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2023-03-05 16:00:13

23世纪的新型汽车作文1  到了23世纪,一切都发生了翻天覆地的变化。我们坐的`汽车当然也不例外,车上也多了三个按扭。分别是红、黄、蓝三个,如果按红色按扭,汽车可以飞到宽阔的天空;按蓝色按扭可以潜到下面是小编为大家整理的2023年23世纪新型汽车作文60篇【精选推荐】,供大家参考。




































  One day, a man who seemed to own everything he could want suddenly felt a deep, inexplicable sadness. What"s wrong with him? Did he finally regain his happiness? Here is the story...

  The Happiest Man in the World

  Adapted by Amy Friedman

  Once upon a time there lived a man named Henry who had both land and money. He loved his wife and their strong and healthy children. In short, Henry had everything a man could want. At least that"s the way it seemed to everyone who knew him.

  But one morning Henry awoke from a deep sleep beneath a warm comforter, his eyes filled with tears. His heart felt heavy. "I"m unhappy," he said. For a moment he was frightened by such a feeling, but then he jumped out of bed, packed a picnic lunch and set off for a walk in the woods. He was determined to feel happy again.

  Henry hiked for hours, looking at the bright blue sky, enjoying the crisp autumn day. Everyone he passed greeted him. His neighbor"s dog barked hello. Another neighbor, meeting him as he returned home, handed him a freshly baked pumpkin pie, which he took home for supper.

  Henry had always loved pumpkin pie, but even the pie, and his children"s happy voices and the blaze of the fire in the hearth, did not lift his spirits. He fell asleep feeling unhappier than he had ever before felt in all his life.

  When he woke the next morning, he was even sadder. "I must fix this," he said, and set off for the city, where he thought he would find a hundred ways to cheer himself. He purchased silver bracelets for his wife and bags of candy for his children. He bought himself a pair of the softest slippers he could find. He dined in an elegant restaurant, and ate his favorite foods. And still that night he felt a deep sadness.

  Weeks passed in this way. The ripe pumpkins in the field that had once brought him joy did nothing to raise his spirits. Neither did the moonlit nights, the honking geese, the flowing streams, the fields of hay, the chatter of the children, the feel of his soft new slippers. Henry sipped hot chocolate. He ate ripe apples. He bathed in warm baths and listened to beautiful music. But nothing helped.

  At last, at his wit"s end, Henry went to see a wise man, and there he begged with a voice filled with misery and longing. "Sir, please tell me what I can do to find a way to lift my heavy heart. I must be cured of this terrible illness, which seems to have come from nowhere. I must find happiness."

  "That which is clear to some people is sometimes hidden from others," the wise man said. "You must find the happiest man in the world. When you find him, ask him to trade his shirt for yours. Happiness will be yours once again."

  Henry set off at once to find the happiest man in the world. One after another he came upon men who told him they were happy. Then Henry asked them one question: "Would you be happier if I gave you all my money?"

  "Yes," each man answered.

  "Then you are not the happiest man in the world," Henry said, and he went on searching.

  One day as he walked through the forest, he heard someone in the distance singing the happiest song he had ever heard. He followed the sound and soon came to a woodcutter chopping logs.

  "Excuse me. My name is Henry, and I am looking for the happiest man in the world," he said.

  "You"ve come to the right man," the woodcutter said. "I"m happy as can be."

  "Ah, then," Henry said, "would you like me to give you all my money?"

  The woodcutter laughed. "I have no need for your money. Look at all I have," and he beckoned Henry to look at the forest—at the red and golden leaves, at the squirrels scurrying across the forest floor, at the birds perched overhead, at the deer grazing nearby.

  "At last!" Henry cried. "I have been searching for you for a long time now. The wise man told me that if I exchanged shirts with the happiest man in the world, I would be cured of my illness. You see, I"m unhappy. Please, will you exchange your shirt for mine?"

  The happiest man in the world looked closely at Henry, and then he began to laugh and laugh. He laughed until the forest echoed with his laughter.

