设计教学目标,突出语言学习的实践性和应用性,有效地培养学生初步的语言能力和基本英语素质;进一步优化教学活动,激发学生的学习兴趣和求知欲,引导学生学会学习,使教材在思想性、科学性、趣味性和灵活性等方面更加符合课程改革的精神。

 二、体例结构 小学《英语》六年级上册教材以《义务教育英语课程标准(2011年版)》规定的课程目标和教学要求为依据,在原有教材的基础上:进一步注重素质教育,全面渗透德育,有机融入社会主义核心价值体系;进一步面向全体学生,解决“内容偏多、要求偏高、难度偏大”的问题,切实减轻学生的课业负担;进一步设计教学目标,突出语言学习的实践性和应用性,有效地培养学生初步的语言能力和基本英语素质;进一步优化教学活动,激发学生的学习兴趣和求知欲,引导学生学会学习,使教材在思想性、科学性、趣味性和灵活性等方面更加符合课程改革的精神。

 1、Story time:通过对话、短文、短剧等,帮助学生掌握基本的英语语言知识,发展基本的英语听、说、读、写技能,初步形成用英语与他人交流的能力,进一步促进思维能力的发展,同时提高学生的综合人文素养。为了体现不同年级不同学习要求,新教材在Story time板块从五年级开始增加了检测学生阅读理解能力的活动,帮助学生理解课文内容。

 2、Grammar time:本板块采用直观、易懂的图表形式,归纳和总结了句型等语法知识。通过对本单元新授词语和句型的归纳,帮助学生理解并初步掌握相关语法知识,引导教师宏观地把握本单元的主要语法内容。

 3、Fun time:这是句型操练板块。通过趣味性、互动性较强的语言实践活动,帮助学生熟练掌握Story time中呈现的主要词语和句型,以提高他们用英语进行简单交流的能力。

 4、Sound time:这是一个语音学习板块,通过含有英语字母或字母组合的歌谣,帮助学生了解字母在单词中的发音和简单的拼读规律。六年级上册教材中Sound time板块主要介绍了ar、ear、er、ir、oo等字母组合在单词中的基本读音以及陈述句和一般疑问句的语调。

 6、Culture/Song time:Culture time通过图文并茂的形式呈现与单元话题相关的文化内容,让学生了解更多中外文化和习俗的差别,开阔学生的视野,同时强化了学生对中国文化的认同感。而 Song time主要通过唱歌曲这一活动,激发学生的兴趣,帮助学生巩固所学内容,形成良好的语感,提高听说能力和思维能力。

 6、Checkout time:检测学生对本单元所学语言知识的掌握情况,同时帮助学生复习巩固所学主要内容,提高听、说、读、写能力。

 7、Ticking time:Ticking time 版块的功能在于通过自我评价,引导学生了解对本单元所学内容的掌握情况。它不单是一个单元的固定版块,更可以贯穿一课的很多环节,是相对比较灵活的,它的作用旨在提高学生进行自主学习、自主思考、自主评价,提高课堂教学效果和学生的学习效率。

    Learning tip通过简要的提示和说明,引导学生逐步掌握有效的学习方法,养成良好的学习习惯,提高学习效率;同时帮助学生了解一些英语基础知识在英语学习中需要注意的问题。


   小学《英语》六年级下册安排了Learning tips和Word lists两个附录。

 附录一Learning tips:对各单元中的Learning tips作简要说明。

   附录二Word lists:分Word list(Ⅰ)和Word list(Ⅱ)。

    Word list(Ⅰ)按照在单元中出现的先后次序列出单词和习惯用语。

    Word list(Ⅱ)按照英文字母顺序列出单词和习惯用语,并注明其在教科书中的出处。











 四、教学建议   1、 正确把握教学内容 (1) 在通读整册教材的的基础上,升入理解单元各板块内容(包括插图)以及它们在语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略、文化意识等五个方面的纵向和横向联系。了解教材的纵向联系有利于以旧引新、温故知新、逐步扩展、不断巩固。了解教材的横向联系有利于抓住关键、突出重点、点面结合、打好基础。

 (2) 着重掌握Story time 中的课文内容。Story time中的课文是整个单元的核心部分,其他板块都是围绕这一核心内容,以语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识等五个方面为教学目标设计的。因此备课时一定要做到整体理解课文,正确领会词句的含义及用法。

 (3) 预先熟悉Fun time、Checkout time等活动板块的内容和要求。Fun time、Checkout time等板块是活动版块,设置的目的是通过操练和运用,帮助学生内化语言知识,发展语言技能,且活动有一定的开放性和灵活性。

 (4) 根据教学的需要,在不影响教材完整性和系统性的前提下,可以对教材加以适当的取舍,也可以对部分内容和活动进行替换和调整。

 (5) 根据英汉两种语言的不同特点和所教学生的实际情况,确定整个单元的重点和难点,并思考突出重点、突破难点的方式方法。

 2、合理确定教学目标 教学目标是教学的出发点和归宿。各个学校可根据师资条件、资源配置、教学条件、学生的现有水平、课时安排等实际情况,考虑全面、适度、层次等方面。






 4、切实改进评价方式 每教完一个单元的主要内容之后,要根据Ticking time 自评框的要求,采用自我评价、同伴评价、个人和小组结合评价等多种方式,引导学生进行自我反思、自我调控。在评价的过程中,教师要尊重学生的个体差异,肯定学生的进步,把激励学生的学习兴趣和自信心作为主要目标,想方设法地让学习基础较好的学生更加充满信心,让学习有一定困难的学生找回失落的信心。

 附:对不同板块的再认识及相应教学建议 Story time:更注重整体的理解;更注重自主的学习;更注重连贯的思维和表达(要基于学生已有能力的基础上)。要突出“讲故事”,教学重点是理解,理解故事情节和内容;要引导学生观察故事中的人、物、环境;以指读方式适度关注故事中的文字;语音、词汇和语法不是故事教学的重点。

 Grammar time:语法板块不是教授图表,它包含在日常的单元整体教学过程中,应在情境中感知语法知识,在交际活动中模仿学习语法知识,在归纳小结中明确语法规则,形成语法意识,在说写训练中运用语法知识。不可操之过急,过于苛责和挖掘过深。

 Sound time:目前小学阶段不主张系统地教授音标。最有效的方法是直接模仿正确的发音,教师在课堂上应该让学生多听多模仿;培养自然拼读能力。当然,并不是绝对不能教音标,根据实际需要在合适的阶段(比如小学高年级、初中或高中)教授音标也是可以的,但一定要正确地把握音标和学音标的作用。

 Culture time:这一板块的目的是给学生更多的文化输入,教师可以通过图片、视频或短文拓展学生的视野,但是要把握好文化渗透的“角”和“度”,切记不要挖得太深。

 Cartoon time:这一板块是通过趣味卡通故事,帮助学生强化语言知识,训练语言技能,着重培养学生的阅读理解能力。与story的教学侧重是不同的,cartoon应该以学生的自读与自悟为主,更强调学生的自主性; 要设置不同的读后任务(可选择,多样化);不必刻意将卡通设计为一节课的主线(防止牵引学生,冲淡主题)。

  五、改进教学提高质量措施 1.课堂上尽量使用英语组织教学,做到持之以恒,由少积多,以助于创造英语气氛,养成学生听英语,用英语思维的习惯。









  五、教学进度 本学期完成六(上)教材内容

 小学六年级英语科教学计划 周次 课题 课时 教学目标 教学重点 1-2 Unit1

 The king’s new clothes 6 1.能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写词汇magic,clever,foolish,shout,point, laugh,wear,each,long long ago, one day, try on,clever/foolish people, walk through, point at,think of ,turn into。

 2.能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型There was/were... The king was happy. One day, two men visited the king. 3.能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语和句型He liked new clothes. What a beautiful clothes! A little boy pointed at the king and laughed. The king isn’t wearing any clothes! They fit well. 4.了解并掌握字母组合“ar”的发音。


 1、能听懂、会说、会读和会写词汇magic, clever, foolish, shout, point, laugh, wear, each, long long ago, one day, try on, clever/foolish people, walk through, point at, think of ,turn into。

 2、能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型There was/were... The king was happy. One day, two men visited the king 3-4 Unit 2

 What a day! 6 1.能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写词汇 sunny,show,weather,become,windy,cloudy,high,cloud,rain,rainy,meet,a parrot show, what a day。

 2.能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型It was sunny/windy/rainy/cloudy in the morning.The weather became...We went to...It was time for... 3.能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语和句型What a day!We saw some interesting parrots.We flew kites high in the sky.We were hungry and wet.I lost my kite. 4.了解字母组合“ear”的发音。


 1、能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写词汇sunny, show, weather, become,windy, cloudy, high, cloud, rain, rainy, meet, a parrot show, what a day。

 2、能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型It was sunny/windy/ rainy/cloudy in the morning. The weather became... We went to...It was time for... 5-6 Unit 3 Holiday fun 6 1.能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写词汇holiday,national,call,

 Bund,bottle,holiday fun,National Day,go well,at first。

 2.能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型Where did you go for the holiday? What did you do there? How was your holiday? Why did you call me?Did you catch any fish?

 3.能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语和句型It was fun.Because I I wanted to give you the fish.She is excited about the

 s show.What great fun!I went to Shanghai and visited my aunt.



 1、能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写词汇hholiday, national, call, Bund, bottle,holiday fun, National Day, go well, at first。

 2、能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型Where did you go for the holiday? What did you do there? How was your holiday? Why did you call me? Did you catch any fish? 7-8 Unit 4

 Then and now 6 1.能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写词汇then,ago,telephone, office,mobile phone,radio,news,yesterday,then and now,make friends,all over the world,go on,six years ago。

 2.能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型Six years ago,Mike could read and draw,but he could not write.Now he can do many things.What day is it today?It’s... 3.能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语和句型He used the telephone at home and in the office to call people.Now he has a mobile phone and he can call people anywhere. 4.了解并掌握字母组合“er”的发音。


 1.能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写词汇then,ago,telephone, office,mobile phone,radio,news,yesterday,then and now,make friends,all over the world,go on,six years ago。

 2.能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型Six years ago,Mike could read and draw,but he could not write.Now he can do many things.What day is it today?It’s... 3.初步了解一般过去时,能够表达自己或别人以前能做什么或不能做什么,先在可以做什么。

 10 Project1 A holiday album 3 能熟练掌握并使用1-4单元的重难点 1.掌握四会单词 2.掌握四会句型。

 11-12 Unit 5 Signs

 6 1.能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写词 汇sign, smoke, smell, danger,no eating or drinking, no littering, no parking, no smoking, wet floor, go in。

 2.能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型What does it mean? It means...No smoking. 3.能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语和句型Be careful,Tim. Is someone smoking? I can smell it. Do you want some juice? Bobby and Sam are on an outing in the forest.



 1.能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写词汇sign. smoke, smell, danger,no eating or drinking, no littering, no parking, no smoking, wet floor, go in。

 2.能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型What does it mean?

 It means...No littering /parking /No smoking. 13-14 Unit6 Keep our city clean

 6 1.能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写词汇keep, clean, make, air, dirty, smoke, rubbish, bin, plant, keep our city clean,,make the air dirty, the rubbish in t the water, take the bus。

 2.能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型What makes the air dirty? Smoke from cars makes the air dirty. What can we do keep our city clean?

  3.能听得懂、会说、会读日常交际用语和句型There’s rubbish in the water and the fish are dead.Well done, class!Your dies are great.We can move...away from...Do you throw rubbish on the floor? 4.能初步掌握英语升、降调的读法,语调自然。


 1.能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写词汇keep, clean, make, air, dirty, smoke, rubbish, bin, plant, keep our city clean,,make the air dirty, the rubbish in t the water, take the bus。

 2.能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型What makes the air dirty?Smoke from cars makes the air dirty.What can we do keep our city clean?


 15-16 Unit7 Protect the Earth

 6 1.能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写词汇protect,Earth,save, useful,use,waste,much,drive,save water/trees,too much

 /many,use/waste water,protect the Earth,make tables。

 2.能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型We drink water and use water to clean things every day.We should use...We should not use... 3.能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语和句型Most of our energy comes from coal and oil.Water is useful.Let me draw the

 EEarth first.I think it’s really cool.That looks nice! 4.了解并掌握字母组合“oo”的发音。


 1.能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写词汇protect,Earth,save, useful,use,waste,much,drive,save water/trees,too much

 /many,use/waste water,protect the Earth,make tables。

 2.能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型We drink water and use water to clean things every day.We should use...We should not use... 3.了解并掌握字母组合“oo”的发音。


 17-18 Unit 8 Chinese New Year 6 1.能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写词汇excited,food,fireworks ,firecracker,rich,Chinese New Year’s Eve,red packet,ao lion dance,watch ireworks,Chinese New Year’s Day. 2.能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型What are you going to do at/on...?I’m going to... 3.能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语和句型I’m very excited.

 C On Chinese New Year’s Day,my parents are going to give m me red packets. I

  E I’m rich now. Hooray!Yummy!



 1.能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写词汇excited,food,fireworks ,firecracker,rich,Chinese New Year’s Eve,red packet,ao lion dance,watch ireworks,Chinese New Year’s Day. 2.能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型What are you going to do at/on...?I’m going to... 3.了解并掌握字母组合“oo”的发音。


  9 Project2 Reuse and recycle 2 能熟练掌握5-8单元的重难点 1.四会单词 2.握四会句型。




 录 Unit1 The king’s new clothes…………………………………………….6

  Unit2 What a day……………………………………………………….. …16

 Unit 3 Holiday fun…………………………………………………….. …26

 Unit 4 Then and now………………………………………………………. 36

 Project1 A holiday album…………………………………………………46

 Unit 5 Signs……………………………………… ………………….. …48

 Unit6 Keep our city clean……………………………………………..…58

  Unit7 Protect the Earth…………………………………………………68

 Unit 8 Chinese New Year…………………………………………………78

 Project2 Reuse and recycle ………………………………………………88

 Learning tips………………………………………………………………90

 Word lists…………………………………………………………………92

 Unit 1

 The king’s new clothes 一 单元教学内容简析:


 2、在教学过程中,教师可以和学生一起复习学生用书三年级上册Unit 4 和学生用书四年级下册Unit 6的服装类词汇,导入故事。教师也可以准备一些有关西方宫廷服饰的照片和学生一起分享。


 二 单元教学要求:

 1. 能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写词汇magic,clever,foolish,shout,point,laugh,wear,each,long long ago, one day,try on,clever/foolish people,walk through,point at,think of ,turn into。

 2、能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型There was/were... The king was happy. One day,two men visited the king. 3、能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语和句型He liked new clothes.What a beautiful clothes! A little boy pointed at the king and laughed.The king isn’t wearing any clothes! They fit well. 4、了解并掌握字母组合“ar”的发音。


 三 单元教学重难点:

  1、能听懂、会说、会读和会写词汇magic,clever,foolish,shout,point,laugh,wear,each,long long ago, one day,try on,clever/foolish people,walk through,point at,think of ,turn into。

 2、能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型There was/were... The king was happy. One day,two men visited the king. 四 单元教学安排:


 第一课时Story time

  第二课时 Grammar time and Fun time

 第三课时Sound time, Cartoon time and Culture time.

  第四课时Checkout time and Ticking time

 第五课时 单元检测

 第六课时 复习讲评

  Unit 1The King’s new clothes

 The first period 一 教学内容:Story time

 二 教学目标:

 1、能听懂、会读、会说: king, clothes, was, were, magic, clever, foolish, walk through, people, shout, beautiful, wear, point at, laugh.

 2、 能听懂、会读、会说句型: Clever people can see the clothes. Foolish people can’t see them. The king isn’t wearing any clothes. 3、 能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试表演对话。


 三 教学重、难点:

  教学重点:1. 单词clothes, foolish, wearing的发音。

 2. 描述服装的形容词。

 3. 故事中人物语气的朗读。



 四 教学准备:

 挂图,卡片,PPT 五、预习作 业:




 教学设计(主备) 复备 Step1.Learning aims(1分钟) 1. 能听懂、会读、会说: king, clothes, was, were, magic, clever, foolish, walk through, people, shout, beautiful, wear, point at, laugh.

 2. 能听懂、会读、会说句型: Clever people can see the clothes. Foolish people can’t see them. The king isn’t wearing any clothes. 3. 能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试表演对话。

 4. 让学生体验故事表演的快乐,明白为人要诚实,待人要真诚。

 Step2.Warm-up(3分钟) Free talk T: Welcome to school. Nice to see you again. We have a happy summer holiday. What do you often do on Sundays? What did you do in the summer holiday?


  I played football. I … Step3. Pre-reading(3分钟) 1. Talk about our clothes and learn “clothes” Ss: It’s your coat. T: What is it ? 出示各种衣服图片 What are they? 引出clothes 2. Know about the king

  (learn “king”) 出示国王图片 T:Who is he? How do you know?

 Are his clothes beautiful? Step4.While-reading(15分钟) 1.Watch the cartoon and guess the name of the story. 2.Fast reading. Read the story individually and try to find out: 1)the time: When did the story happen?

 (Learn: long long ago, was, were) 2)the main characters: Who are in the story?

 3. learn Paragraph 1. show picture 1 1)Listen and answer:

 Why did the two men visit the king? What did they say? (pay attention to the pronunciation of the words: liked, visited) 2)Read it together.

 4. learn Paragraph 2. 1)read and complete the following sentence: According to the two men, the king’s new clothes are

  . Because .(learn: magic, clever, foolish) Listen and repeat.


 2) Try to act the two men.

 5.Paragraph 3 and 4: read in pairs/groups and act.

 1) The king walked through the city in his new clothes.

 Learn: walk through.

 2) What did the people say? Try to act and say.

 3) What did the boy say? Try to act and say 4) Learn the new words: shout, point at, laugh.

 And pay attention to the pronunciation of the words: looked, shouted, pointed, laughing 5) What do you think of the boy and the people in the street? Why? 启示学生做个有诚实的人 6.Read and finish the exercise.

 1)Read and do the exercise.P8. 2)Check.

 3)Read the whole story together.


 Step5.Post-reading(9分钟) 1.Act the story in groups.

 2.Try to retell. 指导学生根据提示或看图复述故事。

 Step6.Checkout(8分钟) 《课课练》相应内容。






 Step7.Homework(1分钟) Listen to the story 5 times. Tell the story to parents.

 Blackboard design:

 Unit 1 The king’s new clothes The king liked the new clothes. The two men made and showed the new clothes.


 foolish The king showed the his new clothes in the city. The boy told the truth.

  Unit 1 The King’s new clothes

  The second period 一 教学内容:Grammar time and Fun time 二 教学目标:




 三 教学重、难点:

  教学重点& 教学难点:过去式的规则和读音

 四 教学准备:

 挂图,卡片,小动物的头饰,PPT 教学设计(主备) 复备 Step1.Learning aims(1分钟) 1.学生能掌握动词过去式的规则。



 Step2.Revision(5分钟) 1.Revise the words and phrase clever, foolish, laugh, point at, shout.

 (Pay attention to the spelling ) 2. T: Last class we learnt a story about a king and his new clothes. Look at the boy.

 He pointed at the king and laughed. Why? T: Yes. The king was foolish. Do you like the story? Let’s read the whole story together. S: Because the king wasn’t wearing any clothes.

 Step3. Grammar time(15分钟) 1. T: From the story we know Long long ago, there was a king. The king liked new clothes. Who can read the words and sentences like this. 教师示范朗读,纠正发音,学生练习读。

 板书is-was, like- liked。

 2.T: Let’s read in groups. Divide the class into groups of four. They should read the sentences loudly. 呈现Grammar time中的句子, 学生在小组里读一读。

 Underline the words was, were, visited, liked, looked, pointed shouted, laughed.划出句中的动词过去式。

 try to read these words correctly 学生组内朗读,互相纠正读音。

 Report. 小组代表发言总结。


 long longago, one day。补充:yesterday, last night, three days ago。

 2)Be动词在一般过去时中的变化:am 和is在一般过去时中变为was。⑵are在一般过去时中变为were 教师总结。


   1.一般在动词末尾加-ed,如:point-pointed, shout-shouted 2.以不发音的e结尾加-d,如:like-liked

 live-lived 4) 过去式“-ed”的发音规则  (1)动词词尾为“t,d”时,发/ id /音,  want →wanted (要)need →needed (需要)  (2)动词词尾为清辅音时,发/ t / 音。  help →helped (帮助)laugh →laughed (笑)look →looked (看)  kiss →kissed (吻)wash →washed (洗) watch →watched (注视)  (3)动词词尾为t,d以外之浊辅音或元音时,发/ d /音。  call →called (叫)stay→stayed(停留)cry→cried(哭)



  Step4.Fun time(6分钟) Pair work.学生两人一组进行对话练习。

 act the dialogues. Step5.Consolidation(12分钟) T: Now boys and girls, you can read and act the story. Let’s try to write the story, OK? 1. Look and say 根据关键词复述故事。

 Pic.1 Log long ago, there was … He liked … One day… visited … The king was … Pic.2 The two men showed … Clever people… Foolish people … Pic.3 The king walked through … There were … They looked at …shouted … Pic.4 A little boy pointed …laughed …

 2. Choose one picture to write. 选择一幅图写一写。



  Blackboard design:

 Unit 1 The king’s new clothes

 laugh---- laughed

  like ---liked


  walk---walked live---lived

 shout---shouted show---showed


 Unit 1 Unit 1 The King’s new clothes

 The third period 一 教学内容 Sound time, Cartoon time and Culture time. 二 教学目标:


 2、能正确理解、朗读Cartoon time中的故事,能读懂其中的趣味之处,能在教师的指导下表演故事。



 三 教学重难点:


 2、能正确理解、朗读Cartoon time中的故事,能读懂其中的趣味之处,能在教师的指导下表演故事。



 2、能正确读出字母组合ar发音 四 教学准备:

 挂图,卡片,PPT 教学设计(主备) 复备 Step1.Learning aims(1分钟) 1.1、能正确读出字母组合ar发音,并能够体会小诗的韵脚。

 2、能正确理解、朗读Cartoon time中的故事,能读懂其中的趣味之处,能在教师的指导下表演故事。



 Step2.Presentation(18分钟) 1.Review the text Who can retell the story? 学生根据提示复述Storytime. (Long long ago, there was a king. One day, two men visited the king. They can make new clothes for the king. The two men showed the king his new clothes. The clothes are magic. Clever people can see them and foolish people can’t see them. The king walked through the city in his new clothes. A lot of people looked at the king and shouted. But one little boy pointed at the king. He laughed and said: The king doesn’t wear any clothes.) 2.Look and say(Sound time)

  T:Look at the picture.

 Who is he? Ss: He is Mike. T:What did he get?(提醒学生回答时注意使用动词的过去式) S: He got a card from Mark. T:What did the card say? S: Come to my party at half past four in the park. S: Mike got a card from Mark. The card said: Come to my party at half past four in the park.

