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2021-03-23 11:33:50



 AlVeOlarb One 牙槽骨 CarC i noma Of max i I I ary SinUS 上颌窦癌 CarCinoma Of tongue 舌癌 Cel IUl itis Of the f IOOr Of the mouth 口底蜂窝织炎CementUm牙骨质 dental arch 牙弓 dental CrO Wn 牙冠 den tai defec t 牙体缺损denta I necrosis牙坏死 denta I SaC牙囊 dentin牙本质 enamel牙釉质endodontics牙体牙髓病学 ext rac tion 拔牙术 fascia I SPaCe infection 间 隙感染 f I UOr i de 氟化物 fracture Of max i I Iary 上颌骨骨折 gum, gingiva 牙龈 herpetic StOmatitiS 疱疹性口炎 infraorbita I SPaCe 眶下间隙 jaw 颌骨 IeUkOPlakia 白斑 IiChen PlanUS 扁平苔葬 IOCaI anesthesia 局麻 mucous CySt 粘液囊肿 OdOrTtOClaSiS 牙折 OraI Candidiasis 口腔念珠菌病OraI hygiene 口腔卫生 Oral PathOlOgy 口腔病理学 Oral SUrgery 口腔外科 OrthOdOntiCS 正畸学 OSteOmyeIitiS Of the jaws 颌骨骨髓炎 Pediatr ic dent i Stry 口腔儿科学 Per i OdOnta I

 I i gament 牙周韧带 Per iodonta I membrane 牙周膜 Per Iodontics 牙周病学 PrOSthOdOnt iCS 修复学 Pt erygomandibular SPaCe 翼颌间隙 PUbliC-heal th den tistry 口腔预防医学PUlP牙髓PUIP exposure牙髓暴露


 炎髓牙PUlPitiS术除摘骨牙PUI PeCtOnly

 常用词汇口腔医学 中英丈对照放射radia tion OSt eomye I itis


 复 aphthae 根端囊肿 rad i cu I ar SySt recurrent 性骨髓炎

 tooth Of 根管治疗 root root 发性口疮 Cana I therapy

 SUb I i ngua I 囊肿 g I and SySt 舌下腺牙根 SUb I i ngua I

 SPaCe 嚼月几间隙 SPaCe 舌 下间隙 SUbmaSSeter i C tartar 牙石 隙 SUbmaXillary SPaCe 颌下间

 颖颌关节 temporomandibular joint

 牙 tooth

 replantation 齬齿 thrush 鹅口疮 tooth decay

 牙槽abscess a I VeO I ar torsi on再植术Of teeth牙扭转根尖感 i nfect i o n apical 脓肿 ame I Ob I astoma 造釉细胞瘤肋裂囊 CI eft CySt branchial 染 apical SySt 根尖囊肿

 CarCinOma Of 月中 CarCinOma bucca I mucosa 颊粘膜癌 舗齿 Of gingiva 牙龈癌 CarCinOma Of I iP 唇癌 CarieS

 冠折 C i rcumva I I ate PaPi I Iae 轮廓乳头 CrOWn fracture

 dental 乳牙 deciduous teeth den tai impac tion 牙 阻生,

 dentiCUIUSPIaqUe 菌斑 dental root fracture 根折

 abscess dent i c I e 髓石 dentoa I VeO I ar 牙槽脓肿 gingivitis 药物性龈炎epuI iS龈瘤drug-induced

 丝状乳头 fistula apical is 根尖痿管 f i I iform PaPi I Iae

 fungiform PaPi I Iae 菌状头叶扌犬乳^头 foI iate PaPi I Iae

 牙龈炎 gingivitis abscess gingival 牙龈脓肿

 牙 teeth Of in jury 白血病龈炎 IeUkemia i n gin gi vi tis

 常用词汇口腔医学 中英丈对照tooth I UXa ted juve nile Per i OdO ntitis


 missing 牙脱位 Iymphoepithelial IesiOnS 淋巴上皮病

 Of tooth 牙脫失 ITliXed dentition 混合牙歹∣] mixed tumor

 色Sa I i Vary g I and涎腺混合瘤mumps流行性腮腺炎nev i

 ParadOntOnla素痣OCC IUSiOn咬合 Pa I ate腭 牙周膜瘤 舌下炎

 ParageUSia 味觉异常 ParaglOSSa 舌月中 ParaglOSSia

 Per iapica I 构音倒错Para Ialia出语障碍,ParOtitiS腮腺炎

 diSeaSe根尖周病abscess根尖脓肿 PeriaPiCal

 Permanen t

 Per i COrO nit is 冠周炎 Per iodo ntitis 牙周炎

 resorpt iOn 牙根吸收 root teeth 恒牙 PUIP horn 髓角

 SiaIOl Ithiasis 涎石病 SebaCeOUS CySt 皮脂囊肿

 tract 牙齿 thyroglossal SUbI inguitis 舌下腺炎 teeth

 牙移动tooth migratiOn cyst甲状舌管囊肿tOngUe舌tooth rep I acement 牙复位 toothache 牙痛

 口唇Lips:对称symmetry,颜色color,湿润度moi sture,紫纟甘

 Cyanosis,疱疹 herpes?