  When at last he quieted himself, Henry asked him, "How can you laugh at such a serious request? You see my shirt. It"s made of the finest cotton, and it will be yours. All I need is to wear yours."

  And then the woodcutter unbuttoned his tattered coat, and Henry saw that the happiest man in the world wasn"t wearing a shirt.

  "I own no shirts," the woodcutter said. "But now you know that you have the strength to seek all that you think you should have."

  Henry smiled, for now he understood why the wise man had sent him on this journey. He felt his heart became light once more.

  (841 words)



  prep.in or to a lower position than 在…的下面


  n. (美)盖被


  a. 不愉快的,不幸福的


  n. 郊游野餐;户外用餐;(个人自带食品的)聚餐


  v. (cause to) make a decision (使)下决心

  * hike

  v. take a long walk in the country (在乡间)作徒步旅行;远足

  * crisp

  a. 1. (of the air, weather, etc.) cold, dry and fresh (空气、气候等)干而冷的;清爽的;清新的

  2. hard and dry; easily broken 干而硬的;脆的;易碎的


  vi. (at) make the short, sharp cry that a dog and some other animals make (狗等动物)吠,叫

  * pumpkin

  n. 南瓜


  n. 馅饼(一种西式点心)

  * blaze

  n. 1. (a burst of) a bright flame 火焰;烈火

  2. a bright show of lights, colours, etc. 光辉;灿烂

  vi. burn brightly and strongly 熊熊燃烧


  n. 壁炉炉床;壁炉边(被认为是家庭生活的"中心)


  vt. (fml) buy [正式]购买

  n. 1. (fml) the act of buying [正式]购买

  2. a thing that has been bought 购买之物


  n. 手镯;臂镯


  n. (esp. AmE) a sweet, sweets, or (a piece of) chocolate (尤美)糖果


  n. a type of soft comfortable shoe for wearing inside the house 室内便鞋,拖鞋

  * dine

  vi. (fml) eat dinner [正式]用膳;进餐


  a. beautiful and graceful 高雅的,优美的


  n. 悲伤


  a. lighted by the moon 有月光的,月明的


  v. (雁)叫;按汽车喇叭


  v. (of liquid) move continuously and easily (液体)流动,流淌


  n. 1. a natural flow of water smaller than a river 小河,小溪

  2. (of) a continuous flow of things or people 一连串,川流不息


  n. long grass that has been cut and dried, esp. used as animal food (作牲畜饲料用的)干草


  n. rapid unimportant conversation 喋喋不休,饶舌

  vi. talk quickly, continuously, and for a long time, usu. about sth. unimportant 喋喋不休,饶舌

  * sip

  v. drink only a little at a time 小口地喝,啜饮

  n. a very small amount of a drink 一小口


  n. 巧克力;巧克力饮料


  n. 1. power of thought 才智,才能

  2. the ability to use words in a clever and humorous way 风趣;幽默

  * misery

  n. great unhappiness or great pain (of body or mind) (身心的)痛苦,不幸


  n. (for)a strong feeling of wanting sth. 渴望


  ad. 什么地方都不,无处


  n. a man whose job is to cut down trees in a forest 伐木者,樵夫


  v. cut by repeatedly hitting with an axe or other sharp instrument 砍,劈


  n. a thick piece of wood cut from a tree 原木,圆材,干材


  v. call or signal with a movement of the head, head, etc. (用头或手的动作)示意,召唤


  n. 松鼠


  vi. hurry; move quickly, esp. with small short steps (尤指用小步)急跑,急赶


  vi. (of a bird)come to rest, esp. on a thin, raised object such as a branch (鸟)飞落,暂栖


  a. & ad.(located or passing) above one"s head 在头顶上(的),在空中(的)


  n. 鹿

  * graze

  vi. feed on growing grass, as cattle, sheep, etc. (牛、羊等)啃食牧草


  a. & ad. near; close by (在)附近(的)