 T: Try to listen and read it. 学生跟读录音,模仿语音语调。

 ar: arm, card, hard, park, party T: Can you find some other words?

 3.Look and match(Culture time) 引导学生通过图片了解美国牛仔和苏格兰短裙并教学 An American cowboy A Scottish man 跟读:This is an American cowboy. He’s wearing jeans. This is a Scottish man. He’s wearing a kilt.

 4.Look and say.(Cartoon time) 播放动画,引导学生初步了解人物: Miss Fox and her students

 Watch the cartoon again and answer: What do Miss Fox and her students say? 指导学生读准单词:mountain There was a mountain. There was a house on the mountain. An old man and a little boy lived in the house. Talk in groups: Why do they say that? They tell a story. 指导学生小组讨论

 Step3. Practice(5分钟) 1. Watch and read 2. Read in groups



  Step4.Production(6分钟) T:Try to tell the story in groups. Each student says one sentence. Long long ago, there was a mountain. There was a house on the mountain. An old man and a little boy lived in the house. The old man told the boy a story. … Step5.Checkout(9分钟) *辨音 hard

  arm (



  are (

 ) square





 ) **《课课练》相应内容。

 Step6.Homework(1分钟) ★跟录音熟读书本P11-P13。


 ★★★尝试复述Cartoon time。

  Blackboard design:

 Unit 1 The king’s new clothes

  ar----/ a:/






  a story :

  Long long ago, there was a mountain.

  There was a house on the mountain.

  An old man and a little boy lived in the house.

  The old man told the boy a story.


 Unit 1 The King’s new clothes

 The fourth period 一 教学内容 Checkout time and Ticking time 二 教学目标:

 1、 按要求掌握本单元单词、句型和日常用语。




 5、通过Checkout time以及Ticking time的学习来评价自己本单元的学习情况。

 三 教学重难点:






 加强语言输出的训练,促进综合语言运用能力的提升 四


 挂图,卡片,PPT 教学设计(主备) 复备 Step1.Learning aims(1分钟) 1. 按要求掌握本单元单词、句型和日常用语。

 2. 理解过去式的用法,掌握单词的正确读音并能正确运用。

 3. 能够在表演和复述故事的过程中体会语言的运用。

 4. 掌握字母组合“ar”的发音规则。

 5.通过Checkout time以及Ticking time的学习来评价自己本单元的学习情况。

  Step2.Presentation(16分钟) Task1:Review Story time 小组内尝试复述故事。

 Task2:Review Cartoon time 1.Act out Cartoon time.

 2. Finish some exercise about past tense

 Task3:Checkout time A: Read and write 教师引导学生看图回答。

 1. What’s in the forest? 2. What did the old man do? 3. What were the requirements (要求)for the lion? 4. Who is the lion? 1. 学生根据图片内容回答,并学习新词forest, angry, pick, turn into, prince 2. Try to finish the story 指导学生完成书本填空,并巡视检查。

 3. 组内讨论并校对订正。


 4. Read the story in groups Step3.Practice(6分钟) B: Circle and say 1. 完成书本练习。


 2. Prepare your own story and tell your story in groups. 教师评价。

 Step4.Production(6分钟) 1.小组合作完成Ticking time

 2.教师指导学生小组合作根据本单元学习情况完成Ticking time并做好统计。

 Step5.Checkout(10分钟) 《课课练》相应内容。




 Step6.Homework(1分钟) ★抄写本单元词组英3中1,并默1。


  Unit 1 The King’s new clothes

 The fifth period 教学内容:revision 教学目标:











 教学设计(主备) 复备 Unit1 单元练习

 听力部分(30分) 一、 听录音,选择你所听到的单词或词组。(10分) 1. (


 A. clean

  B. clever

 C. class

 D. classroom 2. (


 A. king

  B. boy

 C. people

  D. man 3. (


 A. liked

  B. visited

 C. showed

 D. walked 4. (


 A. jacket

 B. wear

 C. kilt

  D. jeans 5. (


 A. short

  B. long

 C. ago

  D. got 6. (


 A. happy

 B. new

 C. old

  D. make 7. (


 A. laugh

  B. foolish

 C. cry

  D. shout 8. (


 A. new clothes

 B. magic clothes

  C. make clothes

 D. like clothes 9. (


 A. try on

  B. point to

  C. shout at

  D. look at 10(


 A. looked

 B. lived

  C. liked

  D. laughed 二、 给下列所听到的句子排序。(5分) 1. (

 ) All the people said:“ What beautiful clothes!” 2. (

 ) He likes new clothes. 3. (

 ) But a boy laughed:“The king isn’t wearing any clothes.” 4. (

 ) The two men made the new clothes for the king. 5. (

 ) Long long ago , there was a king. 三、根据所听到问句选择合适的答句。(5分) 1. (


 A. Yes, there wasn’t

  B. No. there was.

 C. Yes, there was. 2. (


 A. Yes, I am

 B. Oh yes,They fit well. C. No, I don’t. 3. (


 A. We like English and Chinese.

  B. I don’t like Art.

  C. I like toy monkeys. 4. (


 A. Do you like spring?

  B. M e too.

  C.I don’t like spring. 5. (


 A. No, I don’t.

 B. Yes, there were.

 C. No, there are. 四、听录音,完成下列短文。(10分) One

  Mr. and Mrs. White went

  shopping by car. They stopped their car near a store. They bought a lot of

 and they

  to put the things in the car. But Mr. White

 open the door of the car, so they


  to help them. The policeman is very

  to help them. Just then a man came up and

  : “What are you

 with my car?”

  笔试部分(70分) 一、 单词辨音,判断读音是否相同,相同的打“√ ” ,不同的打“×”(8分) 1.long

 point (


 2. laugh

 afternoon (

 ) 3. arm

  art (


  4. start



 ) 5. flower

  show (


 6. shout

  house (

 ) 7. through



  8. try

 party (

 ) 二、 词组翻译(10分) 1.皇帝的新装

 2. 很久以前

 3. 一天

  4. 给国王看他的新衣服


  6. 聪明人




  10. 指着

 词型转换(8分) 1. He lived in the new house. He _________ (be) happy .

 2. The king isn’t wearing _____________ (some) clothes. 3. The ___________ (man) like drinking_________(some) milk. 4. One day, they __________ (be ) at school. They walked through the playground. 5. He _______(look ) at the pictures and _________(laugh) two days ago. 6、Long long ago, the old man ______(tell) the boy this story

 三、 句子翻译(24分) 1.很久以前,有一个国王。他喜欢新衣服。



 ______, there ______ a king. He _________

 new __________. 2.国王什么衣服也没穿。

 The king isn’t _________ ___________ clothes. 3.一天,两个男人拜访了国王。

 One day, two__________ __________ the king. 4.愚蠢的人看不见它们. __________ ____________ can’t see ___________. 5.大街上有许多人。(过去时) There __________ a lot of ________ in the __________. 6.每位学生说一个句子。

 _________ ________ says one ____________. 7.轮到你了。

 It’s __________ _______________. 8.我们只能重新开始这个故事。

 We ______ _______ start the story ______ 四、 按要求改句子。(10分) 1. There was a king.(改成一般疑问句)

 2. We can make new clothes for you. (改成一般疑问句)

  3. The two men showed the king his new clothes.(同义句)

 4. city 、the 、king、walked、the、in、clothes、through、his(连词成句)

 _________________________________________________________________. 5. are、a、Miss、her、playing、students、Fox、and、game(连词成句) _______________________________________________________. 五、 阅读理解(10分) (A) Hello, I am Chen Jie. I had a nice Sunday. The weather was fine. In the morning, I watched TV with my sister. Then I helped my mother wash clothes and clean the room. In the afternoon, I went to my friend Ma Li’s home. It was her birthday. There were eight children there. We sang, danced, ate good food and took many cool pictures. Everybody was very happy.


  ) 1.What day was it?

 A. It was Sunday.

  B. It was Saturday. (

  ) 2.What’s the weather like? A. It was rainy.

  B. It was fine. (

  ) 3.What did Chen Jie do in the morning?

 A. She watched TV.

  B. She read a book.


  ) 4. Today was _____birthday.

 A. Chen Jie’s

  B. Ma Li’s (

  ) 5.How many children were there?

 A. There were eight.

 B. There were seven. (B) There are seven days in a week . They are Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday . Sunday is the first day of the week . In Sunday , I am playing cards with my friends . Monday is the second . We are walking to school . Tuesday is the third . I often do my homework . Wednesday is the fourth . We are flying kites in the park . Thursday is the fifth . We do my math . Friday is the sixth . We are working hard at school . Saturday is the seventh . We are having fun together . (

   )1.There are _____ days in a week .   A. six                    B. five            C. seven ( 

  )2.What is the first day of a week ?          . A. Monday              B. Saturday          C. Sunday (  

 ) 3.What am I doing in Tuesday ?          . A. do my homework .      B. fly kites .  C. do my math . (  

 )4. The fifth day of a week is        . A. Friday                B. Thursday          C. Wednesday (

   )5. In Saturday , we are            .     A. doing my homework  

 B. flying kites

  C. having fun together

 Unit 1 The King’s new clothes

  The sixth period


 test 教学目标:


 2. 通过讲评这份练习卷,能更充分地了解学生,以及存在的问题,,从而在以后的教学中能更好的因材施教。




 教具准备:试题 教学设计(主备) 复备 Step 1: 自主纠错(5分钟)

  Step 2: 合作交流(5分钟)


  Step 3: 提出问题与讲解点拨 (师、生)(20分钟)

  针对学生答题情况,做相应板书并评讲 Step4 总结归纳以及检测反思(10分钟) 1. 订正错题至错题集。


 2. 预习Unit2 Story time。

  Blackboard design: 板书根据学生情况随机书写

  Unit2 What a day! Ⅰ. Teaching contents

  Sound: Letter ear pronounced in words. Vocabulary: sunny, show, interesting, weather, become, windy, cloudy, high, sky, bring, honey, drink, ant, bee, cloud, rain, rainy, meet, lose, know, What happened? ,climb up, hold onto, fly away

  Daily English &Sentence pattern: It was… We saw/flew/brought…What happened? What did you do?

  Topic: A day out. Ⅱ.Analysis of teaching material

  The main topic of this unit is about a day out. The language item is the past tense. Teachers can use real objects or actions to teach Ss in vivid situations. Thus Ss can understand the new language item easily and quickly. They can also use it correctly in communication and exercises. Ⅲ.Teaching aims 1.Ss can understand, speak, read and write the words: sunny, show, interesting, weather,become,windy,cloudy,high,sky,bring,honey,drink,ant,bee,cloud,rain,rainy, meet, lose, know, What happened?, climb up, hold onto, fly away 2. Ss can understand, speak and read and use daily English and sentence patterns: It was… We saw/flew/brought…What happened? What did you do? 3. Ss know the sound / iE / pronounced in words.

  4. Ss can check themselves.

 IV. Teaching important points:

  No. 1,2,3 listed in aims. Ⅴ.Teaching difficult points

 No. 1,2 listed in aims. Ⅵ. Teaching periods:

  Period 1: Story time

  Period 2: Grammar time& Fun time

  Period 3 Cartoon time & Sound time& Song time Period 4: Checkout time& Ticking time

  Period 5: Test Period 6: 讲评

 Topic Unit 2 What a day!

 Period 1 Teaching contents:

 Story time Teaching aims:

 1.Students can read, understand the diary. 2.Students get to know some new words in the story: cloudy, windy, rainy, sunny, went, became, flew, brought, could, wet. 3.Students try to make a dialogue according to the diary. 4.Students can know the time sequence and the weather change in the diary. Important and difficult points:

 Know the irregular past tense verbs. Make a dialogue by the diary. Teaching and learning aids:

 A tape-recorder

 CAI Teaching Procedures 复备

 Step1 Warming-up 1. What day is it today? What date is it? How’s the weather today? What did you do yesterday? Did you...?Ss ask me the same questions:I went to the supermarket with my daughter. Learn:went Step2 Presentation 1、 Where did Su Hai and her friends go? Let’s listen to the tape.

 (They went to the park.)

 2、What did they do in the park? Let’s listen to the tape again.(They saw some interesting parrots and flew kites. ppt教saw,parrot,flew) 3.listen to the tape the third time.What else happened in the park?

 4.Order the sentences: a They saw some interesting parrots in the park. g It rained. b They were hungry and wet. c The children went to the park by bike. f The weather became windy and cloudy. d They flew kites in the park. e They saw ants and bees on their lunch. 5.精讲课文, ppt一幅幅出示故事图片和课文,要再打出以下生词:

 Picture1:sunny, went Picture2:parrot, saw Picture3:weather, became, windy, cloudy, flew, sky Picture4:brought, dumpling, honey Picture5:saw, could Picture6:clouds, rained, wet 6.Choose 1. What date was it? A. Sunday

  B. 20th September

 date 2. Was it sunny all the day? A. Yes, it was.

 B. No, it wasn’t.

  sunny 3. What did they see in the park? A. Some parrots.

 B. Some butterflies.

 parrot 4. What did they bring for lunch?

  bring A. Some dumplings.

  B. Some rice.


 5. Did they have lunch in the park? A. Yes, they did.

 No, they didn’t.

 Step3 Consolidation 1.True or Fause(书上P18) It rained all day on 20th September. ______

 rained The children saw a parrot show. ______ They flew kites in the park. ______

  flew They brought lunch to the park. ______

 brought They were hungry because they did not have lunch. ______ 2.Play a game:Brain storm go-went,





 can-could Lose-lost



  read read Put-put




 1. Read the diary fluently to your family or your friends. 2. Look at the pictures and try to retell the diary.

 Blackboard design:

 Unit 2 What a day!


 Topic Unit 2 What a day! Period 2 Teaching contents:Grammar time and Fun time Teaching aims:

 1. To understand the irregular past tense verbs . 2. To know the past tense. 3.To use the past tense to play the game. 4.To use the past tense to know what the others did by doing the survey.

 Important and difficult points:

 Past tense and irregular verbs. Use the past tense to play the game and do the survey. Teaching and learning aids:

 Word cards


 Teaching Procedures 复备 Step 1 Warming-up What’s the weather like today?Is it windy/cloudy/sunny today? Did you read Yang Ling’s diary yesterday evening?What did you do yesterday evening? Step 2 Revision 1. What was the weather like yesterday? It was ...

  2. Play a game: magic eyes

  3. Read Yang Ling’s diary and answer: How did the weather change? First, it was________. Then, it was ____________________. In the afternoon, it was__________.

  2. Retell the diary

  Look at the pictures and try to retell the diary. Step 3 Grammar time 1. This is a diary. Diary 应该用什么时态呢? 一般过去式:过去发生的事情。

 2. Read and find the rules of grammar (1) Read the sentences about weather. Rule: 用be动词was.

  Do some exercises.

  (2) Read the sentences with verbs. Rule: 都有动词,都是不规则


 Learn the irregular verbs:

  Learning tip: 遇到有动词的过去时,无论主语是谁,动词都是+ed/d,或者是不规则的。

 Do some exercises.

 Step4 Practice and consolidation 1. Do some exercises about the grammar Check the answers.

  2. Try to change the sentence tense.

  3. Play the game: Make sentences by picking the pictures.

  4. Do the survey:

 What did you/your family(father/mother/...) do last weekend?


 1. Finish the exercises U2 Period 2 on your workbook.

  2. Retell the diary to your family well. Blackboard design:

  Unit 2 What a day!


 1. It was + sunny/cloudy/... 2. 不规则动词过去式

  Topic Unit 2 What a day! Period 3 Teaching contents:Cartoon time Song time and Sound time Teaching aims:

 1. Know the sound of ‘ear’ . 2. Students can sing the song ‘Rain, rain, go away’. 3. Students can understand, read and act out the cartoon.

 Important and difficult points:

 The sound of ‘ear’, The song ‘Rain, rain, go away’, The cartoon. Teaching and learning aids:

 A tape-recorder

  Sentence cards

  Teaching Procedures 复备 Step1 Warming-up 1.Review the diary and retell it.Look at the pictures and retell the diary in groups and have a competition.

 2.Free talk: What did you and your family do last Mid-Autumn Festival?

 I/ My father/ mother/ ...ed ... Step2 Sound time 1.What holiday is it?

  -- New Year’s Day. 2.What else do you know from this picture? 3.Read the sentences and learn the new phrases:The New Year is nearly here. Let's cheer together, my dear! 4.Can you read the sound of ‘ear’? 5.Read the sentences by yourself emotionally. 6. Read some new words: fear, tear, clear, earphones, beard

 Step 3Cartoon time 1.What can you read from the picture? 2.Watch the cartoon and answer the questions:

 (1) Bobby looks so sad. What’s the matter with him?

 (= What happened to him?)

 Watch and answer:

 He lost his new kite. (lose的过去式) 3.Read and order:

 What happened to his new kite? 4.Read and act:

  (1) Picture 1

 T: How does Bobby feel? S: He feels sad and depressed(沮丧的). T: Who can try to read the sentences.

  Act out this picture in pairs.

  (2) Picture 2

 T: How does Sam feel?

  S: He feels worried(担心的).

  T: Who can try to read the sentences. T: How does Bobby feel?

  S: He still feels sad . T: Who can try to read the sentences.

  Act out this picture in pairs.

  (3) Picture 3

  T: How does Sam feel?

  S: He feels curious(好奇的).

  T: Who can try to read the sentences.

  T: How does Bobby feel?

  S: He feels very very sad .

  T: Who can try to read the sentences.

  Act out it in pairs.

  (4) Picture 4

  T: How does Sam feel?

  S: He feels concerned(关心的) and relieved(释然的).

  T: Who can try to read the sentences.

  T: How does Bobby feel?

  S: He feels very very happy .

  T: Who can try to read the sentences.

  Act out it in pairs.

 (4) Act out the whole story in groups.

 Let’s have a competition. Which groups can get the best actors award? 1. Read the cartoon 2. What do you think of Sam/ Bobby? Step4 Song time 1. Listen to the song and enjoy it. 2. Listen to the song again and answer: Why does Johnny say ‘rain, rain, gaway’?

  He wants to play.

 3.Learn the song.


 1. Finish the exercises U2 Period 3 on your workbook. 2. Recite the cartoon well. Blackboard design:

 Unit 2 What a day!


  dear, hear, near, year


  flew kites, it wasn’t windy.

 climbed up the hill, it was windy.

 flew too high, flew away.


 found it near the hill. Backsight:

 Topic Unit 2 What a day! Period 4 Teaching contents:Checkout time

 Teaching aims:

 1.Students can listen to the dialogue and choose the right answer. 2.Students can use the past tense to write a diary.Students can give a reasonable self-appraisal. Important and difficult points:

 To use the past tense to write a diary. To listen and choose. Teaching and learning aids:

 A tape-recorder

  A wall draft

  Teaching Procedures 复备 Step1 Review 1. Retell the diary: What a day! 2. Review the cartoon.

  (1) Read and answer:What's the matter with Bobby?Why does he look so sad?

  (2) Act the cartoon. 3.Free talk: What did you do last Saturday?What did your friend, ... do last Saturday?What was the weather like last Saturday? Step 2 Listen and choose 1.Listen and choose 2.Check the answers 3.Read the dialogue 4.What about you? What did you do last Sunday? Talk about with your partners.

 5.Present your last Sunday. Step3 Think and write 1.What did you do with your family or friends last Sunday?

 Try to finish the diary.

 T gives an outline about a diary.

  Students try to say as many as they can to introduce the weather, what they or their family or friends did and how they felt last Sunday.

 2.Try to write down what they talked about. 3.Give a presentation and the teacher and the other students appraise or correct it. Step4 Consolidation 1.Read another diary and try to write a mind map. 2.Retell the diary according to the mind map that you draw. 3.Do some exercises about the past tense. 4.Ticking time: appraise yourself.


 1. Finish the exercises Period 4 on your workbook. 2. Finish your diary. 3. Preview U3 Story time.

  Blackboard design:

  Unit 2 What a day!

 Sunday, sunny/...

  Today, I was happy/...!

 There was/were ... I/... ...ed ... Backsight:

  Topic Unit 2 What a day! Period 5 Teaching contents:

 Revision Teaching aims:

 1.Students know some new words in the story: cloudy, windy, rainy, sunny, went, became, flew, brought, could, wet. 2.Students try to make a dialogue according to the diary. 3.Students can know the time sequence and the weather change in the diary 4.To know the past tense.

 Important and difficult points:

 Students try to make a dialogue according to the diary. Students can know the time sequence and the weather change in the diary

 Teaching and learning aids:

 A tape-recorder

  Two small blackboards

 Teaching Procedures 复备 Step 1 Review

 1. Ask some Ss to read the words of Unit2. 2. Ask some Ss to dictate the phrases of Unit2. 3. Ask some Ss to recite the story time according to the key words: sunny, went parrot, saw ,weather, became, windy, cloudy, flew,

 sky,clouds, rained, wet,saw, could brought, dumpling, honey Step 2 Free take 1. What day is it today? What date is it?How’s the weather today? What did you do yesterday?Did you...?

 2. write down the past tense of the following words. go______see _______become________ come______ fly _____bring ______can ______am________

 is________ are________ say______ tell__________ do_______get________pick______rain________ show_______give_________ 3.Review the rules

 4. Ss read the sentences themselves, then fill in the blanks. This afternoon, I _______(get) a card

  From my good friend Mark.It _______(say),Come to my party At half past four in the park. It _____( is)sunny,I______(play)basketball in the playground. Step 3 Ticking time

  1. Ss can understand the story time and tell the story to their parents. 2. Ss can use the past tense. 3. Ss can read and write the words of Unit2. 4. Ss know the pronunciation/ iE /. Step 4Homework 1. Review the contents of Unit2. 2.Read the words and sentences of sound time correctly.


 1. Review the contents of Unit2. 2.Read the words and sentences of sound time correctly. Blackboard design:

 Unit 2 What a day!

  Sunday, sunny/... Today, I was happy/...! There was/were ... I/... ...ed .. Backsight:

 Topic Unit 2 What a day! Period 6 Teaching contents:

 Exercises Teaching aims:

 1. Ss can pronounce the sound/ a: / in words correctly.

  2. Ss can do some exercises with what they learned in this unit. Important and difficult points:

 Ss can pronounce the sound/ a: / in words correctly. Teaching and learning aids:

 A tape-recorder

  Sentence cards

 Some sound cards

  Some small blackboards Teaching Procedures 一、英汉互译 1. 在早晨___________________ 鹦鹉表演_________________ 2.一些有趣的鹦鹉_____________在空中_____________________ 3.指向那个国王________________风筝放的很高______________ 4.  20th September________________What a day! _______________- 5. what happened_________________climb up the hill______________ 二、选择 (

 )1. What date was it?

 A. Sunday

  B. 20th September


 )2. Was it sunny all the day?

 A. Yes, it was.

 B. No, it wasn’t.


 )3. What did they see in the park?

  A. Some parrots. B. Some butterflies.


 )4. What did they bring for lunch?