 UICerat ion.齿龈 Gums:齿龈脓漏 pyorrhea,出血 bleeding,齿龈 炎 gingivitis,齿龈肿胀 SWeIIing Of gums.舌 Tongue:颜色

 COI or,

 乳头萎缩 PaPi I Iary atrophy, 溃疡 UlCeration, 扃斜 deviation, 运动 movement,舌苔 COating.牙齿 Teeth:无齿的 edentulOUs, 牙 hygi ene POOrOr

 口腔卫生欠佳或良好number present,齿数目


 good,牙根 roots,齿髓炎 pulpitis,假牙 fa I Se teeth,鹉齿

 Car ies, 失去的牙齿 missing teeth,修补牙齿 dentaI repai r (牙 冠 crowns,装桥术 br i dgework,镶嵌 i n I ay,充填 f i I I i ng) 口臭 Ha I itOSiS (fetor oris; fouI Or bad breath) 医学 MediCine

 基础医学 BaSiC MediCine

 人体解剖与组织胚胎学 HUman Anatomy, H i StO I Ogy and EmbryO I Ogy 免疫学 ImmUnO I Ogy

 病原生物学 PathOgeniC OrganiSmS

 病理学与病理生理学PathOIOgy and PathOPhySiOlOgy

 麻醉学 AneStheSiOIOgy

 急诊医学 EmergenCy MediCine

 口 腔医学 StOnlatO I Ogy

 口腔基础医学 BaS i C SC i ence Of StOmatO I Ogy

 口腔临床医学 Cl inicaI SCience Of StOnlatOIOgy

 公共卫生与预防医学 PUbI ic Hea Ith and PreVent i Ve MediCine

 中医学 Chinese MediCine

 中医基础理论 BaSiC TheOr ies Of Ch inese MediCine

 中医临床基础 Cl inical FOUndation Of Chinese MediCine

 中医医史文献 HiStOry and LiteratUre Of Chinese MediCine

 FOrmU I as Of Chinese MediCine




 DiagnOStics Of Chinese MediCine


 Chinese InternaI Medicine


 SUrgery Of Chinese MediCine

 中医骨伤科学 OrthOPediCS Of Chinese Medicine

 中医妇科学 GyneCOIOgy Of Chinese MediCine

 中医儿科学 Pediatr ics Of Ch inese MediCine

 中医五官科学 OPhtha ImO I Ogy and OtO I aryngo I Oy Of Ch i nese MediCine

 针灸推拿学 ACUPUnCtUre and MOXibustiOn and TUina Of ChineSe

 med i c i ne

 民族医学 EthnOmedicine

 中西医结合医学 Chinese and WeStern IntegratiVe MediCine

 中西医结合基础医学 BaSiC DiSCiPl ine Of Chinese and WeStern

 I ntegrat i Ve

 中西医结合临床医学 Cl inical DiSCiPl ine Of ChineSe and WeStern

 Integrative MediCine

 药学 PharmaCeUticaI SCience

 药物化学 MediCinal ChenliStry

 药剂学 PharmaCeUtiCS

 生药学 PharmaCOgnOSy

 药物分析学 PharmaCeUt iCa I Ana IySiS

 MiCrOb i a I and BiOChemiCal PharmaCy



 药理学 PharmaCOIOgy

 中药学 SC i ence Of Ch i nese PharmaCO I Ogy

 Ora I anesthesiology, Ora I anesthet ics 口腔麻醉

 学 exper imenta I StOmatOIOgy 实验口 腔医学…? Ora I and max i I I OfaC i a I SUrgery 口 腔颌面外科学

 dent it io n n.齿系(齿列、牙列等),牙齿的加工;出牙,长牙 口腔 Ora I CaVity

 舗齿,骨疡 dental Car ies 二tooth decay

 牙周病学 Per i OdOnta I d i SeaSe

 脓溢 PyOrrhea

 齿龈 a I VeO Iar r i dge




 硬腭 hard Pa I ate

 牙槽脓溢 PyOrrhea a I VeO IariS marg inal Per i Od OntitiS

 牙周脓溢Paradenta I PyOrrhea去除局部刺激后,仍因牙周袋深而不


 垢性牙槽溢脓SChmUtZ PyOrrhea局部卫生情况不良所致,有牙周袋


 拔牙 extraction 二 SUrgiCa I remova I gingival epi the I i Um 牙龈上皮


 结合上皮 junc tional epi the I i UrTl

 洁治术 OraI PrOPhyIaXiS

 结合牙 COnCreSCenCe Of tooth

 Kerat i nocytes角质化细胞

Tags: 口腔医学   词汇   中英文对照  