  v. (for, with) give sb. sth. and receive sth. of the same kind in return 交换


  vi. (with) (of a place) be filled with echoes 发出回声,产生回响

  n. a sound sent back or repeated from a surface such as a wall 回声,声音


  n. an act or sound of laughing 笑,笑声


  n. an act of asking for sth 要求,请求

  vt. ask (for) 要求,请求


  v. 解开(纽扣)


  a. (esp. of clothes) old and torn (尤指衣服)破旧的,破烂的

  Phrases and Expressions

  in short

  briefly stated; in a few words 总而言之

  at least


  for a moment


  set off

  start going 出发, 动身

  at last


  at one"s wit"s end

  (infml) completely at a loss or in despair [非正式]智穷计尽;全然不知所措

  from nowhere


  once again


  one after another

  one by one; repeatedly or continuously 一个接一个地;接连地

  come upon

  meet, find, or discover by chance (偶然)遇见,发现

  go on

  continue without stopping or without change 继续

  once more





  A common misconception among youngsters attending school is that their teachers were child prodigies. Who else but a bookworm, with none of the normal kid"s tendency to play rather than study, would grow up to be a teacher anyway?

  I"ve tried desperately to explain to my students that the image they have of me as an enthusiastic devotee of books and homework during my adolescence was a bit out of focus. On the contrary, I hated compulsory education with a passion. I could never quite accept the notion of having to go to school while the fish were biting.

  But in my sophomore year, something beautiful and exciting happened. Cupid aimed his arrow and struck me right in the heart. All at once, I enjoyed going to school, if only to gaze at the lovely face in English II.

  My princess sat near the pencil sharpener, and that year I ground up enough pencils to fuel a campfire. Alas, Debbie was far beyond my wildest dreams. We were separated not only by five rows of desks, but by about 50 I.Q. points. She was the top student in English II, the apple of Mrs. Larrivee"s eye.

  Occasionally, Debbie would catch me staring at her, and she would flash a smile that radiated intelligence and quickened my heartbeat. It was a smile that signaled hope and made me temporarily forget the intellectual gulf that separated us.

  I schemed desperately to bridge that gulf. And one day, as I was passing the supermarket, an idea came to me. A sign in the window announced that the store was offering the first volume of a set of encyclopedias at the special price of 29 cents. The remaining volumes would cost $2.49 each.

  I purchased Volume I — Aardvark to Asteroid — and began my venture into the world of knowledge. I would henceforth become a seeker of facts. I would become Chief Brain in English II and sweep my princess off her feet with a surge of erudition. I had it all planned.

  My first opportunity came one day in the cafeteria line. I looked behind me and there she was.

  "Hi," she said.

  After a pause, I wet my lips and said, "Know where anchovies come from?"

  She seemed surprised. "No, I don"t."

  I breathed a sigh of relief. "The anchovy lives in salt water and is rarely found in fresh water." I had to talk fast, so that I could get all the facts in before we reached the cash register. "Fishermen catch anchovies in the Mediterranean Sea and along the Atlantic coast near Spain and Portugal."

  "How fascinating," said Debbie, shaking her head in disbelief. It was obvious that I had made quite an impression.

  A few days later, during a fire drill, I casually went up to her and asked, "Ever been to the Aleutian Islands?"

  "Never have," she replied.

  "Might be a nice place to visit, but I certainly wouldn"t want to live there," I said.

  "Why not?" said Debbie, playing right into my hands.

  "Well, the climate is forbidding. There are no trees on any of the 100 or more islands in the group. The ground is rocky and very little plant life can grow on it."

  "I don"t think I"d even care to visit," she said.

  The fire drill was over and we began to file into the building, so I had to step it up to get the natives in. "The Aleuts are short and sturdy and have dark skin and black hair. They live on fish, and they trap blue foxes and seals for their valuable fur."

  Debbie"s eyes widened in amazement.

  One day I was browsing through the library. I spotted Debbie sitting at a table, absorbed in a crossword puzzle. She was frowning, apparently stumped on a word. I leaned over and asked if I could help.

  "Four-letter word for Oriental female servant," Debbie said.