 A. Some dumplings. B. Some rice.


 )5. Did they have lunch in the park?

  A. Yes, they did.

 No, they didn’t.


 Sunday, 20th


 sunny in the morning. Su Hai, Mike, Liu Tao and I

  to the park by bike. There was a parrot

 in the park. We

  some interesting

  . Then, the weather

  windy and

 . We

 kites high in the s

 . It

 time for lunch. We


  , some bread and

 and some drinks. We

  some ants on the bread and honey. There

  some bees too. We

 not eat our lunch! In the afternoon, there


 in the sky. It

 . We

 hungry and

  . What a day! 四、默写不规则动词过去式 go-_________





  lose-_________ bring-_________




 read -_________






 Copy and recite the four-skilled words.

 Blackboard design:

 Unit 2 What a day!


  dear, hear, near, year flew kites, it wasn’t windy.

  climbed up the hill, it was windy.

 flew too high, flew away.

  found it near the hill.


  Unit 3 Holiday fun 一 单元教学内容简析:




 二 单元教学要求:

 1. 能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写词汇holiday,national,call, Bund,bottle,holiday fun,National Day,go well,at first。

 2能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型Where did you go for the holiday? What did you do there? How was your holiday? Why did you call me?Did you catch any fish?

  3、能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语和句型It was fun.Because I I wanted to give you the fish.She is excited about the

 s show.What great fun!I went to Shanghai and visited my aunt.



 三 单元教学重难点:

  1、能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型Where did you go for the holiday? What did you do there? How was your holiday? Why did you call me?Did you catch any fish? 2、能掌握一般过去时的疑问句和特殊疑问句。

 四 单元教学安排:


 第一课时Story time

  第二课时 Grammar time and Fun time

 第三课时Sound time, Cartoon time and Culture time.

  第四课时Checkout time and Ticking time

 第五课时 单元检测

 第六课时 复习讲评

  Topic Unit 3 Holiday fun

 Period 1 Teaching contents:Story time

 Teaching aims:

 1.To grasp the words : Bund , Shanghai Museum , caught , ate. 2. To know the main drills :Where did you go?What did you do? How was you holiday? Etc. 3. To understand the whole story with helping, try to retell it. 4.Try to act the story in pairs.

 5.To talk about their holiday.

 Important and difficult points:

  To understand the whole story with helping.

 Try to act the story in pairs.

 Teaching and learning aids:

 Word cards

 CAI Teaching procedures: 复备 Step 1 Free talk 1T: Boys and girls , welcome back to school .

 It was National Day holiday last week .

 Did you have a good time for the National Day holiday ?

 ( Teach : National Day , holiday


 How do you feel your holiday ?

 S: … 2 T: I took some photos on National Day.

 Look at these photos and you will know where I went for the holiday .

 (Show the pictures : Xuanwu Lake , Hongshan Zoo , Wanda Cinema) 3 T: Where did I go for the holiday ?

 What did I do there ? Guess !

 S :… 4 T: What about you ? Where did you go for the holiday ? What did you do there ?

 S:… Step 2 Presentation 1 T: Just now we talked about our National Day holiday .

 Mike and Liu Tao talked in the classroom.

 What did they talk about ? Can you guess ? 2 Let’s watch the cartoon .

 What did they talk about ?

 A: National Day holiday

 B: Planning for the weekend

  C: May Day holiday 3 T: What did Liu Tao and Mike do for the National Day holiday ? Please read the story by yourselves and try to fill in the blanks .

 ( Teach : Bund , Shanghai Museum , catch—caught ) 4 T: Nancy wants to know how do Mike and Liu Tao spend their holiday .

 So she asks Su Yang some questions about the two boy ‘s holiday.

 Can you help Su Yang to answer the questions ?

 ( Show “ Ask and answer “ )

 Please read the story again and try to underline the answers.

  S:… 5 Read the story in group . 6 Try to retell the story .

 Mike and Liu Tao talked about their National Day holiday .

 Liu Tao went to ….and Mike … Step 3 Consolidation T: It was the first day after the National Day holiday . Mr Green asked the students to write a story about their holiday life . How do Mike and Liu Tao to write ? Can you teach them ? You could help one of them . Please write and read to him.


 1 Talk to your classmates about your National Day holiday. 2 Finish think and write .

 Blackboard design:

  Unit 3 Holiday fun What did Mike do?

  What did Liu Tao do?

  Where did Mike\Liu Tao do?

  How was Mike’s \ Liu Tao’s holiday?

  Why did Mike call Liu Tao …?


 Topic Unit 3 Holiday fun

 Period 2 Teaching contents:Grammar time and Fun time Teaching aims:


 2.学生能够使用did, was来进行问题的问答。

 3.学生能够使用以下句型进行问答“what did you do?\where did you go?\why did …? Did you …? Important and difficult points:

 学生能够使用以下句型进行问答“what did you do?\where did you go?\why did …? Did you …? 1.一般过去式的疑问句 2.特殊疑问词

 Teaching and learning aids:

 Pictures , CAI Teaching procedures: 复备 Step 1 Revision 1.Review the text T: What did Mike do?

 S: … What did Liu Tao do?

  S: … Where did Mike\Liu Tao do?

 S:… How was Mike’s \ Liu Tao’s holiday?

  S:… T: Why did Mike call Liu Tao …?

 S: Because… 校对think and write Ask some students: Did you …?

  S: Yes, I did.\No, I didn’t. 2. Writing on the blackboardb并且进行句型问答 What did…do…?

  I\He\She… Where did …go?

  I\He\She… How was …?

  It was great fun. Why did Mike call Liu Tao …?

  S: Because Did you …?

 Yes, I did.\No, I didn’t. 3. Read these sentences Step 2 Presentation 1. Grammar

 (1)总结过去时态的特殊疑问句、一般疑问句的结构 先请学生小组讨论,自行总结。教师后总结。

 (2)How to answer these questions? Turn to P29 , read by yourselves.

 (3)Learn the new past tense.

 Play the game: Quick respond . (4)Practice the questions and answers. Work in four and say it one by one. Step 3 Consolidation 1. 请你来当小记者,采访身边的小伙伴在国庆节期间都去哪?做了什么?… (1). 四人一小组讨论。

 (2). 选出一位当小记者采访其它组。

 (3). 小组中的其余三人做好被采访的准备。

 Step 4Homework 1.熟读Grammar time 中的句型。

 2.预习Fun time 中的图片,完成对话。



 1 Talk to your classmates about your National Day holiday. 2 Finish think and write .

 Blackboard design:

  Unit 3 Holiday fun


 1. It was + sunny/cloudy/... 2. 不规则动词过去式

  What did …do? Did …?

  Topic Unit 3 Holiday fun

 Period 3 Teaching contents:Sound time and Culture time Teaching aims:

 1.能听懂、会读、会说单词、词组:“Easter, summer holiday Christmas holiday,”并理解单词的意思。


 Where did you go? I…. Did you…? Yes, I did. No, I didn’t. What did you …?I …. 3.能掌握节日的文化背景知识及拓展及学校假期在中国英国的区别。


  Important and difficult points:

  1.能正确使用降调来朗读句子 2.能初步运用本课所学的词汇过去式和日常用语来询问有关节日做了哪些事。


  Teaching and learning aids:

 Pictures , CAI, masks Teaching procedures: 复备 Step 1 Fun time T: Look at the girl. She is Li Li. She and her family visited Beijing on National Day Holiday(国庆节假日). They saw many interesting things. She took many nice photo and showed them to her good friend Tao Tao. Teach: National Day Holiday(国庆节假日) T: TaoTao wants to ask Li Li , but how to ask? Can you help him? Ss: Yes. 出示图片和句型 (1). Discuss in group (2). Ask and answer. 出示图片录音引导学生问答。

 Step2 sound time T: Why didn’t Liu Tao have the big fish?(请学生讨论) S: Because Mike ate them.

 T: So Mike felt sorry about that. He wants to go to the farm again. Watch and answer: What does Mike want?Let’s have a look. S:Mike wants an orange and a fish. T: Look at the signs here.(注意读音的降调符号,提示学生在肯定句和感叹句要用降调来读) S: (跟读句子,齐读句子) Step3 culture time 1.T: Oh dear. Your holiday is very good, let’s enjoy some pictures.(教师展示一些有关节日的图片,为后面的做铺垫) S: Yes. T: Well, Do you know them? 请学生一一介绍,并带读New Year’s Day, May Day, Children’s Day ,Halloween. S: Read the New words. S: I… T: Did you…? T: Would you like say something about them?(请学生讨论) S: 可以小组讨论每个节日的文化背景知识。

 T: What did you do for the….? S: I… T: Did you…? S: Yes, I did. No, I didn’t. 询问两、三个学生后,教师出示Easter,summer holiday Christmas holiday,图片,让学生读一读并讨论这三个节日的文化背景知识。

 Teach: Easter,summer holiday Christmas holiday, 2.出示图片引导学生问答。

 I visited

 ….for the summer holiday. He went to…for the …… We made many colourful eggs for the… 3.The difference between main school holidays in the UK and in China 通过表格对比放假的时间,再让学生说说去年学校假期你做了什么。

 Step 4 Consolidation 1. 请你来当小记者,采访身边的小伙伴在国庆节期间都去哪?做了什么?… (1). 四人一小组讨论。

 (2). 选出一位当小记者采访其它组。

 (3). 小组中的其余三人做好被采访的准备。


 1 Talk to your classmates about your National Day holiday or your weekends. 2 Preview the Sound time and cartoon time

  Blackboard design:

 Unit 3 Holiday fun

 three main school holidays in the UK the Easter holiday the Summer holiday the Christmas holiday



 Unit 3 Holiday fun

 Period 4 Teaching contents:Cartoon time

 Teaching aims:


 Where did you go? I…. Did you…? Yes, I did. No, I didn’t. What did you …?I …. 2.能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试表演对话。

 3. 能初步运用本课所学的词汇过去式和日常用语来询问有关节日做了哪些事。

 Important and difficult points:



  Teaching and learning aids:

 Pictures , CAI, masks Teaching procedures: 复备 Step1 Warm up 1.学生表演对话,要求用已经学过的语言编演。

 2.T: Hello, class. Where did you go for the holiday?

 S;I went to… T: How was your holiday? S: It was… T: What did you do there? S: …. 教师先问学生问题,接着让同桌之间相互询问。

 请几组同学对话 Step2 Cartoon time We can do many things in our school holiday. What about Sam and Bobby? 1. Watch and answer It is time for dinner

 .Bobby comes home late. T: Let’s watch a cartoon and answer the question. 1.Where did Bobby go? S; He was in the park .They had a fashion show. 2.What did


 and Sam

 wear? S:

 Bobby wore a paper T-shirt and paper shorts. 2. Did the show go well at last?

 Why? S: No, it was wonder at first ,but then there was heavy rain.

  3.Read in groups 4.Acting time T: 小组表演。

 1. 表演原文 2. 改换服装 3. 增加台词 Step3 Consolidation 1. 再次读短文将对话改编成短文进行填空。

 It is time for dinner

 .Bobby comes home late .He


 in the park. They had a_____ ____ there. Tina is _____ about the show, she asks Bobby. ;What did you wear ?Bobby ___a paper T-shirt and paper shorts.But Sam didn’t ,he wore a lot of ____.That’s interesting. It was wonderful at first ,but then there was ____ _____.

 Blackboard design:

 Unit 3 Holiday fun A: Where did you go ?

  B: I went to

 … A: What did you do ?

 B: I’ … ]


 1 Act out

 Cartoon time in groups. 2 Tell the Cartoon to your family.

  Blackboard design: Unit 3 Holiday fun

 Where did Bobby go? What did he do?

 be excited about

  ask about


 Topic Unit 3 Holiday fun

 Period 5 Teaching contents:Cartoon time and Checkout time Teaching aims:


 Where did you go? I…. Did you…? Yes, I did. No, I didn’t. What did you …?I …. 2.能熟练运用本课所学的词汇过去式和日常用语来询问有关节日做了哪些事。


 Important and difficult points:


 2.能初步根据提示写出过去所做事情的短文 Teaching and learning aids:

 Pictures , CAI, Teaching procedures: 复备 Step1 Warm up 1.学生表演对话,要求用已经学过的语言编演。

 2. Do you want to take part in the programmer? If you want the ticket, you should fininsh the game. Step2 Presentation 1.Review the text. T: Do you remember what did Mike and LiuTao do on the holiday?(教师展示一些有关课文的图片,启发孩子的记忆) S: Yes. T: Introduce the rules. Say yeah yeah yeah,或者no no no.

 (跟读句子,齐读句子)完成ticking time中的一项。

 Step3 Checkout time 1.Write and say T:Congratulation! Now you get the ticket. There are nine eggs here, You can choose one. Maybe you can get some presents,and maybe not.you should answer some questions.Let’s look. a.(砸到空的金蛋,需要看图完成填空,才能获得3颗星。)

 We know on the National Day, Mike got some fish and some fruit ,he was happy. Look, they were happy too. What did they do in the holiday?


 2.Think and write T: Hello, class. They had a lot of fun on the holiday. Do you like the National Day holiday?

 S:Yes, we do. a. Ask and answer.

 T:Last holiday, where did you go?

 S;I went to… T: How was your holiday? S: It was… T: What did you do there? S: …. 教师先问学生问题,接着让同桌之间相互询问。

 请几组同学对话 b.

 Try to wirte. T: I know a lot about your holiday. Do you want to knowsomething about my holiday. S: Miss Ang, where did you go? What did you do ?... (给予学生时间相互讨论想问的问题) T: I went to

 BeiJing for the holiday. I saw the summer palace.

 There were many flowers and trees. I had a lot of nice food with my family. It was great fun. (教师边说,边板书句型,给予学生后面写作做个示范) Step 4 Consolidation 1. 再次仿照范例将对话改编成自己的短文。

 My holiday I went

 for the holiday. I saw

 there. I

  . It was great fun, 展示并完成ticking time中内容。




 Blackboard design: Unit 3 Holiday fun

  I went to

 Beijing for the holiday.

 I saw the summer palace.

 There were many flowers and trees. I had a lot of nice food with my family. It was great fun.


 Topic Unit 3 Holiday fun

 Period 6 Teaching contents:Test Teaching aims:

 1. 复习,巩固本单元设计四会词汇和句型。

 2.进一步复习、小结Unit 1-3中出现过的的动词过去式, 并会读,会用。


 Important and difficult points:




 Teaching and learning aids:

 paper Teaching procedures:


 六年级英语上册第三单元测试 听力(25) 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词(10) (

 )1. A.want

 B. went

 C. wanted



  ) 2. A. wear

  B. wore

 C. was

  D. were


  ) 3. A. friend

 B. find

 C. found

  D. front


  ) 4. A. holiday


 C. horse

 D. home


  ) 5. A. uncle

  B. aunt

 C. cousin

  D. brother


  ) 6. A. lose

  B. last

 C. lost

  D. looked


  ) 7. A. shirt

  B. short

  C. shorts

  D. T-shirt


  ) 8. A. fish

  B. fishing

  C. wash

  D. wish


  ) 9. A. lake

  B. like

 C. look

  D. make


  )10. A. bring

 B. brought


 D. caught


 (5) (

  ) 1.

 A. Yes, I was.

 B. I went to the park

 C. I did my homework (


 2. A. That’s right.

 B. Yes, I do.

 C. Good idea (

  ) 3. A. No, he didn’t

 B. No, he doesn’t

  C. No, he isn’t


  ) 4. A. It is fun.

 B. Yes, it is.

  C. It was fun (

  ) 5. A. In Shanghai

  B. In Nanjing

 C. In Beijing

 三.听录音,根据所听内容填入所缺单词。(10) Liu Tao

 to Beijing

 his family last New Year’s Day.


 his uncle and

  . They

  a lot of oranges and

  a big fish on the farm. Liu Tao

  to give Mike some fish.


  Mike , but Mike

  at home.

 So they

  the fish and ate it . They had a good time on the holiday.

 笔试(75) 一、辨音(5) 1.


  ) A








  2. (

  ) A








 3. (

  ) A








 4. (

  ) A







 hard 5. (

  ) A








 二、词组翻译(10) 1.假期乐趣__________________2. 去外滩_____________________ 3. 参观颐和园___________________ 4. 摘苹果___________________ 5. 去钓鱼__________________ 6.go well _________________________ 7. heavy rain _________________8. a fashion show

 ______________ 9. call Liu Tao

 ________________ 10. want to visit him _____________________ 三、单项选择。(10)


 ) 1.I ______at five o’clock yesterday

 morning . A. was got     B. get up        C. got up        


 ) 2.I  _______to a party last year . A. didn’t go

   B. didn’t went       C. wasn’t go


   ) 3.He often  _______his grandma on Sundays . A. visit  

 B. visits   C. visited


   ) 4. Liu Tao ______ Mike about his holiday.

 A. asking     B. ask      C. is asking


   ) 5.Where _______you go ______your holiday ? A. do, to    B. did , for          C. did, to


   ) 6.Where  _________your mother last night ?

 A. were     B. was        C. did


   ) 7.What do people usually do  ________their National Day holiday ?

 A. on

  B. in      C. at


 ) 8.The Easter holiday, the summer holiday and the Christmas holiday are three main holidays in ________ .

 A. China         B. Britain       C. America


    ) 9.I want _______ fishing .

  A. go     B. to going      C.to go   


    ) 10.Please _________ an orange

 me. A. picked, to      B. pick, for     C. pick, with 四、用所给单词的适当形式填空。(10) 1. I __________ (watch )a wonderful film

 last Summer holiday.

 2. __________ you

  (play )the piano

 last night ? 3. The old man

 __________ (tell) the boy a story


 4.It is

 __________ (sun) today . There ‘s a big

 (sun) in the sky. 5.Nancy __________ (make) clothes for her doll now . 6. My father __________ (get ) a big fish yesterday . 7. I’d like

 __________ (wear) that paper clothes . 8. There’s a lot of __________

 (rain) here in Spring . 9. Where ______you last night ? I ______ in Suzhou .

 (be ) 10. She

  (eat) an apple every day.

 五、改写句子(12) 1. I ate some fish .改为否定句 I_______ _______ ______ fish . 2. I went to the Great Wall last holiday .(对划线部分提问) ________ __________

  last holiday ? 3. They took many photos in the park .改一般疑问句,并否定回答 _______ they ________ many photos ? No, they _______.

 4. The boy climbed the hill and went fishing. (改为一般现在时)

 The boy often ________ the hill and ________ fishing .

 六、根据上下文填空。(8) 1. A: What did you do yesterday ?

 B: We

 a birthday party


 did you

 the party ? B: At


 2. A: What

 you usually do on Sundays, Yang Ling?

 B: I usually

  to the park with my friends.

  A: Did you go to the park last week ?

 B: Yes, I did.



 there ?

  B: By bike. 七、将下列句子重新排列,组成对话(5) a. Of course, I did . b. What did you do last Summer holiday ? c. Did you go to the Great Wall ? d. I went to Beijing and visited my uncle . e. I visited the Palace Museum too.

 f. What else did you do ?


  八、从第二栏中选择与第一栏相对应的答句( 5) (

  ) 1. What did you do last Sunday ?

  A. Yes, I did.



 2. Where did Mike go ?

  B. I wanted to ask him a question.



 3. Did you watch a film yesterday ?

  C. I made new clothes for my doll.



 4. Where were you last night ?

 D. I was in Nancy’s house.


 ) 5. Why did you call him ?

  E. He went to the park .



  (A) It was National Day last Sunday. And it was also Tom’s birthday. He had a party at home. His friends came and they all gave presents to him. They sang and danced. They were very happy. Tom’s parents gave him a model ship. After lunch, they went to a park. They played games there. They went home at 4 o’clock. After dinner, they went to the supermarket. Tom bought (买)a VCD of Japanese cartoons. He was very happy.



  ) 1. Tom’s birthday was on the National Day. (

  ) 2. Tom had birthday party last Sunday. (

  ) 3. They played games at the party. (

  ) 4. The model ship was birthday present from Tom’s uncle. (

  ) 5. Tom likes watching Japanese cartoons.

  (B) A young man is sitting on a bus. An old woman gets on the bus and stands in front of him. The young man stands up. The old woman pushes(推)him back into his seat (座位)and says, “ Don’t stand up. I don’t want to sit down.” The man stands up again. The old woman pushes him down and says, “ You don’t have to give ma your seat. I like to stand.” The man tries to stand up for the third time. The old woman tries to push him down again. The man shouts, “Don’t push me, please. I have to get off the bus!” (

  ) 1.The young man and the old woman are __________. A. on a ship

  B. in the park

 C. in the street

 D. on a bus


  ) 2.An old woman


 the young man .

  A. near

  B. behind

 C. in front of

 D. under


  ) 3. The man tries to stand


 __________times .

  A. one

 B. two

 C. three

  D. four


  ) 4. How was the young man ?

 He was __________

  A. angry .

  B. sad

  . C. happy

 D. tired


  ) 5. Why did the old woman push the young man into his seat for three

 times ?

 A. Because she didn’t like the young man .

 B. Because she didn’t want to sit down . C. Because she didn’t want to let the young man get off the bus. D. Because she wanted to sit on the young man’s seat.


 一、1. went

  2. wore

  3. find

 4. horse

 5. cousin


  7. shot

 8. fishing

 9. lake

 10. caught

 二、 1.Where did you go last Sunday ?

 2. The National Day holiday is in October. 3. Does

 your father go fishing every Saturday ? 4. How was your birthday party ? 5. Where is the Summer Palace? 三、 Liu Tao


  to Beijing


  his family last New Year’s Day.

 He visited

  his uncle and


 They picked a lot of oranges and


 a big fish on the farm. Liu Tao


 to give Mike some fish.



 Mike , but Mike

 wasn’t at home. So they


 the fish and ate it . They had a good time on the holiday.


  Check by yourselves

 Unit 4 Then and now 一 单元教学内容简析:




 二 单元教学要求:

 1.能听懂、会说、会读Story time和本单元出现的副词。

 2.能听懂、会说、会读和会写: habit, never, late, finish, tidy, fast.并能正确使用。

 3.能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型和日常用语He gets up early in the morning. He never goes to bed late. He also does well at home.

  4.能听懂、会说、会读put..in order, bad, sleepy, last night, go into, slowly, badly.

  5.会唱歌曲:This is the way.


  三 单元教学重难点:


  1.能听懂、会说、会读和会写:ago,office, newspaper,news, e-book,with, yesterday

  2.能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型和日常用语…ago, he/she … Now, he/she…




  2、mobile phone, sentence等词的读音及动词过去式。

 五 单元教学安排:

 共计五课时 第1课时Story time

 第2课时Grammar time and Fun time

 第3课时Sound time and Cartoon time

  第4课时Song time, Check time and Ticking time

  第5课时Review and Test of Unit 4

  第6课时 Review and test Unit 4 Then and now

 The first period 一 教学内容:Story time

 二 教学目标:

 1.听说读单词then and now ,e-book, mobile phone, newspaper, radio, telephone, e-friend, anywhere, could,并能运用于语句中。

 2.掌握动词过去式的发音及用法,会说…years ago,…could/ could not…Now,… 3.能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述课文内容。


 三 教学重、难点:

 1.能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述课文内容 2.能正确使用一般过去时和一般现在时表达过去和现在的事情。

 四 教学准备:

 挂图,卡片,PPT 五、预习作 业:



 Teaching procedures:

 复备 Show teaching aims. Step 1. Warming up 1.T: Do you know the song?