  "Try amah," I said, quick as a flash.

  Debbie filled in the blanks, then turned to stare at me in amazement. "I don"t believe it," she said. "I just don"t believe it."

  And so it went, that glorious, joyous, romantic sophomore year. Debbie seemed to relish our little conversations and hung on my every word. Naturally, the more I read, the more my confidence grew.

  In the classroom, too, I was gradually making my presence felt. One day, during a discussion of Coleridge"s "The Ancient Mariner", we came across the word albatross.

  "Can anyone tell us what an albatross is?" asked Mrs. Larrivee.

  My hand shot up. "The albatross is a large bird that lives mostly in the ocean regions below the equator, but may be found in the north Pacific as well. The albatross measures as long as four feet and has the greatest wingspread of any bird. It feeds on fish and shellfish. The albatross has an enormous appetite, and when it"s full it has trouble getting into the air again."

  There was a long silence in the room. Mrs. Larrivee couldn"t quite believe what she had just heard. I sneaked a look at Debbie and gave her a big wink. She beamed proudly and winked back.

  What I failed to perceive was that Debbie all this while was going steady with a junior from a neighboring school — a basketball player with a C+ average. The revelation hit me hard, and for a while I felt like forgetting everything I had learned. I had saved enough money to buy Volume II — Asthma to Bullfinch — but was strongly tempted to invest in a basketball instead.

  I felt not only hurt, but betrayed. Like Agamemnon, but with less drastic consequences, thank God.

  In time I recovered from my wounds. The next year Debbie moved from the neighborhood and transferred to another school. Soon she became no more than a memory.

  Although the original incentive was gone, I continued poring over the encyclopedias, as well as an increasing number of other books. Having tasted of the wine of knowledge, I could not now alter my course. For:

  "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing:

  Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring."

  So wrote Alexander Pope, Volume XIV — Paprika to Pterodactyl.



  n. a person who has unusual and very noticeable abilities, usually at an early age 奇才;天才

  child prodigy

  an unusually clever child 神童


  n. a person devoted to reading 极爱读书者;书呆子


  n. a person strongly devoted to sth. or sb. 热爱…者;献身于…的人


  n. 青春期

  * compulsory

  a. required by law or a rule 义务的;强制的


  vt. oblige or force (sb.) to do sth. 强迫;强求


  n. a strong, deep, often uncontrollable feeling 热情;激情


  vi. look fixedly 注视;凝视


  n. 1. 理想中的女友;心目中追求的女友

  2. (oft, cap.) a female member of the royal family, usually the daughter of a king or queen or the wife of a prince [常大写]公主;王妃


  n. 1. 少女理想中的未婚者,白马王子

  2. a male member of the royal family, especially the son of a king or queen 王子;亲王

  3. (usu. sing.) (among, of) a very great, successful or powerful man of some stated kind [常单数](喻)大王;巨头;名家


  n. 卷笔刀;卷笔器


  n. a wood fire made in the open air by campers 营火,冓火


  v. (cause to) speed up 加快


  v. make plans (for); plan in a deceitful way 计划;谋划

  n. 1. a formal, official or business plan 计划;规划

  2. a clever, dishonest plan 阴谋,诡计


  n. 1. one of a set of books of the same kind (一套书的)一册;一卷

  2. (of) 体积;容积


  n. a book or set of books dealing with a wide range of information presented in alphabetical order 百科全书


  n. 土豚,非洲食蚁兽


  n. 小行星;海星

  * henceforth

  ad. from this time onwards 自此以后


  ad. 1. for this reason, therefore 因此,所以

  2. from this time on 今后,从此


  n. learning acquired by reading and study 博学;学问

  * cafeteria

  n. a self-service restaurant 自助餐厅


  n. 凤尾鱼


  n. the act or sound of sighing 叹息(声);叹气(声)

  reliefn. feeling of comfort at the end of anxiety, fear, or pain (焦虑等的)解除;宽慰


  ad. in a relaxed way 随便地;漫不经心地


  a. relaxed; not formal 随便的;漫不经心的;非正式的

  * sturdy

  a. physically strong 强壮的


  n. 1. 海豹

  2. 印记,印章

  vt. 1. 盖章于

  2. 封,密封


  v. make or become wider 加宽;变宽

  * browse

  v. casually look or search, e.g. in a shop, in a library, at a book, etc., with no specific aim or object in mind 浏览


  n. (= crossword puzzle) 纵横字谜,纵横填字游戏


  vi. contract the brows, as in displeasure or deep thought 皱眉头

  * stump

  vt. put an unanswerable question to; puzzle 把…难住;使为难

  * oriental

  a. of, from or concerning Asia 东方的


  n. 阿妈(印度等一些东方国家的奶妈、女佣或保姆)


  a. having or deserving glory; very delightful and enjoyable 荣耀的;令人愉快的


  a. full of or causing joy 充满欢乐的;令人高兴的


  a. 1. (of sth.) beautiful in a way that strongly affects one"s feelings 有浪漫色彩的

  2. (of sb.) showing strong feelings of love 多情的;浪漫的

  3. being unrealistic or unpractical 不切实际的

  * relish

  vt. get pleasure out of; enjoy greatly 从…获得乐趣;很喜爱


  n. belief in one"s own or another"s ability 信心


  n. (obsolete) a sailor 〈废〉水手


  a. 1. of ships and their goods and trade at sea 航海的;海事的

  2. of, near, living in, or obtained from the sea 海洋的.;海生的;海产的

  n. 水兵


  n. 信天翁


  n. the distance between the tips of a pair of fully spread wings 翼幅


  n. 贝壳类动物


  n. 1. the hard covering of a sea creature, egg, fruit, seed, etc. 动物的壳(如贝壳、蛹壳等),蛋壳;果壳;荚

  2. the outside frame of a building (房屋的)框架;骨架


  n. 1. one"s desire to eat and one"s feeling about how much to eat 食欲,胃口

  2. (for) a strong desire 欲望;爱好


  vi. shine brightly; smile warmly 照耀;(面)露喜色;满脸堆笑

  n. 1. 微笑;喜色

  2. 光束


  vt. notice; be conscious of 注意到;感觉;察觉

  * revelation

  n. the act of revealing sth., usually of great significance 揭示;暴露


  n. 气喘,哮喘


  n. 红腹灰雀


  vi. put money into sth. with the expectation of profit or other advantage 投资


  n. 1. 投资;投资额

  2. the spending of (time, energy, etc.) to make sth. successful (时间、精力等的)投入

  * betray

  vt. be disloyal or unfaithful to 出卖,背叛

  * drastic

  a. strong, violent or severe 激烈的;迅猛的


  n. (usu. pi.) the result or effect of an action or condition [常复数]结果;后果

  * incentive

  n. encouragement to greater activity; motivating factor; stimulus 鼓励;刺激


  n. 红灯笼辣椒


  n. 翼手龙


  out of focus

  not shar* defined 焦点没对准;模糊的

  beyond one"s wildest dreams

  (in a way that is) better than what one expected or hoped for 超过某人所期望的(地);出乎某人意料的(地)