  S: Where is time going? T: Yes, time flies quickly. We are growing up, and the things around us are changing. We know,

 the world is changing.

 2. T: Then what is changing?

  Do you have your idea? Step2. New learning. 1. T: Perfect. I like your ideas. Now I’ll show you a family. Do you know them? Who is he/ she? ( Mike, Mr Brown, Mrs Brown, Mike’s grandpa) 2. Then, how about this boy? Yes, this is Mike six years/ Mr Brown twenty years ago/ Mrs Brown twenty years ago/ Mike’s grandpa thirty years ago.

 T: (总结)The time before, we can use this word: Then. ( what does it mean?) T: Today, we are going to learn Unit 4, Then and now. T: SO ,can you say sth. about Mike’s family?

 (对比说,is/are, was/were) T: They have changed a lot. And this lesson, we’ll know more about the changes of Mike’s family. 1. (图) This boy, he is Mike. Now, he is a young boy. And he can do many things now. Let’s guess, what can he do?

 (图)T: Could Mike do all these things six years ago?

 What could he do? (读could)I give you two first letters here. Can you guess?

 What couldn’t he do?

 T: So, six years ago, Mike could read….. but he …(师生一起读文本) T: Can you describe little Mike six years ago and young Mike now?

 总结:In fact, everyone is changing everyday( the changes of people), What they look like is changing(appearance) , and what they can do is changing, too(ability).

 3. T: And we know, as we people are changing everyday, our life is changing, too. Now let’s listen to the tape, and try to catch: what they did then and what they do now. And remember to tick them quickly.

 After learning let’s check. 4. look at Mr Brown. This is Mr Brown twenty years ago. And This is Mr Brown now. What did he do then and what does he do now?

  (1)Read the paragraph quickly, and try to find out the communicate tools. (2)read the four words. T: They are needed when we want to contact others. So ,which one do you like? And Why? (3) How about Mr Green? What did he use twenty years ago? (match: wrote letters, used the telephone) How about now? ( match: writes e-mails, uses the mobile phone) T: Let’s imagine where he did or does these things. Where did he wrote letters/ use the telephone/ write e-mails/ uses the mobile phone? (4) T: Let’s read this paragraph together. Now, try to describe Mr Brown.(学生复述) (总结)T: Then and now, the way to contact people is changing .

 5. T: look at the pictures, do you remember her? —Mrs Brown

 Let’s see what changes have happened on her. (1) T: What is she doing in the picture?

 (2) T: Are you right? Read it please. (解释e-friends)

 So maybe she is doing some shopping or chat with her e-friends on the Internet. (3)And this is the picture of her twenty years ago. Then she was a schoolgirl. Where did she make friends? And where did she buy things? (4) Read the text with your partners.

 7. Read the whole text together. 8.T: What do you think? You can discuss in groups first. Ss: Their life is…(colourful, cool , modern, happy…) ,because… Step3.Practice T: This time, let’s work in 4. Each one chooses a part to read. Then use the phrases on the blackboard to make a report about your part.(分组练习朗读,然后四人一小组,上台借助板书进行反馈)。

 Step4 Homework 1.Listen and read Story time. 2.Retell Story time on P38 3.Bring two photos and think of the changes between two photos on P40.

 Blackboard design: Unit4 Then and now 四幅图的图片 Then and now 的对比重点句型

  Unit 4 Then and now

  The second period 一 教学内容:Grammar time ,Fun time and Think and write 二 教学目标:

 1. 能够理解并掌握动词过去式的不规则变化及读音。

 2. 学生能运用句型…….years ago, I was/ I could (not)/ didn’t……..。

 3. 在真实情境中,用所学知识正确比较过去与现在。

 4. 能正确掌握动词过去式的不规则变化及读音。

 5. 能用一般现在时和一般过去时的语句来描述自己。

 三 教学重、难点:

  1. 了解掌握动词过去式的转换方式和运用。

 2. 运用文中所学的句型等,准确表达出自己的过去和现在。


 四 教学准备:

 挂图,卡片,小动物的头饰,PPT Teaching procedures:

 复备 Show teaching aims. Step 1. Preparation 1. Free talk

 T: What did you do yesterday /last weekend?

 S:… T: What do you often do at weekends? S:… 2. Act



 T: What did I do just now ? S: You listened to music just now. Step 2. Presentation & Practice 1、Think and say T: Think about the changes of Mike’s family and finish the table.

  2. Read and learn T: Look at the pictures and learn the words.

 an e-book

  a mobile phone

 a newspaper

  a radio

 a telephone

 a TV 3. Try to use T: Look at this short passage, use the new words to fill in the blanks. Twenty years ago ,my mother used the

  at home. She couldn’t call people anywhere. Now she has a

 .It is easy to take .My father listened to the

 and read

 for news in the past ,but now he usually watches news on the Internet .Sometimes he reads newspaper .He also reads

 .For me ,ten years ago ,I watched

 at weekends, now I like playing

 computer games when I’m free . It’s fun. 4. Grammar time : Make sentences T: There are three types of cards in my hand. They are “When”, “Who” and “What”. We need to put these three arbitrary combined into a sentence . Eg: S1: twenty years ago S2: Mr Brown

 S3: write letters to his friends S4: Twenty years ago, Mr Brown wrote letters to his friends. 5. Grammar time : Read and find

 a. Ask the students to underline the verbs

 b. Ask the students to underline the subjects Rule:In the past tense, verbs don’t change with subjects. 6. Grammar time : Play a game(Quick response) (1)T: I say the words, you should say the past tense as quickly as you can. Step 3. Production and Progress 1. Checkout time: Look and write

 T: What could they do? What couldn’t they do?

  2. Fun time A. T: Look, here are two photos of me. Twenty years ago, I was a student. I could ride a bike .I couldn’t drive. I didn’t work. Now I’m a teacher. I

 can drive . I teach you English. B. T: Let’s say something about “ then and now” of you, and make a comparison table. 3. Checkout time: Think and write

 T: Stick a photo of yourself and then write about it . Homework: 1.完成课课练1-4. 2.熟读Grammar time, Fun time. 3. think and write自编对话2组,并写下来。

 Blackboard design:

 Unit4 Then and now

 What could they do?

 What couldn’t they do?

  Four pictures

 Unit 4 Then and now

  The third period 一 教学内容 Sound time, Cartoon time and Culture time. 二 教学目标:

 1、阅读并理解Cartoon time的内容,学会表演,明白Cartoon time 的幽默之处。

 2. 在前两课的基础上会正确并熟练对比以前和过去, 感受个人的成长和社会的进步。; 3. 了解并体会字母组合er在单词中的发音; 4.让学生了解人类的两项重大发明并延伸中国古代的四大发明及其他的发明。

 三 教学重难点:

 1.阅读并了解相关的Culture time; 2.在前两课的基础上会正确并熟练对比以前和过去; 3.让学生了解人类的重大发明,激发学生的求知欲望和远大理想。

 四 教学准备:

 挂图,卡片,PPT Teaching procedures:

 复备 Show teaching aims. Step1:Warming-up Watch the video; Let’s recall the past. Revision a、Introduce myself. b、Introduce themselves. Step2: Presentation 1 Sound time 1)Talk and lead-in:

 Bobby and Sam also learn English at school. This is an English lesson.

 Ask: What are they doing now? 2)Try to read the sentences; 3)Explain :er is pronounced as --- 4)Try to say some other words about “er” 5)Read the words together ,then make some new sentences with the words. 2Cartoon time Watch the cartoon, then answer :Miss Fox gets angry. Why? Read together and judge. Read alone and answer: What do you think of Sam and Bobby? Listen and repeat. Think and imagine: If you were Miss Fox, what would you say? Read in roles and try to act.

  Guess : What are Bobby and Sam talking about?

 3 Culture time They’re talking about a book called Great inventions. Ask: What is this? It’s an aeroplane. What about this? It’s a train. Ask: Who invented the aeroplane and the train? Listen and repeat. Introduce the first aeroplane and the first train. Step3: Extension 1) The Americans and the British invented the first aeroplane and the first train. And Our Chinese people are even great. Then Introduce the Four Great Inventions of ancient China 2)Share some other inventions. 3)Sum up: Listen carefully in class, we will know a lot and be a useful person! Step4: Homework 1、Read the dialogue with expression and try to recite it. 2、Surf the Internet and find out some stories about inventions.

  Blackboard design:


 Then and now

 ---years ago, I---

 Now I---

 er /ə/











 Unit 4 Then and now

  The fourth period 一 教学内容 Checkout time and Ticking time 二 教学目标:

 1.正确完成书上Checkout中的练习 2.熟练并正确地比较过去与现在。

 3.复习并巩固前三课时所学的单词与句型 4.正确使用过去与现在的句型写短文:I’ve grown up! 三 教学重难点:

 1.复习并巩固前三课时所学的单词与句型 2.正确使用过去与现在的句型写短文:I’ve grown up! 四


 挂图,卡片,PPT Teaching procedures:

 复备 Show teaching aims. Step1 Show the task Hello, boys and girls, welcome back again. Nice to see you. Today let’s go on learning this unit. What is the topic? At this lesson, we’ll have a main task. Look, the task is :Write a passage: I’ve grown up! At the end of this lesson, please try to finish the passage. OK? Step2 Play a game Firstly, let’s play a game, it’s called: Choose and classify. For me , some words that used in the past and some of them that used in the present. Can you classify them? You can say like this: In the past, you…. Now, you… Check. Step3 Revision 1)Just now, you could classify the words that used in the past and the present. Which one do you prefer? That means which one do you like better, life in the past or life today? You can answer the question in this way: I think life in the past was…Life today is… 2) Someone likes the life today, but someone doesn’t. No matter whether we like it or not, we will grow up! Look, this is Mike’s family photo. But what were they like when they were young? What could they do? What couldn’t they do? Let’s take a look. 3)Say something about them according to the photos? Please try to guess from the photos. T: Look at this baby. Who’s he? S: He’s Tim. T: Can you say something about him? S: Tim was one year old. He couldn’t… T: What else…? S:….. 4)Now, let's know more about the members in Mike’s family. Open your books, read this part and finish the exercise here. Let’s check together. Boys and girls, you should use could and couldn’t correctly. 5) You know Mike’s family. What about you? Now, it's time for us to write a passage: I’ve grown up! Step4 Task You see, everyone has changed a lot .and we can see many changes in our daily life. Can you find more changes in our life. Discuss in groups and then share ideas. Step5 Homework 1.Talk to your friends about the changes happen on you. 2. Memorize the irregular verbs you’ve learnt, and try to know more. 3. Think about more changes of our life, try to say them in English.

  Blackboard design:

  Unit 4 Checkout time& Ticking time

  Unit 4 Then and now

  The fifth period 教学内容:revision 教学目标:

 1、 能综合运用本单元所学单词和句型 2、 能熟练掌握本单元四会内容 3、 完成本单元书面练习,查漏补缺 4、锻炼自主学习的能力,能和同伴共同完成学习任务,敢于用英语进行交流和表达。




 Teaching procedures:


  六年级英语上册第四单元测试 一、辨音。(5分) 1. (

  ) A


 B  park          C  car      

 D quarter 2. (    ) A   come    

  B  number       C  but          D  home    3. (  

  ) A   her     

  B  worker       

 C  brother   

  D  sister 4. ( 

   ) A  climbed        B  talked     C  picked    

  D  worked   5.(    ) A  dear         

 B  cheer       

 C  where    

  D  here   二、 英汉词组互译。(12分) 1. 全世界____________________2. 一部手机___________________

 3. 写电子邮件 _______________4. 网购_______________________

 5. 在办公室___________________6. 过去和现在_________________

 7. 听收音机 __________________8. 看报纸获取新闻 ____________

  9. wait for the answer __________

 10. make friends __________

 11. make a sentence


  12. work hard __________ 三、选择题。(10分) (

  )1. He _______ at school yesterday. A. isn’t

 B. wasn’t

 C. doesn’t

  D. didn’t (

  )2. He wrote a letter ________ his mother last week.

 A. for

  B. to

 C. of

  D. from (

  )3. Can you make a sentence _______“have”?. A. in

  B. on

  C. with

  D. by (

  )4. ---_________ is today?

  ---It’s Friday. A. What time

  B. What day

  C. What colour

 D. What about (

  )5. ---What ________ you do last night?

 ---I ________ to the radio.

  A. do; listen to

  B. did; listened

 C. did; listened to

 D. do; listened to (

  )6. Don’t worry. I’ll wait ________.. A. you

  B. to you

 C. for you

  D. with you (

  )7. ______ your mother see a film yesterday evening?. A. Are

  B. Did

 C. Was

 D. Is (

  )8. He often ______ apples on the farm. A. pick

  B. picking

  C. picks

  D. picked (

  )9. Miss Zhang _______ angry because her students didn’t listen to her.. A. get angry

  B. gets angry

  C. is angry

  D. got angry (

  )10. He ________ to school then. But he ________ a student now.

 A. didn’t go; is

 B. wasn’t go; is

 C. doesn’t go; is

 D. isn’t go; is 四、用所给单词的适当形式填空。(5分) 1. Five years ago, he_________ (can) ride a bike. 2. Now Tom can do many _________ (thing). 3. I ___________ (not have) a mobile phone now. 4. Mike’s grandpa likes __________ (listen) to the radio. 5. My mother _________(work) hard every day. 6. Yang Ling ___________ (wait) for the bus now. 7. Please _________ (put) your hands on the desk. 8. I want __________ (be) your friend. 9. Where ________you ________(go) yesterday? 五、交际语匹配。



 B (

 )1. Did you go to Shanghai last week?

  A. My e-friend. (

 )2. What did you do on your holiday?

 B. Yes, I can. (

 )3. Where was your sister?

  C. No, I didn’t. (

 )4. Do you like making cakes?

 D. It’s Wednesday. (

 )5. Can you spell the words?

 E. I went to the Great Wall. (

 )6. Could you play football two years ago?

 F. No, I couldn’t. (

 )7. Where did you go for your holiday?

  G. Yes, I do. (

 )8. What day is it today?

  H. She was at school. (

 )9. Who do you usually write emails to?

  I. It was fun. (

 )10.How was your National Day holiday?

 J. I visited my grandpa. 六、按要求完成句子。(6分) 1. They were excited about the Internet They _________ excited about the Internet.

 2. He could draw the hill. (对画线部分提问)

  What _______ he ________?

  3. He ate a cake last Sunday.(用every day替换last Sunday)

  He ______ a cake every day.

 4. I caught some fish there yesterday. (改为一般疑问句)

  _______ you ________ ________ fish there yesterday?

  5. The students played football last Wednesday. (用now 替换last Wednesday) The students ________ ________ football now. 6. Helen watched TV last night. (对画线部分提问) _______

 ________ Helen ________ last night?

 七、根据汉语提示完成句子。(12分) 1.去年,他会读书和画画。

 He _______ ________ books and ________ last ________. 2.我们可以在任何地方打电话给人们。


 people _________. 3.Mike在看窗外。

 Mike ________ ________ ________ of the window. 4.昨天我看了场电影,还读了本书。

 I _________ a film and _______ a book yesterday.

 八、阅读理解 (10分) (一)、阅读短文,按要求答题。

 (10分) One morning, a fox saw a cock(公鸡). He thought, “This is my breakfast.” He came up to the cock and said, “I know you can sing very well. Can you sing for me?” the cock was glad. He closed his eyes and started to sing. The fox saw that and caught him in his mouth and carried him away. The people in the fields(田地里) saw the fox. They shouted, “Look, look! The fox is carrying the cock away.” The cock said to the fox, “Mr Fox, do you understand? The people say you are carrying their cock away. Tell them it is yours, not theirs.” The fox opened his mouth and said, “The cock is mine, not yours.” Just then the cock ran away from the fox. 1. 文中“The people say you are carrying their cock away.”的中文意思是:

 _____________________________________________________________ . (1分) 2. 根据短文内容,判断下列句子是(T)否(F)与短文内容相符。

 (4分) (

 )1、The fox wanted to eat the cock for his lunch. (

 )2、The fox sang a song for the cock. (

 )3、The fox caught the cock and carried him away. (

 )4、The cock is clever(聪明的).


 (5分) Mrs. Jones was a teacher. Her house was near her school, and she often walked there in the morning. Her students were small kids(孩子). One cold and windy morning in October, Mrs. Jones walked to school. The cold wind went into her eyes and big tears (泪) began to run out of them. She reached (到达) the school, opened the door and went into the classroom.

  It was nice, warm there and Mrs. Jones was happy. But then a small boy looked at her for some time, put his arms round her and said: “ Don’t cry, Mrs. Jones. School isn’t very bad.” (

 ) 1. Mrs. Jones was a teacher and she usually went to school _______. A. on foot

  B. by train

  C. by bus

  D. by bike


 ) 2. ______ when she went to school one morning. A. It was hot

  B. It was windy and cold

 C. It was sunny

  D. It was snowing (

 ) 3. Why did big tears begin to run out of her eyes ? A. Because she was very cold.

 B. Because she was very sad.

  C. Because the cold wind went into her eyes.

 D. Because she was very happy. (

 ) 4. The classroom was _______ . A. cold

  B. cool



 D. hot (

 ) 5. The small boy wanted to _______.

  A. make Mrs. Jones sad

  B. make Mrs. Jones happy

  C. make Mrs. Jones angry

  D. laugh at (嘲笑) Mrs. Jones

 Unit 4 Then and now

 The sixth period


 test 教学目标:






 教具准备:试题 教学设计(主备) 复备 Step 1: 自主纠错(5分钟)

 Step 2: 合作交流(5分钟)


  Step 3: 提出问题与讲解点拨 (师、生)(20分钟)


  Step 4 总结归纳以及检测反思(10分钟)

  Homework: 1. 订正错题至错题集。

 2. 复习Unit1-4内容。

 Blackboard design: 板书根据学生情况随机书写

 Project 1 A holiday album 一 单元教学内容简析:

 Project单元主要通过形式多样、生动活泼的练习,有计划、有重点地综合复习所学词语、句型和日常交际用语。培养学生用英语做事情的能力,同时培养学生的开放性思维和创新意识。本单元运用第一单元至第四单元所学的语言知识与同伴进行问答,分享假日乐趣。在教学时,教师可以根据具体情况将这些板块重新组合,也可以适当增加内容,其目的是为了帮助学生更好地综合复习所学内容,完成学习任务 二 单元教学要求:

  1. 复习第一至第四单元的主要内容,让同学能够充分掌握运用单词、句型。

 2. 利用照片或图片制作一本假日出游相册,并根据照片或图片上的信息,运用第一单元至第四单元所学的语言知识与同伴进行问答,分享假日乐趣 三 单元教学重难点:

 1. 复习第一至第四单元的主要内容,让同学能够充分掌握运用单词、句型。

 2. 利用照片或图片制作一本假日出游相册,并根据照片或图片上的信息,运用第一单元至第四单元所学的语言知识与同伴进行问答,分享假日乐趣。

 四 单元教学安排:


 第一课时Part A、B

 第二课时Part C、D; 补充习题

  Project 1 A holiday album

  The first period

 一 教学内容:Part A、B 二 教学目标:

 1. 复习第一至第四单元的主要内容,让同学能够充分掌握运用单词、句型。

 2. 利用照片或图片制作一本假日出游相册,并根据照片或图片上的信息,运用第一单元至第四单元所学的语言知识与同伴进行问答,分享假日乐趣 三 教学重、难点:





 四 教学准备:


 教学设计(主备) 复备 Step 1 Presentation 1. Sing a song

  Rain, rain, go away 2. 复习天气类单词及句型 3. 小组活动,分享照片 (课前得准备好旅游景点的照片或图片,交流分享,完成步骤B Where did you go for the holiday? I went… What did you do there? I… How was the weather? It was… Did you…? Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t. I... Step2.Making 1.教师指导学生讲准备好的照片或图片贴在学生用书P99,并仿照例子给每幅图片写上标注,标明时间、城市和风景地名称,完成步骤C 2. 教师指导学生制作假日相册,并对自己的相册加以美化。

 Step3 Work in groups

 Introduction 根据相册内容,运用所学的语言知识,互相介绍出游经历,完成步骤D。

 I went… for the…. Holiday Step4 Showing 贴在教室的墙上或者黑板上,取名:Our footprints Step 5 Homework 1. 完成假日介绍。

 2. 同学之间互相交流相册。

 Blackboard design:

  Project 1 A holiday album Where did you go for the holiday? I went…for the… holiday. What did you do there?

 Project 1 A holiday album

 The second period 一 教学内容:Part C、D;补充习题 二 教学目标:

 1. 熟练掌握第一至第四单元的主要内容,让同学能够充分掌握运用单词、句型。

 2. 能完成补充习题内容。

 三 教学重、难点:

  1. 能够正确熟练运用所学内容。

 2. 能完成补充习题内容。

 四 教学准备:

 挂图,卡片,小动物的头饰,PPT 教学设计(主备) 复备 Step1 Talk about the holiday album

 1、Ask answer in groups Where did you go for the holiday? I went… What did you do there? I… How was the weather? It was… Did you…? Yes, I did./ No, I didn’t . I.. 学生用第三人称复述 2、Give a report 3、Try to introduce friends’ holiday. (尝试用第三人称转述同伴的假期生活。) Step2 Workbook A. Listen and circle B. Listen and number 先要求学生看图,想想每幅图中的活动对应的英文表达,然后再播放录音。

 C. Listen and choose 先浏览所给问题和答案选项,注意两个答案选项的区别,再放录音。

 D. Order and choose 指导学生先将圆圈中无序的字母组成单词写在横线上,然后读下面的句子。

 E. Read and order 先认读单词,确定它们之间的逻辑关系,再写出句子,写完后再读一读,检查句子是否通顺。

 F. Think, write and say G. Read and judge

 H. Read, order and write

 Step3 Homework 完成《课课练》上的习题 Blackboard design: Project 1 A holiday album

  I went … for the …holiday.

  I went…..


  He/She went …for the ….holiday.


  Unit 5

 Signs 一 单元教学内容简析:

 本课时的话题为“公共标识”。教师在教学过程中要紧密联系生活实际,引导学生关注标识,讨论标识,做遵守公共法规和秩序的社会公民。新授句型有What does … mean? It means…和No +doing(动名词)结构。前者要求学生灵活运用,后者只需学生认读理解即可。

 二 单元教学要求:

  1.能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写词 汇sign, smoke, smell, danger,no eating or drinking, no littering, no parking,no smoking, wet floor, go in。

 2.能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型What does it mean? It means...No smoking. 3.能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语和句型Be careful,Tim. Is someone smoking? I can smell it. Do you want some juice?Bobby and Sam are on an outing in the forest.