  the apple of sb."s eye

  a person or thing that is the main object of sb."s love and attention 某人的掌上明珠;宝贝

  sweep sb. off his/her feet

  make sb. feel suddenly and strongly attracted to you in a romantic way 使某人倾心

  get sth. in

  manage to say sth. about a subject 设法说完

  play into sb."s hands

  do something which gives sb. an advantage 干对某人有利的事

  file into

  enter in a single line 鱼贯进入

  step up

  (infml) increase the size or speed of 〈口〉加快;增加

  hang on sb."s words

  listen very carefully to 倾听;注意地听

  feed on

  eat habitually 以…为食物;靠…为生

  go steady with

  date sb. regularly and exclusively 仅与(同一异性)经常约会

  invest in

  1. buy (sth.) with the expectation of profit or some other kind of advantage 投资于

  2. (infml) 〈口〉买

  in time

  1. eventually 经过一段时间后;最终

  2. at or before the right or necessary time 及时

  pore over

  study or give close attention to 钻研;专心阅读





































  First Listening

  1. As you listen to Part One of the tape, try to figure out what the words blrk and blurking mean.

  Second Listening

  2. Now listen to Part Two, and work out what porfing is.


  Carolyn Kane

  It is generally agreed that the American education system is in deep trouble. Everyone is aware of the horrible facts: school systems are running out of money, teachers can"t spell, students can"t read, high school graduates can"t even find China on the map.

  Most of us know, or think we know, who is to blame: liberal courts, spineless school boards, ridiculous government regulations. It"s easy to select a bad guy.

  But possibly the problem lies not so much in our institutions as in our attitudes. It is sad that although most of us claim that we believe in education, we place no value on intellectual activity.

  We Americans are a charitable and humane people: We have institutions devoted to every good cause from rescuing homeless cats to preventing World War III. But what have we done to promote the art of thinking? Certainly we make no room for thought in our daily lives. Suppose a man were to say to his friends, "I"m not going to PTA tonight (or the baseball game, or whatever) because I need some time to myself, some time to think"? Such a man would be shunned by his neighbors; his family would be ashamed of him. What if a teenager were to say, "I"m not going to the dance tonight because I need some time to think"? His parents would immediately start looking in the Yellow Pages for a psychiatrist.

  Several years ago a college administrator told me that if he wanted to do any serious thinking, he had to get up at 5:30 in the morning — I suppose because that was the only time when no one would interrupt him. More recently I heard a professor remark that when his friends catch him in the act of reading a book, they say, "My, it must be nice to have so much free time." And even though I am an English teacher — a person who should know better — I find myself feeling vaguely guilty whenever I sneak off to the library to read. It is a common belief that if a man is thinking or reading, he is doing nothing. Through our words and our actions, we express this attitude every day of our lives. Then we wonder why our children refuse to take their studies seriously and why they say to their teachers, "Why do I need to learn this stuff? It won"t do me any good; I"ll never need it."

  It"s easy to understand the reasons for this prejudice against thinking. One problem is that to most of us, thinking looks suspiciously like doing nothing. A human being in deep thought is an uninspiring sight. He leans back in his chair, props up his feet, puffs on his pipe and stares into space. He gives every appearance of wasting time. Besides, he"s leaving all the hard work for us! We wish he would get up and do something useful — clean the house, maybe, or mow the lawn. Our resentment is natural.

  But thinking is far different from laziness. Thinking is one of the most productive activities a human being can undertake. Every beautiful and useful thing we have created exists because somebody took the time and effort to think of it.

  And thinking does require time and effort. It"s a common misconception that if a person is "gifted" or "bright" or "talented," wonderful ideas will flash spontaneously into his mind. Unfortunately, the intellect doesn"t work this way. Even Einstein had to study and think for months before he could formulate his theory of relativity. Those of us who are less intelligent find it a struggle to conceive even a moderately good idea, let alone a brilliant one.

  Another reason why we distrust thinking is that it seems unnatural. Human beings are a social species, but thinking is an activity that people do best when they"re alone. Consequently, we worry about people who like to think. It disturbs us to meet a person who deliberately chooses to sit alone and think instead of going to a party or a soccer match. We suspect that such a person needs counseling. In addition, such people can sometimes appear unfriendly — and that makes us dee* uneasy.

  Our concern is misplaced. Intelligence is just as much a part of human nature as friendliness. It would certainly be unnatural for someone to totally isolate themselves. But it would be equally unnatural for a person to allow his mind to die of neglect.

  If Americans ever became convinced of the importance of thought, we would probably find ways to solve the problems of our schools, problems that now seem impossible to overcome. But how can we revive interest in the art of thinking? The best place to start would be in the home. Family members should practice saying such things as," I"ll wash the dishes tonight because I know you want to catch up on your thinking."

  This may sound crazy. But if we are to survive as a free people, we will have to take some such course of action as soon as possible, because regardless of what some advertisers have led us to believe, this country does not run on oil. It runs on ideas.



  a. 1. lacking courage and determination 没有骨气的

  2. 无脊椎的


  n. 脊柱;脊椎


  a. deserving to be laughed at; absurd 可笑的;荒谬的,荒唐的


  n. a rule or restriction 规章;规则


  v. l. 调节,调校,调整

  2. 控制,管理


  n. 调节器,校准器


  n. (infml., esp. AmE) a man; fellow (主美)男人;人


  a. 1. generous in giving money, food, etc. to other people 慷慨施舍的,慈善的

  2. kind in one"s attitude to others 仁慈的,慈爱的


  a. having or showing sympathy, kindness and understanding 富于同情心的;仁慈的


  vt. help the progress of; encourage or support 促进;提倡


  vt. keep away from; avoid 避开,回避;避免


  n. 精神科医生,精神病专家


  a. 精神病的


  a. 1. 精神的,心灵的

  2. 超自然的


  n. a person responsible for managing public or business affairs 行政官员;管理人


  n. 1. the control or direction of affairs, as of a country or business 行政;管理;经营

  2. the supervision group of a company or institution; the national government 行政机关;*


  ad. not precisely, not distinctly, more or less 含糊地;模糊地;多少


  a. 1. not clearly described, expressed, felt or understood 含糊的;不清楚的

  2. not clear in shape or form 模糊的


  vi. go somewhere quietly and/or secretly 潜行,溜


  n. 1. (无用的)东西

  2. material of which sth. is made 原料;材料


  ad. 猜疑地;可疑地


  a. 1. (of) not trusting 猜疑的,疑心的

  2. causing sb. to think that there is sth. wrong 容易引起怀疑的;可疑的


  vt. (up) support 架起,支起


  n. 1. the outward form sb. or sth. has 外表,外观

  2. 出现,露面


  vt. 刈(草坪等处)的草


  n. an area of short, regularly cut grass in the garden of a house or in a public park 草坪


  n. a feeling of anger because one feels that he is treated badly or unfairly and cannot do anything about it 忿恨,怨愤


  n. an idea which is wrong or untrue 错误想法,误解


  vi. 1. move or pass very quickly 闪现;突现

  2. give or produce a bright light 闪光;闪烁


  ad. 自动地;自发地


  a. done out of natural feelings or causes without planning or arrangement 自发的;不由自主的


  n. 1. the ability to understand or deal with ideas and information 智力,才智

  2. a person of high intelligence and reasoning power 有才智的人


  vt. 1. express (a thought, idea, etc.) clearly and exactly using particular words 确切地阐述(或表达),阐发

  2. develop (a plan, policy, etc.) 制订(计划、政策等)


  n. 相对性;相对论


  ad. not extremely; to some extent 适度地;一般地


  a. 1. of middle degree, power, or rate; neither large or small, high or low, fast or slow, etc. 中等的;普通的.;一般的

  2. (done or kept) within sensible limits 适度的,不过分的;有节制的

  3. (of political opinions or policies) not extreme and concerned with slow or small changes in the system 不激进的,稳健的

  v. (cause to) become less extreme and violent or more acceptable (使)和缓;减弱


  n. [单复同] 物种


  ad. intentionally, on purpose 有意地,故意地


  n. (AmE) football (美)英式足球


  v. give (usually professional) advice to sb. who has a problem 提出建议(或劝告)


  vt. (often pass.) 1. cause to be alone or separated from others [常被动]使孤立;使脱离

  2. keep apart from other people so that a disease will not spread 使隔离


  a. (of) without worrying (about), despite 不顾;不论

  Phrases and Expressions

  be in trouble

  having difficulties or problems 处于困境中,有麻烦

  run out (of sth.)