 三 单元教学重点:

 句型:What does it mean? It means …

  No littering/parking/somking/…

  You can/can’t…

 词汇:sign,shopping centre, mean ,around 语音:字母ir 在单词中的发音 四 单元教学难点:

 句型:What does it mean? It means …

  No littering/parking/somking/… You can/can’t… 词汇:litter, restaurant, smoke, careful 的读音 五 单元教学安排:


 第一课时Story time

  第二课时 Grammar time and Fun time

 第三课时Cartoon time and Culture time.

  第四课时Sound time, Checkout time and Ticking time

 第五课时 单元检测

 第六课时 复习讲评

  Unit 5 Signs

 The first period 一 教学内容:Story time

 二 教学目标:

 1.能听懂、会说、会读:Public signs。

 2.能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语:What does it mean? It means …. No littering/parking/smoking/…You can /can’t….

  3.能听懂、会说、会读词汇:litter, go in, take …into, restaurant, someone, smoke, smell。

 4.能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇:sign, shopping centre, careful, mean, floor。


  三 教学重、难点:

  1.能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语:What does it mean? It means …. No littering/parking/smoking/…You can /can’t….

 2.能听懂、会说、会读词汇:litter, go in, take …into, restaurant, someone, smoke, smell, sign, shopping centre, careful, mean, floor。

 四 教学准备:




 五、预习作 业:

  U5 Story


 教学设计(主备) 复备 教学过程 Step 1Warming up 1. Greetings. 2. Guessing game T: Good morning, boys and girls. Do you like watching TV at weekends? Can you guess what does Miss Li like doing at weekends? S: She likes …. (One by one) PPT: She likes reading books, doing housework and going shopping. T: Who was right? Please hands up. 3. Buying things

  T:I like going shopping at weekends. If I want to buy some beautiful dresses and skirts, I can go to the shop. If I want to buy some food, I can go to the supermarket. I like going shopping at the shopping centre. If I want to buy some books, I can go to the bookshop. I can buy some fresh fruit at the fruit shop. I like eating bread very much. So I often go to the bakeshop. If I want to have a big lunch with my family, we can go to the restaurant. PPT依次出现图片:shop,supermarket,shopping centre,bookshop,fruit shop,bakeshop,restaurant。

 T—S: shopping centre, bookshop (渗透单词fruit shop,bakeshop,restaurant) T: When I go shopping, I always see these things.


 T: They are signs. There are many signs. They mean different things. They can tell us what can we do and what we can’t do. T—S: Unit 5 Signs. Step 2

 Presentation and practice 1. Look and say (PPT出示故事图片) T: Who are they? Ss: They are Mike, Helen and Tim. 2. Listen and answer: T: Where are they? Please listen to the tape and answer my question. Ss: They are in the … T—S: juice shop, restaurant 3. Read and choose. T: Now please read the story quickly. Then finish the exercises on

 Page 50 “Read and choose.” T: Number 1, Where are Mike, Helen and Tim? How do you know? (依次讨论4个选择题,并追问如何得出答案,让学生说说依据)。

 4. Look and answer. T: What does it mean? (PPT出示标志“Wet floor”) 学生快速在书中找出句子It means the floor is wet. T—S: It means ‘Wet floor’. It means the floor is wet. 采用此法依次教学:

 T:What does it mean? It means ‘No littering’/‘No eating or drinking’/‘No smoking’. It means you can’t litter / eat or drink / smoke here. Step 3 Consolidation

 1. Listen and repeat. T: Now let’s listen to the tape, repeat the sentences. a. Read and act. T: Now it’s your turn to read the story. Then you can act in your groups. b. Look and write. (P50) c. Work in groups. T—S: What does it mean?

  It means ‘No parking’/‘Danger’…

 It means you can’t park here.

  It means you must stay away from it.

 Step 4 Homework

 1. Read and retell the text. 2. 模仿课文,小组内编演新故事。

 3. 预习Grammar time and Fun time。


 Unit 5 Signs What does it mean? It means …. No littering/parking/smoking/… You can /can’t…. go in, take …into, restaurant, shopping centre, careful, mean, floor No smoking or drinking.

 No littering.

 No smoking. Wet floor

  Unit 5 Signs

 The second period 一 教学内容:Grammar time and Fun time 二 教学目标:

  1.能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型与日常交际用语:What does the sign mean? What does it mean? It means …. No littering/parking/smoking/ eating or drinking…You can /can’t…

  2.能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇:sign, shopping centre, careful, mean, floor。

 3.掌握谈论公共标识的问答句型和常用文字标识句型,即No+动词ing结构 三 教学重、难点:

 1.能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型与日常交际用语:What does the sign mean? What does it mean? It means …. No littering/parking/smoking/ eating or drinking…You can /can’t…


 四 教学准备:



  教学设计(主备) 复备 Show teaching aims. Step1. Warm up 1. Greeting T: Good morning\afternoon,boys and girls, Ss: Good morning\afternoon, Miss\ Mr. … 2. Listen and point T: You can find the sign in the park. It means you can’t litter here. Ss:(手指禁止乱扔垃圾的标识)No littering. T: You can find the sign in the shopping centre. It means the floor is wet… T: You can see the sign in the street. It means you can’t park your car here. 学生指标识,复习No parking.依次复习Story time 里提到的标识。

 Step2. Presentation

 1. Show the pictures. Look and answer. 1) Where are they?

  2) What shop do they see first? 3) Does Helen want to take her juice into the bookshop? 4) What are they eating in the restaurant? 5) Who is smoking in the restaurant? 2.完成表格,检查学生对词汇的掌握情况。

 Place Sign Name It means… shopping centre


 littering We




  We can’t





 Step 3 Presentation and practice

  (1) Grammar Time 1. Show the public signs in the story. 2. PPT shows the sentences: What does it mean? It means the floor is wet.

 It means you can’t eat or drink there.

 It means you can’t smoke here.

 It means you can’t litter here. Ask and answer in pairs, then read together. 3. Now let’s do some exercise. No smoking. No parking. No littering. No eating or drinking. After finish the exercise, ask students to discuss in group of four. Talk about their differences between these two groups of sentences. Ss talk about the grammar: No+动词ing 4.Try to know.

  Try to Finish the exercise of this part and learn the new words

  A: What __________ it _________?

  B: It __________ we can’t __________ here. Step 4 Fun Time 1. Review the signs. 2. T: What signs can we use in this picture? (想一想,在这幅图中可以用到的标志) 3. Show the picture of Fun Time, talk about the signs in it. T: Where is it? What signs can you see? Ss: It’s…. I can see… 4. Play the game in pairs. Step Four: Consolidation 1. What new signs you know from the lesson? 2. Where can you use them? 3. Exercises in class. Listen and choose. (

  ) ①A. Don’t pick flowers. B. No littering. C. No running. (

  ) ②A. In the clothes shop

  B. In the bookshop. C. In the restaurant. (

  ) ③A. on the wall

  B. on the chair.

 C. on the floor Summary 小结 Today, we have learned some adverbs and make short plays. What have you learned from this lesson? Ss: … Step 5 Homework 1. Talk about the signs in your daily life. 2. Do the exercise of workbook. 3.预习Cartoon time. 六、板书设计:

 Unit 5 Signs What does it mean? It means the floor is wet/you can’t eat or drink there. It means you can’t smoke here/ you can’t litter here. No smoking. /No parking. /No littering. /No eating or drinking. A: What does the sign mean? B: It means…

 Unit 5 Signs

 The third period 一 教学内容 Cartoon time and Culture time. 二 教学目标:


 2.能正确运用句型:What does it mean? It means… 并能熟练背诵课文。

 3.能正确理解、朗读Cartoon time中的故事,能读懂其中的趣味之处,能在教师的指导下表演故事。


  三 教学重点:

 1.能正确运用句型:What does it mean? It means… 并能熟练背诵课文。

  2.能正确理解、朗读Cartoon time中的故事,能读懂其中的趣味之处,能在教师的指导下表演故事。

 3.了解美国和英国的地铁名称 五 教学准备:



 教学设计(主备) 复备 Show teaching aims. Step1. Warm up 1. Greeting T: Good morning\afternoon,boys and girls, Good morning\afternoon, Miss\ Mr. … 2. Look and say No eating or drinking

 No littering

  No parking

  No smoking

  No fishing

 No swimming


  Wet floor 同桌选择一幅图片问答,操练本课句型。

 Model 1: What does it mean? It means you can’t eat or drink there. 3. Review the text Who can retell the story? Step 2 Cartoon time 1. Look and say (出示第一张图片) T: Boys and girls, I’ve got a picture. Please look at the picture and ask some questions:

 Who are they? Where are they? What are they doing? 2. Watch and answer. Q1: What time is it? Q2: What did Bobby have for lunch?

 3. Read and answer. Q1: Did Bobby have a good lunch? Q2: Why can’t they eat bananas there? 4.Read after the tape. 5. 四人一组给动画配音。

 6. Write and say. Bobby and Sam were on an ______in the _______. It ____ time for _____.Bobby was tired and ______.He _____ some ______ for lunch. Bobby

 and Sam _____ on. They

 ______a sign on the tree. It means they can’t ____ _______there. Then

 they _____ many ______ around them. So they knew why they shouldn’t ____

  _______ there! 7. 续编故事。

 Bobby和Sam被猴子们包围后又会发生什么呢? T: There are so many monkeys around Bobby and Sam. They are very afraid. So they run away fast and leave(离开) the forest. At last, they go home by metro. Step 3 Culture time


 T: These signs are the same meaning. Metro.地铁 再逐一回放刚才的标识并解释。

 In the UK, people call the metro “underground”. In the US, people call the metro “subway”. Step Three: Consolidation Step 4 Homework 1. Read the cartoon time and try to recite it. 2. Preview the sound time and checkout time. 3. Finish some exercises.

  Unit 5 Signs

 The fourth period 一 教学内容 Sound time, Checkout time,Ticking time

 二 教学目标:

 1.正确完成书上Checkout time 中的练习。


 3.了解并体会字母组合 ir在单词中的发音。

 4.能对照Ticking time 的三个目标进行客观的自我评价

 三 教学重难点:

 1.正确完成书上Checkout time 中的练习。


 3.了解并体会字母组合 ir在单词中的发音。

 四 教学准备:



 教学设计(主备) 复备 Step1. Warm up 1. Greeting T: Good morning\afternoon,boys and girls, Ss: Good morning\afternoon, Miss\ Mr. … 2. Look and say. Bobby and Sam walk on. They find a sign on the grass. A: Look, Bobby. There’s a sign. B: What does it mean? A: It means we shouldn’t eat or drink. B: Why? A: They see a lot of birds around here.

 They are looking at your food. B: I know why we can’t eat or drink here! Step 2. Presentation and practice Sound time 1. Talk about the pictures,引出 bird

 girl shirt skirt dirty. 2. Brainstorming让学生自己找一找:thirteen, thirsty, first. 3.归纳含有ir /3:/的单词。

 4.让学生读词:ladybird, firm, third, circle,dirty, skirt.    5.归纳发 /3:/这个音的字母组合。

 6. Read the sentences: The little bird said to the girl,“Why are youso happy today?” The girl said to the little bird,“Because today is my birthday!”

 Checkout time 1. Listen and choose T: Well. Here are some public signs for you. (标识分为红色和蓝色两种不同的颜色) T: There are two kinds of public signs: The red one and the blue one.

  What’s the difference between them? T: Great. Let’s listen and choose the right signs.

 Answers: 1 b

 2 b

 3 a

 4 a

  2. Draw and say

 (1)Show time :投影个别同学的设计,并全班提问。





 (2) Every minute counts(争分夺秒) 将学生分为AB两组。A组学生背对黑板,B组学生看着屏幕上的公共标识图片,用英文表述其含义。A组学生来猜标志的名称。在规定时间内猜出最多的一组获胜。如:

 A:What does it mean?

  B:It means we can’t fish. A: No fishing.

  B: Yes,you’re right.

 Step 3.Ticking time 同桌两人一起,根据自己真实的情况自评一下,教师进行小结。

 1. What did we do this lesson? 2. What have you learned from this Unit? 3. Work in groups. Check each other. Step 4.Homework 1. Pay attention to the other public signs in our daily life. 2. Do the exercise of workbook. 六、板书设计:

 Unit 5 Signs ir /3:/


 girl shirt skirt dirty The little bird said to the girl,“Why are you so happy today?” The girl said to the little bird,“Because today is my birthday!” What does this sign mean? It means … Where can we put it?

  We can put it in/at…

  Unit 5 Signs

 The fifth period 教学内容:revision 教学目标:




 4能熟练完成相应的练习,提高学生的答题能力 教学重难点:




 教学设计(主备) 复备 听力部分(30分) 一、听录音,给下列短语排序(10分) (

 )at a shopping centre


 )be careful (

 )wet floor


 )want some juice


 )can’t litter


 )take your juice into the shop


 )eat some noodles


 ) don’t smoke


 )look for


 )in the forest 二、听录音,给下列图片排序。(5分)











  三、听录音,根据所听内容选择合适的答句。(10分,每题2分) ( 

   ) 1. A.It means we can’t eat or drink here.

  B.I am looking for my apples.

 C. It means we shouldn’t fish here. (     ) 2.A.Yes,please.   

 B. No, I can’t. 

  C. I like juice. ( 

  ) 3. A.I went fishing with my brother.

  B.I was in a restaurant.

 C. we can’t smoke here. (     ) 4. A. We can put it in the cinema.

 B.I wanted to go in.  C. We picked bananas on a farm. ( 

  ) 5. A. No, thank you.

 B. Yes, I do.  

  C. No, I can’t. 四、听录音,完成句子。(5分) 1.Be __________, the floor is wet. 2.What does that sign ___________? 3.We shouldn’t ____________here. 4.The shopping centre is so clean. Don’t


  here, please. 5.We are on an___________. 笔试部分(70分) 一、根据首字母填空。(10分) 1. Are there any s___________in the b___________? Yes, there are. 2. Where did they go last Sunday? They went to the s___________ c___________. 3. What d___they m_______? They m________ the f______ is wet and “D______.” 4. Be c___________ . There are a lot of monkeys a_________you. 二、选择题。(16分) (

 )1.What _____ this _____? It _____ ‘No smoking’. A. do, mean, means

 B. does, means, means

 C. does, mean, means (

 )2.This sign “No smoking” ______ you can’t smoke. A. mean


  C.meaning (

 )3.What ________the words mean? A. does


 C.is (

 )4.No parking means we shouldn’t _________. A.ride our bikes in the park

 B.take a bus

  C. stop your car here. (

 )5. _____that sign interesting? Yes, I think so. A. Does

  B. What’s

  C. Is (  


 Where were my shoes?________________________ A. It’s on the desk.   

   B.They are under the desk.   

 C. They were under the desk. (    

 )7. Mr Green usually

  his friends when he was young. A. writes

 B. is writing   

   C. wrote

  (      )8. Why

 we swim in the river?

  —— Can’t you see the sign ‘No swimming’ there? A. can      

  B. should    

  C. can’t


 )9. The boys

  in the restaurant now. A. is looking

  B. are eating

 C. are seeing


 )10. I called

 yesterday afternoon. But she

 in. A. she, isn’t.    

  B. her,wasn’t   

  C. her,isn’t (

 )11. We __________take the hot dogs ________ the food shop.

 A.should, in

 B.shouldn’t, into

 C.can, at (

 )12. His mother is giving some bananas ___________ the elephant.

  A. for


  C.to (

 )13. It’s time for class. We

 play games. A. don’t

  B. would like

  C. can’t

 D. should (

 )14. -----Does Mike often

  kites at the weekends? -----No, but he

  kites with me last weekends. A. fly; fly

  B.flew; flew

 C. fly; flew (

 )15. Maybe(也许)the girl knows that sign. Let _______go and ask _______.

  A me , her

 B. my, her

  C me,him

 三、用所给单词的适当形式填空。(14分) 1. Five years ago, he ____________ (can) ride a bike. 2. There _____________ (be)a lot of rain yesterday evening. 3. What _____________ (do) the sign mean?

 It means “No swimming”. 4. Mike’s grandpa likes ___________ (listen) to the radio. 5.The boy ____________ (do not) his homework yesterday evening. 6. The sign on the wall ____________ (mean) Danger. 7. Mike would like______________( take) some drinks into the restaurant. 8. Look. The old man ________________(smoke). 9. __________ your father __________(write)letters to you yesterday? 10. My moyher ____________(buy) a lot of things at the shopping centre two days ago. 11. Oh, what a day! It’s

  (rain) now. 12. Mr Wang____________ (take) a walk in the street last night. 13.Where did you go on holiday? I

  (go) to Xi’an. 14.

 (Is/Does)this sign mean the floor is wet? 15.What

  (do)they mean?They mean different things. 16.I want

 (any) juice. 四、 从左栏中选出与右栏相匹配的句子。(5分,每空0.5分) (  )1. How do you go to school?


 A. Yes, I’d like to. (  )2. What does it mean?


 B. We were at home. (  )3. Can you take the book into classroom?

  C. On foot. (  )4. How many signs can you see?

 D. Yes, he does. (  )5. Does Tom often walk around the lake?

  E. It means ‘No littering’. (  )6. Don’t smoke here.

  F. No, I can’t.

 (  )7.What’s the weather like?

  G. Yes, I did. (  )8. Did you watch a film last week?

  H. It’s sunny.

 (  )9. Where were you last Sunday?

  I. Sorry (  )10. Would you like to come to our school?

  J. Five.  五、看图填空。(5分,每空0.5分) A:Look!

  a sign on the floor. B:What


 ? A:It


  ”. B:

 can we

  it? A:We can

 it at the shopping center. 六、完形填空 (10分) We know a lot about


 . They




 . We




  the grass(草). We should


  in the classroom. The sign’Danger’



  8 go in it. In the cinema or other places(地方), we shouldn’t


  things. In the library or reading room, we should read books


 . (

  )1. A. public(公共)sign

 B. publics sign

  C. public signs (

  )2. A. mean

 B. means

  C. meaning (

  )3. A. things

  B. the thing

 C. thing (

  )4. A. should

 B. can

 C. can’t (

  )5. A. in

 B. on

  C. to (

  )6.A. be quiet

  B. make noise

 C. keep off the grass (远离草坪) (

  )7.A. is mean

 B. mean

 C. means (

  )8. A.must

 B. can

 C. shouldn’t (

  )9. A. litter

 B. no littering

 C. touch (

  )10. A. quiet

  B. quietly

  C. be quiet 七、阅读理解

 (10分) A)根据短文内容判断句子正(F)误(F)。(5分) I have a cousin. He’s only four years old. Today I go to a library with him. He doesn’t know the signs. I tell him about the signs. This sign means “Be quiet”. We should not shout in the library .

 That sign means “No eating or drinking”. We can’t eat or drink here. My cousin knows a lot about the signs in the signs in the library after I tell him. (

 )1、My cousin is five years old . (

 )2、We are in the supermarket. (

 )3、We shouldn’t smoke in the library. (

 )4、We can eat and drink in the library. (

 )5、We shouldn’t shout in the library. B)根据短文内容选择正确答案,将其序号填入括号内。(5分) Bill’s birthday presents Bill’s birthday came on a sunny day in June. He got a lot of presents from his family and friends .All of the presents were in nice boxes. His father and mother gave him a yellow box with a book in it. His mother said, “It’s our present for you. There are a lot of interesting stories in it. It’s good for you to do more reading.” Tim, one of Bill’s best friends, gave him a long box. An umbrella was in it. Bill’s sister gave him a round box. It was a large cake, he guessed, but is was a football. Bill likes playing football very much, so he was glad to have it. Bill’s brother gave Bill a big red box. Bill opened it and there was another box in it. The box was green. He opened the small box and saw a third box. This one was blue. There was a little white envelope(信封) in it. He saw a piece of paper in the envelope. The paper said, “Go to your bedroom. You can see three boxes there, a black one, a grey one and a white one. Your birthday present is in one of them.” Bill ran to his bedroom and found the boxes on the bed. The black one is bigger than (比…大)the grey one, and the white one is the smallest(最小的). Perhaps the present was in the grey box. He opened the grey box, but found nothing in it. Then he opened the biggest one. He was very glad to see a skateboard(滑板)in it.


 )1. Bill’s parents put their present in

  for his birthday. A. a yellow box

 B. a lot of boxes

 C. a black box

 D. a grey box (

 )2.Whos is Tim? A. A friend of Bill’s father.

  B. One of Bill’s best friends.

  C. Bill’s brother.

 D. Bill’s sister. (

 )3.How many boxes did Bill’s brother put in his bedroom? A. One

  B. Two

 C. Three

 D. Four (

 )4.What colour was the biggest(最大的) box? A. Grey.

 B. Black.

 C. White.

 D. Blue. (

  )5.What was in the biggest box? A.A book.

 B. A piece of paper.

  C. A skateboard.

 D. A small box.

  听力材料和答案 一、听录音,给下列短语排序(听两遍) 1. in the forest

 2. look for

 3.want some juice

  4. eat some noodles

  5.don’t smoke 6. wet floor

 7. take your juice into the shop

  8. be careful

 9. can’t litter

  10. at a shopping center 二、听录音,给下列图片排序.(听两遍) 1.What does the sign mean? It means “No parking”. 2.There’s a sign. It means ”No eating or drinking ”.3.This sign means ”Wet floor”.

  4.What does the sign mean? It means “Danger”.5.What does the sign mean? It means “No littering”. 三、听录音,根据所听内容选择合适的答句。

 1. What does the sign “No fishing” mean? 2. Do you want some juice? 3. Where were you yesterday?4. What did you do last Sunday? 5. Can you see a sign around you? 四、听录音,完成句子。(10分) 1.Be careful, the floor is wet.

  2.What does that sign mean?

 3.We shouldn’t smoke here.4.The shopping centre is so clean. Don’t litter here, please.

 5.We are on an outing

 Unit5 Signs

 Period 6 教学内容:revision,

 test 教学目标:






 教具准备:试题 教学设计(主备) 复备 Step 1: 自主纠错(5分钟)

 Step 2: 合作交流(5分钟)


  Step 3: 提出问题与讲解点拨 (师、生)(20分钟)


  Step 4 总结归纳以及检测反思(10分钟)

 Homework: 1. 订正错题至错题集。

 2. 预习Unit6 Story time。

 Blackboard design: 板书根据学生情况随机书写

 Unit 6

 Keep our city clean 一 单元教学内容简析:


 二 单元教学要求:

  1.能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写词汇keep, clean, make, air, dirty, smoke, rubbish, bin, plant, keep our city clean,,make the air dirty, the rubbish in t the water, take the bus。

 2.能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型What makes the air dirty? Smoke from cars makes the air dirty. What can we do keep our city clean?

  3.能听得懂、会说、会读日常交际用语和句型There’s rubbish in the water and the fish are dead.Well done, class!Your dies are great.We can move...away from...Do you throw rubbish on the floor? 4.能初步掌握英语升、降调的读法,语调自然。


 三 单元教学重点:

  1..句型:What makes ..dirty/messy?...make(s)…dirty /messy.

  What can we do to…?We can…

 2.词汇:keep, clean, make ,dirty, museum的读音 3.能够表达城市变脏的原因以及怎样保持我们的城市清洁。

 四 单元教学难点:

 1.句型:What makes ..dirty/messy?...make(s)…dirty /messy.

  What can we do to…?We can…

  2.词汇:factory, rubbish ,museum 的读音 五 单元教学安排:


 第一课时Story time

  第二课时 Grammar time and Fun time

 第三课时Sound time and Cartoon time

 第四课时Checkout time and Ticking time

 第五课时 单元检测

 第六课时 复习讲评

 Unit 6 Keep our city clean

 The first period 一 教学内容:Story time

 二 教学目标:

  1. 能听懂、会说、会读:What makes…dirty /messy? …makes…dirty / messy. What can we do to…? We can… 2. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写:keep, clean, make, dirty 3. 能流利的朗读课文。

 4. 知道怎样使我们的城市保持干净,培养学生的环保意识。

 三 教学重点:

 1. 能听懂、会说、会读:What makes…dirty /messy? …makes…dirty / messy. What can we do to…? We can… 2. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写:keep, clean, make, dirty 3. 能流利的朗读课文。

 四 教学难点:

 1. 能听懂、会说、会读:What makes…dirty /messy? …makes…dirty / messy. What can we do to…? We can… 2. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写:keep, clean, make, dirty 五 教学准备:

 挂图,卡片,PPT 教学设计(主备) 复备 Step 1 Warm up 1. Greetings T: Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning/afternoon,.... 2. Free talk T: Do you have any hobbies?

  Can you…? T show the students the learning

 3.T:Look at these pictures. It’s our city. It’s beautiful and clean.

 Do you love our city? Ss: Of course. T:Let’s see some other pictures.How do you think of these pictures?

  Where do you like to live in? Ss:We like living in the clean and beautiful city. T: So we should keep our city clean. Topic:Unit 6 keep our city clean

 T: What makes our city messy and dirty? Step 2 Presentation and pratice 1. T: Look , who are they? Let’s look at their city Watch and choose The city is ________ A. beautiful and choose

 B. messy and dirty

 Learn: messy, dirty 2. T: The city is messy and dirty. Why? What can you see in these pictures? Learn: smoke from cars , smoke from factories, rubbish, dead fish 3. T: Now please open your books, read P58 and find Learn: A: What makes our city dirty?

  B: …makes…dirty What makes our city dirty? Smoke from cars and black smoke from factories make(s) the air dirty Rubbish the streets Rubbish in the water the river

 4. Ask and answer Ss work in pairs 5. T: What can we do to keep our city clean? a. Brain storm b. Listen and repeat 6. Ss read and write

 Step 3. Consolidation 1. Reading time 2. Discuss in groups Topics: 1. keep the park clean 2.keep the school clean 3. keep the bedroom clean Step 4 Home work 1. Copy the new words 2. Listen and read the story 3.

 Make a poster about keeping the

 city clean in groups.


 What makes our city diry? …make(s) our city dirty. What can we do to keep our city clean? …

  Unit 6 Keep our city clean

  The second period 一 教学内容:Grammar time and Fun time 二 教学目标:

 1. 能听懂、会读、会说三会句型:What makes…dirty /messy? …makes…dirty / messy. What can we do to…? We can… 2.学生能正确使用“make”, “keep” and “can” 3. 学生能复述故事 4.学生能理解体会并会使用声调 5. 提高学生的环保意识 三 教学重、难点:

  1. 能听懂、会读、会说三会句型:What makes…dirty /messy? …makes…dirty / messy. What can we do to…? We can… 2.学生能正确使用“make”, “keep” and “can” 3. 学生能复述故事 4.学生能理解体会并会使用声调 四 教学准备:

 挂图,卡片, PPT 教学设计(主备) 复备 Step 1 Warm up 1.Greetings T: Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning/afternoon,.... 2. Free talk

 1.How to keep our city clean.?

 2. What makes our city messy and dirty? (pay attention to use “make”, “keep” and “can”). Step 2 Presentation and practice 1. T: Yeah, very good. Now, let’s listen to a song and feel the joy of two little birds in the clean world. T: Next, let’s look at the city that two little birds live.What did you find? S1:The sky is blue. S2: The air is fresh. S3: The birds are flying freely. S4: Many people go to beautiful pond for pleasure. S5:…… 2. T:God job.You watched so careful. But here is another city, please look at picture, and tell me what you have in mind? S1:Smoke from factories makes the air dirty. S2: Black smoke makes the air dirty. S3: Rubbish makes the road messy and dirty. S4: There are some rubbish and dead fish in the river S5:…… 3. Present the form, students fill.

  Work in pairs to practice:

 ——What makes…dirty/messy and dirty? ——……makes……dirty/messy and dirty. 4.Present PPT

 T: What can we do to keep our city clean? S: We can…… (Pay attention to the use of “can”) Then, the students work in groups for finishing posters.(P62) 5. Watch a cartoon and pay attention to their intonation.


  Students read, teacher corrects individually. Step 3. Consolidation Self-checking and try to repeat the passage,

 listen to the song. Step 4. Homework Encourage the people around you to protect the environment. 鼓励你身边的人保护环境。

 Step5 Blackboard design Unit 6 Keep our city clean

  ——What makes…dirty/messy and dirty?

  ——……makes……dirty/messy and dirty.

  ——What can we do to keep our city clean?

  —— We can……

  Unit 6 Keep our city clean

 The third period 一 教学内容 Cartoon time&Sound time 二 教学目标:

 1.学生能掌握四会单词::museum , ground , pick… up 2.学生能在阅读中理解并运用:throw , skin, slip, fall. 3.学生能理解 “shouldn’t&should” 三 教学重点:

  1.学生能掌握四会单词::museum , ground , pick… up 2.学生能在阅读中理解并运用:throw , skin, slip, fall. 3.学生能理解 “shouldn’t&should” 四 教学准备:

 挂图,卡片,PPT 教学设计(主备) 复备 Step1.Warm up 1.Greetings 2.Review

 1)Enjoy the story time 2)Try to retell the story time with the given sentences Step2.Presentation Sound time 1.T:Rubbish is a big problem in city. Do you throw rubbish on the floor? Try to answer: No ,I

 don’t. 2. What can we do? T: What can we do for the city? We can ______________. … keep(s) … clean./ … make(s) … …. Do you ________________? Yes, I do./

 No, I don’t. ___________ 由城市的垃圾问题直接问学生是否有乱扔垃圾的行为,进入语调训练,引导学生用升调提问一般疑问句,并用降调回答。

 3. Pair work. Can we keep our city clean? Yes, we can.

 We can _____________. … keep(s)…/ …make(s)…. Do you _______________? Yes, I do./ No, I don’t/ What can we do to keep our city clean ? We should…/shouldn’t… 1)Watch and choose T:There are two questions here. Please watch the cartoon and tell me which one we can choose. Q1:Who are in the cartoon? Q2:Who throws the banana?(teach:throw) Cartoon time Ss:Watch the cartoon T:Check out the answers Answers:Bobby,Billy,Sam

 A 4)Read and answer T:Now read the cartoon time by yourselves.And try to answer the questions. Ss:Read the Cartoon time by themselves. T:Check out the answers.(teach:banana skin, ground, slip, fall) 5)Read and act

 T:Please choose a kind of reading you like to read and act in groups 6)Think and say T:If you are in the cartoon, what do you want to say to Bobby? Ss:You can … You should … You shouldn’t … Step 3.Consolidation 1.Act in roles Try to act the story.

 With books.

 Without books.

 Add your own words

 Protect environment

 start from you !

 2.Summary and assessment T:What did we learn in this lesson? What do you learn today? Protect environment

 start from you ! To do what we can do is a kind of love for life. 引导学生可以从这个故事谈谈,也可以根据自己的生活谈谈,怎样从自己做起,保护我们的生活环境,做自己能做的事情也是对生活的一种热爱。

 Step 4 .Homework 1.Read and act the cartoon 2.Listen to the song on line . ‘living in the moment’

 Unit 6 Keep our city clean

 The fourth period 一 教学内容 Checkout time and Ticking time 二 教学目标:

 1.能正确完成Checkout time 练习。

 2.能对照Ticking time中的三个目标进行客观的自我评价。



 三 教学重难点:

 1. 学生能正确掌握句型:What makes…dirty /messy? …makes…dirty / messy. What can we do to…? We can… 2. 能在阅读、谈论、分享故事的过程中形成环保意识。

 四 教学准备:

 挂图,卡片,PPT 教学设计(主备) 复备 Step 1 Warm up 1.Greetings T: Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning/afternoon,.... 2. Free talk (1)What can we do to keep our city clean? (2) What can we do to keep our school clean? Step 2 Revision T:Watch the cartoon.What makes our city dirty? S: … T: What can we do to keep our city clean? S: … Step 3 Presentation and practice 1.T: Look at these pictures. What places are they?

  S: The bedroom, the park ,the classroom and the city.

  T:How do you think of these places? Can you talk about them?

 Ss work in pairs 2.(Show the students the picture of the bedroom.)

  T:How is the bedroom? Is it messy?

  Ss: Yes.

  T: What makes the bedroom messy?

  Ss:… (Fill in the blanks, and read the sentences together) The same way to learn P2-4 Ss write the answers on the books Read the sentences. 3.(1)T:Now please open your books and turn to Page 66.This is the room.

  Look and say, use the sentences on it,you can work in pairs. (2)Show time. Step 4. Consolation 1.Discuss in groups “争当优秀宣传员” Topics: 1. keep the bedroom clean 2.keep the park clean 3.keep the classroom clean 4. keep the city clean Summery: 1. What did we do this lesson? 2. What have you learned from this Uint? 3. Work in groups. Check each other. Step 5 Home work 1. Read the story and cartoon. 2. Finish the exercise of this unit.


 What makes…dirty /messy?

 …makes…dirty / messy.

 What can we do to…?

 We can …

 Unit 6 Keep our city clean

 The fifth period 教学内容:revision 教学目标:









 教学设计(主备) 复备 听力部分(30分) 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(10分) (

  ) 1. A. big

 B. bin

  C. bit (

  ) 2. A. keep

  B. key

 C. king (

  ) 3. A. air

  B. pair

 C. hair (

  ) 4. A. music

 B. museum

  C. mobile (

  ) 5. A. ground

  B. cloud

  C. brown (

  ) 6. A. throw

 B. grow

 C. three (

  ) 7. A. call

 B. fall

  C. felt


  ) 8. A. dirty

  B. clean

  C. cold (

  ) 9. A. make

 B. lake

  C. bake (

  ) 10. A. head

 B. bread

 C. dead 二、听录音,给下列句子排序。(5分) (

 )1. We should plant more trees. (

 )2. Smoke makes the air dirty. (

 )3. There is a bin beside me. (

 )4. We can go to school on foot. (

 )5. There is much rubbish in the city. 三、听录音,根据所听内容选择合适的答句。(5分) (    ) 1.A.Smoke from cars makes the air dirty.

  B. It’s smoke.

 C. We can plant trees. (     ) 2.A.We can put rubbish in the street

 B. We can drive to school

 C. We can plant trees. (     ) 3. A. No, it isn’t.

 B. Yes, it does.

 C. No, I can’t.

  (     ) 4.A. Yes, I can

  B. Yes, I do.

 C. Yes, we can. (     ) 5. A. We should climb the trees.

 B. We should put rubbish in the bin.   C. We should eat and drink in the library. 四、听录音,完成短文。(10分) Bobby and Tina are ______ home

 after school. There are many ______, shops and ______ in the street.

 Bobby _______ a banana _____ on the ______. Tina says to him, “You _________ do that! _____ it up. It ______ the streets _______.”

 笔试部分 一、词组互译(10分) 捡起它____________________

 种更多的树__________________ 来自工厂的黑烟____________

 水中垃圾____________________ 步行上学_____________________ swee the floor________________ too late

 _________ ____

  well done

 ________________ go to

 hospital ____________

 a banana skin ______

 ______ 二、选择题。(10分) (

 ) 1. They went there ____________bus last Sunday.

 A. by

 B took

  C. take (

  )2. The_______ near the window are funny. A. signs

  B. sign

  C. sign’s (

  )3.Helen always_______ home. A. walk

 B. walks

  C. walks to


 )4. Black smoke ____________the air dirty A. helps

 B makes

  C. make (

 ) 5. There are a lot of ____________in the river.

  A. fish

  B rubbish

  C. water (   )6.We can ___________ the floor now. A. sweep

  B. sweeping

  C. are sweeping (

 )7. The books are on the ground. Please


 A. pick them up

  B. pick up it

 C. pick it up (

 ) 8.---- How did you go to the park yesterday?

  ---- I

 a bus.

  A. by

  B. take

 C. took (

 )9. What can we do ___________ our room clean?

 A. keep

  B. to keep

  C. keeping (

 ) 10. Bobby is sick . He goes___________ hospital

 A. to

  B. to the

 C./ 三、 选择适当的单词,并用其正确形式完成句子。(8分)

 keep, messy, take, make, clean, move, want, see

  1. I know how to _____________ our city clean. 2. They can _____________ some factories away from their city. 3. He _____________ the bus and the metro to school. 4. I can make a puppet. I ________ one yesterday. 5. Rubbish makes the streets _______ and dirty. 6. My brother ___________ to play basketball with me. 7. We can ______ the sign of “No eating or drinking” in the library. 8. Your bedroom is dirty. You should _______ your bedroom.

 四、 匹配。(5分) (

  ) 1. Don’t climb up the hill.

  A. It means you can’t litter. (

  ) 2. Did you water flowers this morning?

 B. Sorry. (

  ) 3. How did you get to the park?

 C. Clothes and rubbish. (

  ) 4. What does it mean?

 D. By bus. (

  ) 5. What makes the room dirty?

  E. Yes, I did.

 五、 联系上下文补全对话。(5分) A: Where do you ______________?

 B: I live

  ________ a city. A: _______ your city clean now?

  B: No, it isn’t.

  A: What makes the air________?

  B:____________ makes the air dirty. A: What can we do to ___________ the city clean? B: We can move some ___________ away from our city . We can also _______more trees.

 Do you like _____________ trees? A: Of __________, I do. It’s interesting.

 六、按要求改写句子。(10分) 1. Helen takes her apples into the house.

 (改为否定句) Helen _______

 ________ her apples into the house. 2. It means you shouldn’t park your car here. (改为同义句)

 It means “_______

 ________”. 3. These pictures make the bedroom beautiful. (改为一般疑问句) ___________ these pictures _________ the bedroom beautiful? 4. We picked some oranges on the farm.

 (对画线部分提问) _______


 you do on the farm? 5. Clothes make our room dirty.

  (对画线部分提问) ________

 _______ our room dirty?

 七、翻译句子。(12分) 1.我们可以乘公交车或地铁到校。

 We can _______ the bus and the _________to school. 2.汽车尾气使城市变脏。


 _______ cars _______ the city ________ 3.看我们城市的这些图片。

 Look at these ________ of our city. 4.比利踩在香蕉皮上摔倒了。

 Billy ________ on the banana _______ and ________. 5.水中有垃圾。

 There _______ ________ in the water. 八、完型填空。(5分) Yang Ling _____ in Guangzhou. Her good _______ Sun Mei lives in Beijing. Last winter Sun Mei came to Guangzhou to see Yang Ling. They were _____ to see each other. They _______ about the weather in their cities. The weather in the cities are nice. All the children like snow. Last year, Sun Mei _________ snowmen with her family. (

  ) 1. A. live

 B. lives

 C. living (

  ) 2. A. boy

 B. friend

  C. girl. (

  ) 3. A. sad

 B. hungry

 C. happy (

  ) 4. A. talked

 B. walked

 C. played (

  ) 5. A. make

  B. made

  C. making

 九、阅读理解。(5分) It’s a rainy day. A woman with a dog gets on a bus. It’s a big dog and its feet are not clean. The conductor(售票员) doesn’t want the dog to sit on the chair. But the woman says to the conductor,” Oh,I pay(付款) for my dog. Can he sit here like the other people?” The conductor looks at the dog and says, ”Yes, Madam ,but like the other people, he must not put his feet on the chair.” 选择填空:


  )1. It’s a


 A. sunny

 B. windy

  C. rainy

 D. cloudy (

  )2. The dog’s feet are _______.

  A. big

  B. small

  C. clean

  D. dirty (

  )3. The dog wants to sit on the _______.

  A. floor

  B. chair

  C. desk

  D. table (

  )4. The woman pays for her _______in the bus.

  A. friend

  B. cat

 C. dog

 D. son (

  )5. At last, can the dog sit on the chair?

  A. Yes, he can.

 B. No, he can’t.

 C. Yes, it can.

  D. No, it can’t.

 听力原稿 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。

 1. I caught a big fish yesterday.

  2. keep the city clean.

 3. Black smoke from factories makes the air dirty.

 4. There is a mobile phone on the desk.

  5. Bobby throws a banana skin on the ground

 6. Don’t throw banana skin on the ground.

  7. Billy slips on the banana and falls.

  8. Let’s clean the room.

  9. I use cooker to bake bread.

  10. These flowers are dead.


 1. There is a bin beside me.

 2. Smoke makes the air dirty.

 3. There is much rubbish in the city.

 4. We should plant more trees.

 5. We can go to school on foot. 三、听录音,根据所听内容选择合适的答句。(5分) 1.What makes the air dirty.

  2. What can we do to keep the air clean? 3.Is our school clean? 4.Can you see these pictures, boys and girls? 5. What should we do to keep our city clean? 四、听录音,完成短文。(10分) Bobby and Tina are walking home

 after school. There are many museums, shops and cinemas in the street.

 Bobby throws a banana skin on the floor. Tina says to him, “You can’t

 do that!

 Pick it up. It makes the streets messy.”

  Unit 6 Keep our city clean

 The fifth period 教学内容:revision,

 test 教学目标:






 教具准备:试题 教学设计(主备) 复备 Step 1: 自主纠错(5分钟)

 Step 2: 合作交流(5分钟)


  Step 3: 提出问题与讲解点拨 (师、生)(20分钟)


  Step 4 总结归纳以及检测反思(10分钟)

 Homework: 1. 订正错题至错题集。

 2. 预习Unit7 Story time。

 Blackboard design: 板书根据学生情况随机书写

 Unit 7

 Protect the Earth

 一 单元教学内容简析:

 本单元教材以“Protect the Earth”为主题,让学生初步了解地球的现状,并学会保护地球环境,同时鼓励学生积极参与到保护地球的活动中去。学生通过学习Unit5 Signs 和Unit6 Keep our city clean 已经对一些公共场所的文明行为习惯及保护城市环境的知识有一定的了解,对于应该做什么或不应该做什么有了一定的辨别能力。顺着文明行为、生态环境的这一主线进入本单元的保护地球环境的主题对于学生来说并不突兀,是一个知识的升华与拓展。由于这些话题比较贴近现实生活,因此学生在理解和接受上存在的难度不是很大,教师在教学时除了对语言知识的训练之外在情感态度上进行提升,通过对地球日、世界环境日等文化了解让学生能形成保护地球从我做起的意识。

 二 单元教学要求:

  1.能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写词汇protect, Earth, save, useful, use, waste, much, drive, save water/trees, too much /many, use/waste water, protect the Earth, make tables。

 2.能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型We drink water and use water to clean things every day. We should use...We should not use... 3.能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语和句型Most of our energy comes from coal and oil. Water is useful. Let me draw the

 Earth first. I think it’s really cool. That looks nice! 4.了解并掌握字母组合“oo”的发音。


 三 单元教学重点:


 Earth, useful, reuse, waste, energy, come from, cut down,too many 句型:We use … to + V.原形 We should + V.原形. We should not + V.原形. 语音:字母组合oo 在单词中发音 四 单元教学难点:

 句型:We use … to + V.原形 词汇:

 protect, reuse, energy, project等词的读音 五 单元教学安排:


 第一课时Story time

  第二课时 Grammar time and Fun time

 第三课时Sound time, Cartoon time and Culture time.

  第四课时Checkout time and Ticking time

 第五课时 单元检测

 第六课时 复习讲评 Unit 7 Protect the Earth

 The first period 一 教学内容:Story time

 二 教学目标:

 a. Aims of knowledge. 1. At the end of the class, the students will be able to read the new words of “ protect the earth” fluently. 2. At the end of the class, the students will be able to read the whole “story time” fluently, especially for the We should, We should not… We use..

  b. Aims of abilities.

 1. At th end of the class, the students will be able to understand the sentences” We should and We should not” and can use them to express their opinions about the earth.

 2. At the end of the class, the students will be able to retell one of the stories.

  c. Aims of emotions.

  1.At the end of the class, the students will be able to understand that “ We should protect the earth” because earth is our mother.

  2.At the end of the class, the students awareness of “protect the earth” should be aroused and do it in our daily life. 三 教学重、难点:

  1. At th end of the class, the students will be able to understand the sentences” We should and We should not” and can use them to express their opinions about the earth.

  2. At the end of the class, the students will be able to retell one of the stories. 四 教学准备:


 教学设计(主备) 复备 Step 1. Warm up

 1.Greetings: T :Good morning, boys and girls. S: Good morning, Miss/Mr.. 2.Free talk : T : I have lots of hobbies, can you guess what are my hobbies? S: Do you like singing? T: Yes, I do. S: Do you like swimming? T: Yes, I like swimming very much. S: Do you like playing games? T: Yes, I do. T: But I like one thing best, guess. S: Do you like…? T: Yes, you’re so clever, I like riding bikes best, but why/ S: Because I think it’s very healthy. T: Yes, because it’s very “green”(PPT presents the picture of Pm.2.5) T: why should we ride bikes? S: Because of the PM2.5 Step 2 .Presentation and pratice 1.save water T: Yes, the PM2.5 is so heavy, now let’s watch a video called“Our home”, please watch it carefully and tell me what things can you see in this video?(play the video) S: I can see some animals, they’re in danger. S2: I can some air pollution S3: I can some water, they’re dirty. S4: I can see the trees, they’ve been cut down. S5: The earth is in danger. Animals are in danger/ Water is in danger…. T: Yes, and also this(PPT presents the plastic bags and plastic bottles. )

  T: So today we’re going to learn” Protect the earth”.

  T: First, Let’s listen to the story and circle the problems.

  What problems are mentioned in the story?

  S: The problem is water.

  S2: Trees are the problems.

  S3: We should save energy.

  S4: And plastic. T: You did a good job, boys and girls.

  Now let’s listen to the tape again and tell the names of each story. T: Did you get it? Let’s check. S1: The first is save water S2: The second is save energy. S3: Next is save trees. S4: Don’t use too much plastic. T: Well done, boys and girls, now let’s try to fill in the blanks.