  have no more (of sth.); use all (of sth.) 用完;耗尽

  lie in

  exist in; be found in 在于

  believe in

  have faith or trust in; consider to be true, valuable, important, etc. 信任;信赖;相信…的真实性

  make (no) room for

  find (no) space or time for (不)给…让出地方或时间

  sneak off to

  go somewhere secretly 偷偷溜往

  prop up

  support from falling 支撑;支持

  puff on

  draw smoke through (a pipe, cigarette, etc.) (一口一口地)抽(烟斗、香烟等)

  give every appearance of

  show (a certain result) from what can be seen or known 显示出…的迹象

  let alone

  not to mention, not to speak of 更别提,更不用说

  become /be convinced of sth.

  become/feel certain that sth. is true 确信某事是真实的

  catch up on

  spend time doing (sth.) which has been left undone or neglected 弥补(耽搁下来的工作、睡眠等),赶完

  regardless of

  without acknowledging; despite, in spite of 不顾;不论




  Text A









  Practice 5

  1. smart 2. succeed 3. shortly 4. managed 5. share 6. fear

  7. responsible 8. however 9. enter 10. surrounded 11. handle 12. comfortable

  Practice 6

  1. is up to 2. keep up with 3. under control 4. at first 5. grew up

  6. make friends with 7. turned out 8. as a result 9. set up 10. in addition

  Practice 7

  1. how to play the game 2. where I wanted to go

  3. whether they would accept him or not 4. what to do and how to do it

  5. whom to love and whom not to 6. when he made that decision

  Practice 8

  1. I see Li Ming as my best friend. We share the same hobbies and interests.

  2. They looked upon their math teacher as their best teacher.

  3. We think of this place as our home.

  4. They looked on their college life as their happiest years in their life.

  Practice 9

  1. John is both smart and responsible. He likes to make friends with other people.

  2. I have made the decision to compete for the new post. You can compete for it, too.

  3. Shortly after the doctor came, he managed to have my father’s illness under control.

  4. As freshmen, most of us do not know what college life has in store for us, but we all know that we must do well in our studies.

  5. To succeed in college, we must keep up with the other students and set up a routine that meets out needs.

  6. Though the assignments last week turned out to be more difficult than I thought, I handed them in on time.

  Text B








  Practice 14

  1. skills 2. is gained/acquired 3. is planning 4. ap* 5. acquire

  6. complete 7. environment 8. gained 9. graduate 10. achieve/accomplish

  Practice 15

  1. so that 2. went beyond 3. as a result of 4. are … familiar with

  5. made history 6. other than 7. such … as 8. as well as







  一天,教会的牧师来到路易家,告诉他的父母, 巴黎有一所盲童学校。路易的父母决定把他送到那所学校去,当时他是9岁。





  Practice 5

  1. desire 2. secret 3. honor 4. injured 5. reality 6. imitated

  7. developed 8. delivering 9. spread 10. infected 11. created 12. nearly

  Practice 6

  1. came to 2. pick up 3. lead to 4. take care of 5. in honor of

  6. make … out of 7. has taken up 8. made up of

  Practice 7

  1. on December 17, 1903, in America

  2. on June 28, 1961, in a third country

  3. in New York City on September 11

  4. on January 13, 1941, in Paris

  1. Following his brother

  2. Wanting very much to read himself

  3. Knocking at his head

  4. Learning to be a person responsible for myself

  Practice 8

  1. Remember to write to me when you get there.

  2. Mary felt much better when she shared her fears with her mother.

  3. I was lucky to find a policeman when I got lost in the city.

  4. He became blind when his injured eye got infected and when the infection spread to his good eye.

  Practice 9

  1. You can keep the message secret by transferring it into a code made up of dots and dashes.

  2. The knife slipped from her wet hand and injured the little pet at her foot.

  3. It is fitting that October 1, the birthday of the People’s Republic of China, is picked up as the National Day.

  4. On my vacation in the country, I took pictures of some beautiful buildings, such as this public school and the small church next to it.

  5. The desire to create is very important. If we only imitate others, we can hardly develop anything new.

  6. The message had spread among the soldiers before it was delivered to the officers.

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