  Energy comes from_____and____

  Teach oil and coal(PPT presents oil and coal)

  ______ comes from the trees

  Teach wood. 2.T: Now let’s read and judge, please read it by yourselves. S1: Water is useful,so we should not waste it.



 ) S2: We use water to clean the things every day.



  ) S3: There is much water in many places.



  ) S4: We should not reuse the water.



 ) T: Now we know water is useful, boys and girls, but why should we protect it and how?

 3. Please read and learn.

 用直线画出原因(Why do we save water?) 虚线画出方法(How do we save water?) S1: Water is useful. In many places, there is not much water. S2: We should reuse and save it. T: Wonderful, boys and girls, now let’s listen to the tape and read after it. 2.Save energy T: Now we know water is useful, what about energy? Please read and choose. S1:.Most of the energy comes from___B___. A. water and soil.

 B. coal and oil.

  S2. We should ____________ and we should not_______________. save energy; drive so much drive so much; save energy T: Now let’s find out why should we save energy and how to save it.

  用直线画出原因(Why do we save energy?) 虚线画出方法(How do we save energy?) S: Because there is not much coal and oil on earth. S2: We should not drive so much because cars use a lot of energy. T: Yes, so I think we can ride bikes, now let’s listen to the tape and read after it. 3. Save trees T: Now we know water and energy are important, what else? S: They’re trees. T: Yes, now please read by yourselves and then you can check with your deskmate. S1: Where does wood come from ? S2: Wood comes from trees. We use wood to make tables, chairs and many other things. S3: We should not cut down trees.

 S4: Why should we not cut too many trees? S5: Because trees help keep the air clean. T: Perfect, now let’s try to fill in the blanks, boys and girls.

  ________comes from trees. We use ________ to make tables, chairs and many

 other things. We _____________cut down ______________trees because trees help ____________________. 4. Don’t use too much plastic

  T: Now boys and girls, wood comes from trees, do the plastic come from the trees?

  S: No.

  T: So what do you know about plastic? You can have a group discussion.

  S: I know plastic bags

  S2: I know plastic bottles.


  T: Good, now let’s listen and answer, what can we use plastic to make?

  Should we use too much plastics? S1:We use plastic to make bags and bottles. S2: But use too much plastic is bad for our health. We should not use too many plastic bottles or bags. T: So what can we use? Please have a group discussion. S: We should use paper bags S2: We should use glass bottles. S3; We should use……. T: Yes, we should not use too many plastic, paper is better, now let’s read after the tape. T: Now please get into a group and use the given words to say sth. about plastic.. T: Ok, it’s time for reading, you can read by yourselves or get into a group. Step 3 . Consolidation.

  T: “Protect the earth” speech time is coming, here are the tips, boys and girls,

  小组合作,每组选择文中的一个小主题.(可以借助板书) Why should we …? We should/shouldn’t.. 切合主题,提出保护口号.

  T: We should protect the earth because she nourishes us.

 Class is over, boys and girls, see you!

  S: See you! Step 4. Homework 1. Listen to the tape and read after it for at least five times. 2. Try to retell the story. 3. Finish the exercises book.


  We should/ We should not use…

  We should reuse….

  Unit 7 Protect the Earth

 The second period 一 教学内容:Grammar time and Fun time 二 教学目标:

  1 Pupils have a review of the story time. 2 Pupils can grasp the use of the modal verb: should/should not. 3 Pupils can make sentences with use…to… 4 Pupils can reuse the things and they can describe. 5 Pupils realize the earth is the only home, they should try their best to protect the Earth. 三 教学重、难点:

 1 Pupils can grasp the use of the modal verb: should. 2 Pupils can make sentences with use…to…

 四 教学准备:

 挂图,卡片, PPT 教学设计(主备) 复备 Step 1 Warm up 1 T shows the picture of the earth, it’s healthy, then shows another picture of it, it’s ill. T: Boys and girls, what’s wrong with the Earth? Ss: It’s ill/unhealthy. T:What should we do? Ss: We should…(出示protect the Earth) T: Do you want to be the little environment protector? Let’s try to be one, Mr Brown, Chairman of the World Environment Organization, will recruit some Chinese volunteers, do you want to be the volunteers? You must finish some tasks. Step 2 Revision Task1: Know how to protect the Earth Ss answer this question: Save the water, save energy… Teacher shows respective pictures. (Review main ideas of the story time) T: Let’s review some new words.

 Show pictures: coal, oil, wood, plastic, paper. Task2: Know how to deal with these things

 Read and judge 1. There is not much water in many places.


  ) 2. Cars do not use much energy.


  ) 3. We should not cut down trees.


  ) 4. Trees help keep the air clean.



 5. We should not use plastic bags because they are not useful.


 ) Ss judge them. Think and write How to protect the Earth

  1. We should save_______ and________ water.

 We should not_______ water.

  2. We should save_________.

 We should not _______ so much.

  3. We should save __________.

 We should not cut down too many________.

  4. We should not use too many ________ bags or bottles.

  We should use ______ bags and bottles.

 Pupils fill in the blanks and show the answers. Step 3 Presentation and

 Practice Task3

 Know the meanings of the signs and obey(遵守) them

  Teacher shows 4 public signs, pupils must use we should/should not….to make sentences.

 We should put rubbish in the bin,

 We should not use much napkin paper.

 We should not smoke.

 We should not pick flowers in the park.

 Teacher guides pupils to learn the use of should/should not: Grammar time.

 T: There are some sentences in story time about should/should not, read them and try to find the rules.

 T shows the rules: should:情态动词,含义是应该,后面跟动词的原型。should的否定形式是should not,后面仍旧跟动词原型哦!

  Task4 Brain storm!

 Q: What else should we do/not to do to be a good environment protector?

  Pupils can discuss in a group, then teacher asks the volunteers to answer it.


 Know how to use the things on the Earth correctly(正确地)

  T: What does use…to… mean?

 Pupils answer it.: 使用…做…

 Teacher shows 3 sentences(课本上).

 Q1: Which one is not the right way?

  Q2: What else can we use on the Earth correctly?

  Task6 Know how to reuse the things

  T: We use almost everything on the Earth, after using, we drop them, what a pity! I t think clever people can reuse something.

 T shows four pictures.

 1.I collect some paper cups. I can reuse them to make …

 2. I collect some belts. I can reuse them to make…

 3.I collect _________.(plastic bottles) I can _____ them to make_____.

 4.I ___________.(buttons) I can _________.

 T: Boys and girls, you are clever too, can you show your DIYs? Please use this dialogue. A: Hi …,look, this is a...

 B: Oh,


 A: I reuse a ...to make this ...,do you like it? B: Yes, it’s nice / creative(有创意的)…I like it very much. Show time.

 Step4 Consolidation Task7

 Write an application (申请)

 T: Boys and girls, you meet all the rules to be the environment protector, now you can write an application to Mr Brown ! Dear Mr Brown:

 I’d like to be the Environment Protector. I love the Earth. I always save_______________________________. I never waste________________________________.

 I use________________ to______________________.

 I can reuse___________________ to ______________. I can tell what we should do. Such as, _________________.

 I also can tell what we should not do. Such as(例如)___________.

 Thank you for considering(考虑) my application.


 Pupils finish it, then read it loudly, teacher comments. T: You did a good job, congratulations! Step 5 Homework 1.Share your DIYs to your classmates. 2.Go on to finish the application.


  Unit7 Protect the Earth






  We should…

  We should not…

 Unit 7 Protect the Earth

 The third period 一 教学内容 Sound time, Cartoon time and Culture time. 二 教学目标:

 1 能理解并体会字母组合oo在单词中的发音 2 能理解Culture time的内容,并适当扩展 3 能理解Cartoon time的内容并动手实践 4 能意识到保护环境的重要性并付诸于实际生活 三 教学重难点:

 1能理解Culture time的内容,并适当扩展 2能理解Cartoon time的内容并动手制作海报 3 能锻炼运用英语及与他人合作的能力 四 教学准备:

 挂图,卡片,PPT 教学设计(主备) 复备 Step 1 Warm-up 1 Free talk

  T: What day is it today?

  S: It’s …

  T: What’s the weather like today?

  S: It’s sunny / rainy / cloudy …

  T: How do you go to school today?

  S: I go to school by car / bus / taxi…

  T: Do you wear masks on your way today?

  S: Yes / No. 2 Revision

 T: As we know, Nanjing has been covered by fog and haze recently. It’s not good for our health. ( Show a picture of fog and haze) We have experienced this terrible result. The world environment is getting worse too. What should we do? Discuss with your desk mates. You can use the sentences pattern: We should …/ We should not...

  S: We should …

 We should not... Step 2 Presentation and pratice Sound time 1 T: We should do a lot of things to protect the environment —— our big home “the earth”, and I think we should start from the little things around us, like our little home —— school.

 T: (PPT 呈现) Everyday I go to school.

  I think it's really cool.

  We have fun in the classroom.

  Every morning and afternoon.

  ( Play the Sound time)

 2 T: Who can read it?

 Invite several students to read.

 3 T: Read Sound time by yourselves and find the same rhyme.

 S: school, cool, classroom, afternoon

 “oo” pronounces /u:/ 4 T: Say more words with letters “oo” pronounces /u:/

  S: Food, wool, moon, fool, oops…

  Write them on the blackboard.

 Read these words. 5 Game: Finding home (PPT)

  Help students to distinguish the sound /u:/ and /u/. Cartoon time

 1 T: School is our little home. Earth is our big home. Bobby, Sam and Billy are doing a project for the big home. Watch the cartoon and answer the question: What project are they doing?

 S: They are making a poster.

 2 T: Why do they want to make the poster and how?

  Read the story in groups and answer.

 1) Why do they want to make the poster?

 S: The Earth is our home. We should protect it. All students should know this.

  2) How do they do? (order these sentences)


 ) Let me draw some bananas on the trees.


 ) Let me draw a rubbish bin.


 ) Let me draw the Earth with trees and flowers on it.


 ) Put the poster at the school gate.

 Do this exercise on the paper. Then check the answer.

  3 Read the story together

 4 Read in groups and act it out..

  5 T: What a nice poster! Can you add some other things to make it more meaningful?

  Eg:Let me draw a tap. We should save water. (Teacher sticks a poster on the blackboard and encourage students to draw and practice the key sentences.)

 S: Let me draw… We should…

  Let me draw… We should not… Culture time

 1 T: Look! I have a poster too. What do you know from it?

 S: Earth Day is on 22nd April.

  World Environment Day is on 5th June.

 Read the sentences after the teacher.

 Invite some students to read the sentences.

 Pay attention to the expression of the date.

 2 T: We know Earth Day and World Environment Day. Do you know other days about environment protection?

  (Demand students to prepare before class. They can surf the Internet or refer to the books.)

 Invite students to answer the question. S: … 3 T: You introduced a lot of days about environment protection. Now I’ll show you some pictures about it too. Eg: (Show the picture of World Food Day) World Food Day is on 16th October. We should not waste food. Because in many places, there is not much food for people, like Africa. We should save food. As a student, we should finish all the food every meal.

 (Show picture one) T: World Water Day is on 22nd March.

 (Show picture two) S: World No-Smoking Day is on 31st May.

 (Show picture three) S: World Animal Day is on 4th October.

 (Show picture four) S: World Wetland Day is on 2nd February.

 (Show picture five) S: Tree Planting Day is on 12th March.

  (Show picture six) S: World Forest Day is on 21st March. Group Activity: Every group choose one day and discuss in groups: what should we do or not do on these days. And why?


  T: We should take activities not only on these special days but also in daily life. Step 3 Consolidation

 T: Nowadays we face a lot of problems on the Earth, we should…(lead students to say the sentence “we should love and protect our Earth.”)

 S: We should love and protect our Earth. (read)

 Share some sentences:

  Protect the environment, protect ourselves.

  We have only one Earth.

  Protect the Earth, benefit the people. Step 4 Homework 1 Recite Cartoon time 2 Make a poster about environment protection in groups


 Unit 7 Protect the Earth Let me … We / You shoud … We / You shoud not…

 oo /u:/ cool


 room school

 zoo …

 Unit 7 Protect the Earth

 The fourth period 一 教学内容 Checkout time, Think and write & Ticking time 二 教学目标:

 1 Fill in the blanks and learn to read the passage; 2 Write a passage of protecting the Earth; 3 Know the ways to protect the Earth; 4 Discuss in groups and judge their own study. 三 教学重难点:

 1 Write a passage of protecting the Earth; 2 Know the ways to protect the Earth; 五 教学准备:

 挂图,卡片,PPT 教学设计(主备) 复备 Step 1 Warm up 1 Greeting and daily English

 2 Free talk Q1 What can we do to keep our city clean? Q2 What can we do to protect the Earth?

 ---- should


  should not Step 2 Presentation and pratice 1 Checkout time a.T: We all know how to protect our city and the Earth, and what we should do or should not do, that’s great. Look at those people, do they do the right things? Why? (Show them the pictures of page 76 on the PPT, ask them to discuss in groups and fill in the blanks) Ss: They should not…… b.

 Ask someone to write the phrases and check the answers. c.

 Read the whole passage together. 2

  Watch the video T: You did a good job! Now let’s look at the animals. Watch the video carefully, and try to answer two questions. Q1 What do the animals do in the video? Q2 Why do they do like that?

 (Watch the video for the first time.) Ss: They…… T: How clever they are ! Shall we watch it again?

 (Watch the video for the second time.) T: From this video, What can we learn from the animals? Ss: Avoid using plastic bags    

 Use the energy saving lightbulbs       Recycle all you can. (Learn those key words, read and spell several times) 3.Think and write T: As we know, the animals and our people, we are all the masters of this planet, the Earth, but around us, there are more and more pollution nowadays.

 (Show some pictures about the environmental pollution.) T: Talk about the pollution and waste around you. Ss:(Talk about the pollutions in their daily life in pairs) T: We have something to do to protect the Earth. Now please discuss in groups. 1.What should we do to save water? 2.How do we save the energy(electric, oil, coal…)? 3.What about protecting the forest, the trees? 4.How to stop the white pollution? Ss discuss in groups, then share their answers in class. Write on the blackboard. T: Now please write the passage of page 77, more is better. -(Show them the useful words and patterns on PPT.) -(Choose one or two students’

 passage and discuss in class according to their writing.) -(Encourage them to involve more respects. ) Step 3 Consolidation Share and discuss the passages; Read the passages together, pay more attention to the key words and phrases. Ticking time T: You are so great! Now please judge each other and give yourself stars.

  How many stars have you got?

 Who has got nine stars? Congratulations!

  For the others, please practice more with the help of your classmates after class. Step 4 Homework 1 Read the passage of page 76; 2 Finish their passage; 3 Discuss with your partners the more ways to protect the Earth.


  Unit 7 Protect the Earth

  We should…

  We should not

 Avoid using plastic bags Save Use the energy saving lightbulbs


 Recycle all you can

  Protect the forest


 Unit 7 Protect the Earth

 The fifth period 教学内容:revision 教学目标:








 教学设计(主备) 复备 听力部分30% 一、 选出你所听到的选项,将序号填在题前括号内。(10分) (

 )1. A. save

  B. said

  C. seven

  D.say (

 )2. A. energy


  C. eight

  D.everything (

 )3. A. waste

 B. wait

  C. water

 D. warm (

 )4. A. coal

 B. coat

 C. goat

 D. gate (

 )5. A. little

  B. letter

  C. litter

  D. light (

 )6. A. 22nd April B.12th April

  C.2nd April

  D. 24th April (

 )7. A. Earth

 B. early

 C. earlier

 D.every (

 )8. A. paper

 B. plastic

  C. glass

  D. bottle (

 )9. A. July5

 B. June 6

 C. June15

 D. June5 (

 )10.A. food

  B. would

  C. wood

  D. foot 二、 根据你所听到的问句,选出合适的答句。(5分) (

 )1. A. Yes, they are.

  B. Yes, they do.

 C. Yes, we did. (

 )2. A. Drive too much.

 B. Don’t drive too much.

 C. Eat too much. (

 )3. A. Thank you.

 B. It’s blue.

  C. That’s right. (

 )4. A. Water

  B. coal

 C. oil (

 )5. A. I’m sorry.

  B. Thank you.

  C. Yes, please. 三、 根据你所听到的短文,判断下列句子的正(T)误(F)。(5分) (

 )1. Liu Ying is young. (

 )2.She is a student too. (

 )3.Her shop is for the students. (

 )4.You can see coats, jackets and oranges in her shop. (

 )5.The students don’t like Liu Yang’s shop. 四、 根据录音内容,完成短文,每空一词。(10分) Su Hai and her classmates want to

 the Earth. They make a

 ________ to tell other people. They draw green, blue and_______ on Earth. They also write, “The Earth is our ________. We should _______ water,________ and trees. We shouldn’t ________ water. We shouldn’t _______ _______ too many trees. We shouldn’t use too much ________.” 笔试部分70% 一、选出划线部分发音与其余三个不同的选项。(5分)


  ) 1. A. table

 B. save

 C. same

 D. around


  ) 2. A. drive

 B. drink

 C. litter

 D. slip (

  ) 3. A. October

 B. orange


 D. holiday (

  ) 4. A. drive

 B. plastic

  C. bin

 D. pick (

  ) 5. A. cut


  C. museum

  D. summer 二、英汉互译。(10分) 1.太多能源___________________

 2.在地球上________________ 3.做一个课题_________________

 4.look nice__________________ 5.收集一些塑料瓶____________

  6.most of us__________________ 7.在许多地方______________

  8.drive so much_________________ 9.制作纸袋________________


 三、用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分) 1. We should________ (eat) fruit and vegetables every day. 2. __________(not)waste water, please. 3. He starts________(draw). 4. Would you like _________(sleep)? 5. We use wood_________(make) things. 6. The books are _________(use). 7.You can’t

 _________(throw) rubbish in the river. 8. I reuse a glass bottle________(make) a toy. 9. Miss Li tells ________(they) about the school. 10. __________(protect) the river, we should plant more trees. 四、选择。(10分) (

 )1. There is_____ milk in the bottle. A.very much

 B. to much

 C. too much

 D. too many


 )2. ---We use gloves _______ warm. A. keep

  B. to keep

 C. to keeping

 D. kept (

 )3.You can______ the dictionary(字典)______ the new words. A.use; learn

 B. to use; to learn

 C. use; to learn (

 )4. There are some ______ on the table.

 A. plastic bag

 B. plastics bags

 C. plastic bags (

 )5. There _______ not much coal or oil _____ Earth.

 A.is; in

  B. are; on

 C. is; on


 )6.I think it’s ______ cool.

 A. a really

 B. really

 C. real

 D. a real


 )7. We have______ in the classroom every day.

  A. fun


 C. happy

 D. a fun (


 ________ a nice poster!


 B. What

  C. How

 D.How is (

 )9. Mike, ________the rubbish_______. A. pick; up

  B. picks; up

 C. picks; away (

 )10. English is ________ useful subject.

 A. /

  B. an

  C. a

  五、从II栏中选出与I栏句子相对应的答句。(5分) I

  II (

 )1.Where does Sam come from?

  A. They should not shout. (

 )2. What should they not do?

  B. OK. (

 )3. Can you help me clean the classroom?

 C. He comes from England. (

 )4. You shouldn’t litter here, Mike.

  D. We can put rubbish in the bin. (

 )5. What can you do to keep your room clean?

 E. I’m sorry. 六、按要求改写句子。(5分) 1. We use too many plastic bags and bottles.(改成否定句)

  ___________________________________________ 2. We should save our water.(改成同义句)

 We ________


 our water. 3. He comes from America.(改为同义句)

  He _________ ________ _________. 4. He put it in the bin.(对划线部分提问)


 _______ he put it? 5. coal, oil, comes, and, energy, our, most, of, from(.)(连词成句)

  ___________________________________________ 七、根据中文提示补全下列句子。(5分) 1. 孩子们可以用纸做玩具。

  _______ can _______ paper ______ _______ toys. 2. 你们不应该在公园里扔垃圾。

 You_______ ________ in the ________ . 3.喝太多对我们身体有害。

 Drinking _______ ________ is ______ _______ our health. 八、完型填空。(10分)


 can we protect the Earth? It


  a problem in the world now. Our Earth is just like our mother. We must love


 . We can


 up the rubbish on the ground. We


 cut down too




  keep the air clean, we shouldn’t drive too

 8___. We should





 will be more and more beautiful.


  )1.A. What

 B. How

  C. Why

 D. When (

  )2.A. were

  B. become


 D.was (

  )3.A. they

  B. she

 C. her

  D. him (

  )4.A. make

  B. throw

 C. pick

  D. come (

  )5.A. can

 B. could

  C. should

 D. shouldn’t (



  C. some

 D. any (


  B. With


 D. For (

  ) 8.A.many

  B. much

  C. some

 D. any (

  ) 9.A.wastery

  B. waster

  C. save

  D. use (



 C. the Earth

  D. the air 九、阅读理解。(10分)

  We can't live without water, but now the water was polluted(污染). It is the biggest problem(问题). So we must find a way to work this problem out. Water is an important resource(资源). In our daily life , we often leave the tap on after cleaning hands. Sometimes we litter in the river. So the water was polluted by us. I think we use a bottle of water two or three times. Don’t let the last drop(滴) of water on the Earth becomes our last tear(眼泪). (

 ) 1. This article is mainly the water pollution. (

 ) 2. We usually forget to turn off the tap after cleaning hands. (

 ) 3. Water pollution is not the biggest


 now. (

 ) 4. We shouldn’t care about(关心) the water pollution. (

 ) 5. If we go on wasting water , there is no water at last.

 听力内容 一、选出你所听到的选项,将序号填在题前括号内。(10分) 1.We should save water. 2.Oil can give us much energy. 3.Don’t waste time, Liu Tao. 4. Coal is useful energy. 5.We shouldn’t litter everywhere. 6.Earth Day is on 22nd April. 7. Liu Tao goes to school early every day. 8. Don’t use too much plastic. 9. World Environment Day is on 5th June. 10. Wood comes from trees. 二、 根据你所听到的问句,选出合适的答句。(5分) 1. Do they walk to school in the morning? 2. What can we do to save energy? 3. What a nice kite! 4. What do people use to clean things? 5. You shouldn’t litter in the park. 三、 根据你所听到的短文,判断下列句子的正(T)误(F)。(5分) Liu Ying is a young woman. She’s about twenty. She has a shop. In her shop you can see books, pens, pencils, rulers, rubbers… The shop is open from 8:00 in the morning to 9:00 in the evening. Many students go to her shop and do some shopping. They like her shop very much.

  (答案:T F T F F) 四、 根据录音内容,完成短文,每空一词。(10分) Su Hai and her classmates want to

 protect the Earth. They make a

 ___poster___ to tell other people. They draw green, blue and___brown____ on Earth. They also write, “The Earth is our ___home_____. We should ____save___ water,____energy____ and trees. We shouldn’t ___waste_____ water. We shouldn’t __cut__

 __down_ too many trees. We shouldn’t use too much ___plastic___.”

  Unit 7 Protect the Earth

 The sixth period


 test 教学目标:






 教具准备:试题 教学设计(主备) 复备 Step 1: 自主纠错(5分钟)

 Step 2: 合作交流(5分钟)


  Step 3: 提出问题与讲解点拨 (师、生)(20分钟)


  Step 4 总结归纳以及检测反思(10分钟)

 Homework: 1. 订正错题至错题集。

 2. 预习Unit8 Story time。

 Blackboard design: 板书根据学生情况随机书写

  Unit 8 Chinese New Year 一 单元教学内容简析:

 本单元讲述的是中国传统重要节日:春节,贴近学生的实际,对于文本的理解没有难度,教学重点可放在语言操练和文化意识渗透上。出现了一些容易混淆的内容,如:firecrackers, fireworks等,建议在学习策略上给予学生指导。

 二 单元教学要求:

 1.能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写词汇excited,food,fireworks ,firecracker,rich,Chinese New Year’s Eve,red packet,ao lion dance,watch ireworks,Chinese New Year’s Day. 2.能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型What are you going to do at/on...?I’m going to... 3.能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语和句型I’m very excited.

 On Chinese New Year’s Day, my parents are going to give m me red packets. I

  E I’m rich now. Hooray! Yummy!



 三 单元教学重点:

 词汇:get, food, rich, plan,

 句型:What are you going to do ?

 I'm going to … .

  What is he/she going to do? He’s /She’s going to… 语法:一般将来时be going to结构表示意愿、打算做某事 语音:字母组合oo 在单词中发音 四 单元教学难点:

 句型:一般将来时be going to结构表示意愿、打算做某事

  词汇:lion, fireworks , firecracker 的读音

 五 单元教学安排:


 第一课时Story time

  第二课时 Grammar time and Fun time

 第三课时Cartoon time and Culture time.

  第四课时Sound time, Checkout time and Ticking time

 第五课时 单元检测

 第六课时 复习讲评

 Unit 8 Chinese New Year

 The first period 一 教学内容:Story time

 二 教学目标:

 (一)知识目标 1.能听懂、会说、会读单词:get,Hong Kong,next week,tangyuan,food,firecrackers,fireworks,lion dance,red packet,Chinese New Year’s Eve,Chinese New Year’s Day. 2.能听懂、会说、会读、会写句子:What are you going to do? I’m going to … (二)能力目标 1.能初步理解并朗读课文。


 三 教学重点:

 1.能听懂、会说、会读单词:get,Hong Kong,next week,tangyuan,food,firecrackers,fireworks,lion dance,red packets,Chinese New Year’s Eve,Chinese New Year’s Day。

 2.能听懂、会说、会读、会写句子:What are you going to do? I’m going to … 3.能初步理解并朗读课文。

 四 教学难点:

 1.能听懂、会说、会读单词:get,Hong Kong,next week,tangyuan,food,firecrackers,fireworks,lion dance,red packets,Chinese New Year’s Eve,Chinese New Year’s Day。

 2.能听懂、会说、会读、会写句子:What are you going to do? I’m going to … 3.能初步理解并朗读课文。


 五 教学准备:




 教学设计(主备) 复备 Step1 Warm-up 1. Sing a song: “Happy New Year” 2. Free talk T: Boys and girls, you sing very well. Are you happy now? Do you like New Year’s Day? What do people usually do on New Year’s Day? When is New Year’s Day? What date is it today? Oh, the New Year’s Day has passed. But another festival is coming. 学生回答老师问题,并两两交谈 Step2 Presentation 1. 揭示课题

 T: Look at the picture. What festival is it? T: Yes, you’re right. So today we’ll learn something about Chinese New Year. Please read after me: Unit8 Chinese New Year. 2. 讲授Chinese New Year’s Day和Chinese New Year’s Eve (1)T: Boys and girls, do you like Chinese New Year? T: Me, too. But when is the Chinese New Year this year? (呈现日历表) T: Yes, and we call it Chinese New Year’s Day.(讲授Chinese New Year’s Day) (2) (教师指着2月18日问) T: What date is it?

  S: It’s Chinese New Year. 学生齐读课题。

 T: Yes. And we call it “Chinese New Year’s Eve” (讲授Chinese New Year’s Eve) 3. 教授单词、词组:light, firecrackers, get, red packet (1)T: What do people usually do on Chinese New Year’s Eve? You can choose from the pictures. (PPT呈现各种不同节日的活动图片) Which pictures? T: Yes, you’re right. Look at the picture, What are they doing? (引导学生回答) Ss: Picture 1 Ss: They’re lighting firecrackers(教师教授light,firecrackers) (2) 同法教授:get, red packet, watch fireworks (3)Ss read the new words and phrases. 4. 教授句型:What are you going to do? I’m going to… T: Chinese New Year’s Eve is fun. We can do many things. Now I want to know your plan of this Chinese New Year’s Eve. What are you going to do on Chinese New Year’s Eve?(引导学生回答) (PPT呈现句型:

 What are you going to do? I’m going to…并讲解be going to) Step3 Practice 1. Teacher and the Ss make a short dialogue by using the sentence pattern 2. Work in pairs. 3. Three pairs show their dialogues. Step4 Story time 1. Watch and order T: You did a very good job. Look at the girl. Who is she?

 What is she doing? T: She is writing an e-mail about Chinese New Year to Su Hai. What is Anna going to do at Chinese New Year? Please watch the video and order the pictures. 2. Listen and answer T: Now we know the e-mail is talking about Chinese New Year. But is it about Chinese New Year in Taixing? T: So where is the e-mail talking about? Let’s listen and answer the questions. (1) Where does Anna live?(教授Hong Kong) (2) When is Chinese New Year? (教授next week) (3) What are Anna and her family going to do tomorrow? (教授 food,tangyuan) (4) What are they going to do on Chinese New Year’s Eve? (5) What are they going to do on Chinese New Year’s Day? (教授lion dance) (6) What are they going to do on the 2nd day of Chinese New Year’s Day? 3. Read the text

 (1) read after the tape. (2) read in groups. 4. Retell the text.. 根据板书复述Anna一家的新年安排 Step5 Homework: 1、我国各大传统节日的名称及活动,增强学生的民族自豪感,加深了解我国传统文化,并培养热爱传统文化的美好情操。

 2、懂得句子:Of a nation, of the world. (民族的才是世界的。)

  Unit 8 Chinese New Year

 The second period 一 教学内容:Grammar time and Fun time 二 教学目标:


 三 教学重、难点:

  1.句型be going to …的用法。

 2.介词in 、at在节日名称前的用法区别。


 四 教学准备:多媒体PPT课件。

  教学设计(主备) 复备 Step 1:Warm up 1.Say the words and phrases.映示课文插图,说出相应单词及词组。

 2.T:What is Su Hai going to do ? Guess! 根据香港和大陆人的节日习俗有所不同,来猜测苏洋的节日安排。

 3.T: Chinese New Year is a popular holiday in China. What are you going to do this Chinese New Year? I’m going to …(板书)

 Ss: I’m going to… 4.指名学生提问:What is he/she going to do ? He/She is going to …What are they going to do? They are going to … Practice in each group of four. Step 2:Grammar time 1.T: Let’s read the sentences. 呈现Grammar time中的句子,生以问答形式朗读,试总结一般将来时的句式特点。



 结构:be going to + 动词原形 What is he going to do at Chinese New Year ? He is going to watch a lion dance . What are you going to do on Chinese New Year’s Eve ? We’re going to have a big dinner . Step 3: Practice . 1.我打算明天打扫我的房间。

 I ____ going to____ my bedroom tomorrow. 2.他这个周末准备去拜访他的祖父母。

 He ____ ____ ____ ____ his grandparents this weekend . 3.他们今天晚上将要读英语。

 ____ ____ going to ____ English this evening. Step 4:Fun time 1.T: Do you know any other holidays ? What holiday do you like best? Why? 2.Discuss in pairs . 3.What do people usually do at/on…? 了解at与on的用法区别。。

 4.Show some pictures on the blackboard . 5.Get some students to pick one of them, then ask and answer . 学生各自展示节日活动的照片,说说自己做了什么,及下一个这个节日打算做什么 Step 4 Consolidation 1.Work in groups of four . 2.Show time . 3.Choose one picture to write .选择一幅感兴趣的图片写一写。

 Step 5 Homework 1. Read the text fluently. 2. Tell your family or friends what Hong Kong people do at Chinese New Year.


 What are you/they going to do ? I’m/We’re/They’re going to … What’s he/she going to do ? He’s/She’s going to …

 Unit 8 Chinese New Year

 The third period 一 教学内容 Cartoon time and Culture time. 二 教学目标:


 2.能正确理解、朗读Cartoon time中的故事,能读懂其中的趣味之处,能在教师的指导下表演故事。


 三 教学重点:



 四 教学难点:


 五 教学准备:



 教学设计(主备) 复备 Step1. Warm up 1. Greeting T: Good morning\afternoon,boys and girls, S:Good morning\afternoon, Miss\ Mr. … 2.Pick and say T shows some pictures on the blackboard , and gets some students to pick one of them, then ask and answer : What are you going to do at/on…? I’m going to … 3.Review Story Time T: What are Anna’s family going to do on Chinese New Year’ Eve/ Chinese New Year’ Day? Ss read Culture Time by themselves and discuss: 3.Review : red packets , fireworks T: Yes, so are we. We are going to do the same things and also to cook dumplings on Chinese New Year’ Eve, right? We are all looking forward to it. So , we can say: Chinese New Year is the most important festival in China. Step 2:Culture Time 1. T: OK. Do you know what holiday the important holiday is in the USA/ the UK? What do people do at Christmas? What do they eat…? 2. T shows pictures about the three holidays, and let them match.

 3. Read after T. Step3:Cartoon Time 1.T: Bobby’ mum is preparing for Chinese New Year, too. Well, what is Bobby going to do? Now, read it. T Shows pictures of this part, and ask

 2.Judge: A .Bobby eats some dumplings before dinner. B. Bobby gets a red packet from Tina. C. Bobby is going to visit Aunt Alice on Chinese New Year’s Eve.

  D. Bobby does not like cakes. 3. Read the text after T. 4. Act it in roles. Step 4 Sound Time 1. Show a picture of this part T: There’s a man cooking here.

 Who is he?

  ( a cook) What is he doing? ( looking a cookbook) 2. Read the sentence by themselves and summary the pronunciation/u/ 3. Listen to the tape and repeat 4. Find some other words: classroom 板书设计:

 1. Read, recite and act out Cartoon time. 2. Recite the key words, phrases and sentences of Cartoon time.

  Unit 8 Chinese New Year

 The fourth period 一 教学内容 Checkout time,Ticking time

 二 教学目标:

 1.知识目标 复习,巩固本单元设计四会词汇和句型。

 2.技能目标 进一步复习、小结be going to句型的用法。正确掌握,灵活运用be going to的陈述句、特殊疑问句问法及其回答。1.正确完成书上Checkout time 中的练习。

  三 教学重点:

 能掌握be going to句型使用方法。并能将它与现在进行时正确区分。

 四 教学难点:

 能熟练运用be going to句型展开话题询问和回答。




 教学设计(主备) 复备 Step1. Warm up 1. Greeting T: Good morning\afternoon,boys and girls, Ss: Good morning\afternoon, Miss\ Mr. … 2.Revision


 What are they going to do before Chinese New Year’s Eve? What are they going to do then? What are they going to do on Chinese New Year’s Eve? They are going to buy some new clothes. They are going to make some dumpings and tangyuan. They are going to have dinner and buy some flowers. Step2. Choose and write 1. 组织学生完成电子邮件。

 2. 交流学生的答案。


  Who is writing an email? What is Su Hai’s family going to do tomorrow? What are they going to do on Chinese New Year’s Eve? What are they going to do after dinner? What are they going to do then? What are they going to do at 12 o’clock? What are Su Hai’s sister and I going to do after that? What are Su Hai’s parents and grandparents going to do ? What are they going to do on Chinese New Year’s Day? Are they going to have a lot of fun? Step3. Practice 根据学生的实际情况回答下列问题 What are you going to do at Chinese New Year? Who are you going to visit? What are you going to eat? What are you going to eat? What food are you going to make? What places are you going to visit? Step4 .Summary 语法小结:


 结构:be going to + 动词原形 What is he going to do at Chinese New Year ? He is going to watch a lion dance . What are you going to do on Chinese New Year’s Eve Step 5. Homework 1. Read the text fluently. 2. Tell your family or friends what Hong Kong people do at Chinese New Year. 板书设计:

 Unit 8 Chinese New Year

 be going to +...... 的基本句型结构是 be going to + 动词原形

 Unit 8 Chinese New Year

 The fifth period 教学内容:revision 教学目标:






 教具准备:试题 教学设计(主备) 复备 听力部分 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词或短语。


 ) 1. A. China

 B. Chinese

  C. choose (

 ) 2. A. e-dog

 B. letter

  C. e-friend (

 ) 3. A. red

 B. river

  C. look (

 ) 4. A.firework

 B. fire

  C. firecracker (

 ) 5. A. Yummy

 B. hooray

 C. Ha-ha (

 ) 6. A. food

  B. foot

 C. feet (

 ) 7. A. watch TV

  B. watch lion dances

  C. See a film


 ) 8. A. be rich

  B. be excited

  C. be happy (

 ) 9. A. cook dumplings

 B. eat dumplings

 C. make cakes


 ) 10. A. What is she going to do ?

 B. What’s he going to do?

  C. Where is she going?



 ) 1. A. Yes, they are.

 B. No, we won’t.

 C. Yes, they aren’t. (

 ) 2. A. I’m going to do my homework. B. She’s going to clean the classroom.

 C. He’s going to see a film. (

 ) 3. A. Chinese New Year.

 B. Children’s Day.

 C. May Day.


 ) 4. A. Yes, we can.

  B. I can.

 C. Me too. (

 ) 5. A. Good idea.

  B. Lets’ go to see a film.

 C. No, I’m not.


  ________is Saturday, we don’t have lessons on ________. My parents don’t work ________. We are ________about our _________ for this weenkend. Tomorrow morning, we are going to ________some new clothes _______my little sister. In the afternoon, we will ________a film. In the evening, we will visit my grandparents and have a big dinner _______ them. We will have a _______ day.

 笔试部分 一、选择填空。


 ) 1. It’s going to _______ Chinese New Year soon.

 a. see

  b. do

 c. be (

 ) 2. What are you giong to _______?

 a.to do

 b. do

 C. on (

 ) 3. I’m going to give lucky money ________ those children.

  a. from

  b. to

  c. on


 ) 4. Be ______. The basketball match will start.

  a. clever

 b. hard.

  c. quick


 ) 5. I’m ____ dumplings in the kitchen with my mother.

  a. making

  b. make

 c. makes


  ) 6. ______ nice firewoks!

 a. What

  b. What a

  c. How (

 ) 7. ________ Chinese New Year’s Day, I can get many red packets.

  a. On

 b. In

 c. At


 ) 8. Tomorrow is Children’s Day. Helen _____

 with her friends.

 a. is going to have a party

 b. had a party

  c. likes having a party


 ) 9. I think Jill and you will ______ good friends.

  a. are

  b. is

 c.be (

 ) 10.She will get ______ red packets from her family.

  a. lot of

  b. lot

  c. lots of 二、在II栏中找出I栏相对应的答句,将序号填在提前的括号内。


  II (

 ) 1. Did you see Aunt Liu last Sunday?

 A. I’m going to the Palace Museum. (

 ) 2.Where are you going?

  B.Yes, I did. (

 ) 3. What are you going to do?

  C. Because my birthday is coming! (

 ) 4. Why are you so excited?

 D. Yummy! (

 ) 5. Try these dumplings.

  E. I’m going to watch firewoks.


  6. My sister

 (be) a nurse next month. 7. The students are very________(excite). 8. Jack _______(go) to the History Museum yesterday.

 9. ---- Look! What_____they ___________(do) now? ---- They ________(read) magazines. 10. His birthday is ________(come). 四、按要求完成句子。

  1. 下周将是国庆节了。

 It’s going to _____ ______ ______ next week.

 2. 我和家人将一起看舞狮。

 My family and I ________ going to ________ _______ ______ together. 3. She is going to see her uncle and aunt this evening. (对划线部分提问)

 ______________________________________________ 4. We are going to have a class outing tomorrow. (改为否定句。)

 ______________________________________________ 5. Lily is going to have a party with her friends next week. (改为一般疑问句) _____________________________________________ 五、根据首字母提示填空。

  The S____ Festival is the Chinese New Year’s Day. It is i__ January o__ February. It’s a holiday full o__ love and joy. Everybody in China l___ Spring Festival very much. When Spring Festival comes, the people clean their houses a___ do some shopping. People usually spend time w____ their family and friends. They also e___ a lot of d_____ food. D___ you eat dumpling last Spring Festival?


  Many Chinese people have a good time during (在……期间) the Chinese New Year .It usually comes in January or February .Each year gets a name . It may be called the year of the Dog or the year of the Monkey instead of (代替) 1970 and 1980. Usually there is dragon (龙) dance in the street .The dragon is a strange (奇怪的) animal about 20 feet (英尺) long .It is made of paper and cloth .Men hide (藏) under the dragon , and make a lot of noise by shouting and laughing .There are always a lot of fireworks (烟火) . After the dragon dance , the children sing and dance in the street . 根据短文内容判断正( T )误( F ) (

 ) 1.The Chinese New Year usually comes in October . (

 ) 2.The Chinese people call 2012 the year of the dragon . (

 ) 3.The dragon was made of paper and fruit . (

 ) 4.The dragon dance needs a lot of animals . (

 ) 5.After the dragon dance ,the children sing and dance .

  苏教版译林六年级英语(上册)单元练习(八) 听力文字 一、 听录音,选择听到的内容。(10分) 1. Chinese New Year is coming.

 2. Su Hai got an email from her e-friend Anna in Hong Kong.

  3. My parents are going to give me red packets

  4. We are going to watch fireworks in the evening.

 5. Dumplings are Yummy.

 6. The cook is cooking nice food for us.

  7. Let’s watch lion dances in the afternoon.

 8. be excited

 9. eat dumplings

 10. Where is she going? 二、听录音,选择合适的答句。(10分) BBCAA 1. Will you play basketball this afternoon?

 2. What is she going to do after school? 3. It’s April. What festival is coming?

  4. Can you make tangyuan? 5. Shall we go climbing tomorrow?

  三、听录音,补全对话。(10分) Tomorrow is Saturday, we don’t have lessons on Saturdays. My parents don’t work either. We are talking about our plans for this weekend. Tomorrow morning, we are going to buy some new clothes for my little sister. In the afternoon, we will see a film. In the evening, we will visit my grandparents and have a big dinner with them. We will have a busy day.

 Unit 8 Chinese New Year

 The sixth period 教学内容:revision,

 test 教学目标:





 教具准备:试题 教学设计(主备) 复备 Step 1: 自主纠错(5分钟)

 Step 2: 合作交流(5分钟)


  Step 3: 提出问题与讲解点拨 (师、生)(20分钟)


  Step 4 总结归纳以及检测反思(10分钟)

 Homework: 1. 订正错题至错题集。

 2. 预习Unit6 Story time。

 Blackboard design: 板书根据学生情况随机书写

  Project2 Reuse and recycle

 一 单元教学内容简析:


 二 单元教学要求:




 三 单元教学重点:



 四 单元教学难点:



 五 单元教学安排:


 Project2 Reuse and recycle

  The first period 一 教学内容:Project2 Reuse and recycle 二 教学目标:





 三 教学重、难点:




 教学设计(主备) 复备 Step 1 复习反馈

 1. Read the main words from Unit5 to Unit8 correctly. 2.Read the main sentences from Unit5 to Unit8 correctly. 回忆单词句型。

 给5分钟时间背诵回忆 3.Free talk T: What does it mean? S1:It means… T:What can we do to…?

 S1: We can… We use…to… T: What are you going to do…? S1: I’m/We’re going to…

  T: How do you go to school every day? S1:I go to school…. T: Are you going to watch fireworks on Chinese New Year’s Day? S1:I usually…/No. I’m going to… Step2 理解运用训练 图片导入 教师安排学生课前在网络上搜索有关废旧物品回收再利用的图片,在课上和大家一起分享,完成步骤A. 同桌合作问答,复习Unit5-8词汇、句型及交际用语。

 Step 3 合作学习 在图片的提示下,教师可以喝学生开展“回收利用”的讨论,完成步骤。在此过程中,教师要向学生明确和两个不同的概念。前者是一个工业加工过程,目的是再利用;后者是有些废旧物品可以不经过回收过程而直接再利用。如:

 T: What can we reuse?

 S1:We can use plastic bottles/ bags/newspapers /old clothes/water… T:What can we recycle? S2:We can recyle plastic bottles/ paper/metal/glass/cans/TVs/washing machines/computers/mobile phones… T:How can we reuse plastic bottles? S3:We can reuse plastic bottles to

 Grow plants. S4:We can reuse old clothes to make

 dolls. Step 4 巩固新知 1. Read the “Story time” from Unit5 to Unit8. Act the “Story time” from Unit5 to Unit8 in roles or in groups. Read and Act the “Story time” from Unit5 to Unit8 in roles or in groups. Step5 Homework 1. Recite some words and sentences. 2. Prepare something for the making.

 Project2 Reuse and recycle

  The second period 一 教学内容:Project2 Reuse and recycle 二 教学目标:





 三 教学重点:




 四 教学难点:


 五 教学准备:


 教学设计(主备) 复备 Step 1 Warm up 1. Free talk. T:What date is it today? T:When’s Earth Day?? T:When’s World Environment Day? T:How to protect the Earth? T:What are you going to do …? S answer the questions: S1:It’s the … S2:It’s on 22nd April… S3:It’s on 5th June … S4: We should… S5:I’m/ We’re going to…. Step 2 自主学习 1.分组讨论,确定海报内容。

 设计宣传海报,并用What are you going to do? We’re going to…进行讨论交流,确定海报中要呈现的具体内容,完成步骤C. 2.分小组制作海报。

 在小组内分工合作,制作海报,完成步骤D. S1:What can we reuse? S2:We can reuse old clothes. S1: What are you going to do? S3:I’m going to use old clothes to make a toy. S4:I’m going to use old clothes to make a pencil case. S5:I’m going to use old clothes to make a cushion. S6:I’m going to use old clothes to make a rag. Step 3 分享交流 1.介绍作品。


 2.Appraise the dialogues and give some stars. S:We can reuse old clothes. We’re going to use old clothes to make… 同学之间开展“最佳创意”评比活动。

 Step 4 课后巩固 1.在口头介绍海报的基础上,完成书面表达 2.听写Unit5-8重点词汇句型。

 Make and write some dialogues. 听写Unit5-8重点词汇句型。


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