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2023-02-02 19:45:07

徐海韵 刘栗 丁鹏 (丹麦)玛雅·斯蒂恩·穆勒


气候变化适应被定义为自然或人类系统为应对气候变化所做的调整,从而在气候变化中获得有利于人类发展的机会[4]。这里的适应可以被理解为系统(如生态系统)中的一个过程、行动或结果,它可以改善系统(如生态系统),使其更好地适应变化的气候条件[5]。气候适应可以通过各种方式完成,而其中基于生态系统的适应(EbA)获得了越来越多的关注。EbA在2008年首次被《联合国气候变化框架公约》(UNFCCC)确认为国际政策,此后得到了多国环保组织的大力支持[6]。EbA的定义为对生态系统服务(ecosystem services,ES)进行管理、保护和恢复,以协助人们适应气候变化带来的不利影响[7]。EbA关注范围是多样化的,它可以针对特定的现有气候灾害,探索导致现有气候灾害的因素,帮助人类应对灾害或从灾害中恢复;

然而,由于对具体项目实施缺乏记录,目前关于将EbA措施实际纳入城市气候适应计划的研究较为有限。例如,C40城市气候领导联盟(The C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group,简称C40联盟)是一个致力于应对气候变化和倡导《巴黎协定》的全球城市联盟[16]。在加入C40联盟的欧洲城市中,尽管已有超过45%的城市在各自的计划中提到了适应气候变化的各种EbA措施(表1)[7],却只有2.3%的城市实施了具体的EbA措施。许多城市在面对气候变化适应与其他可持续性目标相结合的问题时,不具备将不同层次的利益相关者组织起来的能力,所以难以推动EbA的实践。鉴于在目前实施EbA措施的城市中,哥本哈根市较为知名[7,16-17],因此本研究旨在总结哥本哈根市政府应用EbA措施在气候变化适应性城市建设中多尺度层面的合作规划与实施经验。通过梳理哥本哈根市气候变化适应计划政策以及分析EbA在市域、社区、单体建筑3个尺度的合作应用,并且结合案例阐释哥本哈根市政府如何通过政府、企业、公民等多方利益相关者的合作规划,推动EbA措施应用于当地气候变化适应性城市建设,从而更好地进行当地生态系统服务管理与提升。

表1 欧洲城市的相关规划文件提到EbA措施示例[7]Tab. 1 Examples of EbA measures mentioned in European cities[7]

预计到2050年,哥本哈根市的夏季峰值温度将上升2~3℃。哥本哈根市还将遭受海平面上升带来的影响。在未来的100年内,城市周围的海平面将增加上升约1 m。这些气候变化带来的洪水威胁直接影响着哥本哈根的城市生活,并不断威胁着城市的发展[15]。









大暴雨是丹麦政府应用的一个术语,其被丹麦气象研究所(DMI)定义为30 min内有15 mm以上降水的极端降雨情形。因此,《哥本哈根市大暴雨管理计划》是《哥本哈根气候适应计划》的一个拓展,哥本哈根市从以下4个方面制定了管理类似极端降雨的战略:1)制定增强城市抗洪韧性的具体策略;









表2 哥本哈根市的主要气候变化适应计划概述Tab. 2 The overview of main climate change adaptation plans in Copenhagen


3.1 全市尺度



3.2 社区尺度

哥本哈根市在市中心东部的St. Kjelds社区实施了“哥本哈根气候弹性社区”项目,通过EbA措施,展示社区规模的气候变化适应战略应用[24-25]。项目重点在于通过制定对生态负责的解决方案来增加社区绿色空间并提升其应对气候变化的能力,从而提升社区邻里的城市生活质量。在社区范围内采用EbA措施来提高社区气候适应能力的做法,对哥本哈根地区以及全球范围都产生了重要作用。在“哥本哈根气候弹性社区”项目中,哥本哈根市在街区范围内加强了连续的蓝绿基础设施的建设。在指定区域创建了雨水滞留洼地,改造了社区的公共绿地,包括广场、水域、公园、庭院、街旁绿地,以便在社区层面更好地管理当地地表径流。


3.3 单体建筑尺度


值得一提的是哥本哈根市对屋顶绿化政策及其在滞留降雨、调节温度、建立栖息地和促进建筑和城市功能方面的关注[26]。《哥本哈根绿色屋顶》最初源于2009年哥本哈根联合国气候变化大会上提出的利用屋顶绿化帮助城市应对气候变化的目标[26],后来相关屋顶绿化的政策也被纳入《哥本哈根气候适应计划》。屋顶绿化被列为加强绿色基础设施并增强气候变化适应潜力的EbA措施。屋顶绿化政策要求所有屋顶坡度低于30°的新建筑,在满足美观和实用的基础上,屋顶都应该利用植被进行绿化[25]。这一政策在著名的项目,如BIG建筑事务所设计的哥本哈根山(CopenHill)和8字住宅(8 House)以及一些地方规划项目等中得到了执行。绿色屋顶提供了多重生态系统服务:1)通过种植适应当地气候的植被为动植物创造新的栖息地,提供生物多样性保护服务;

《哥本哈根气候适应计划》明确了土地所有者和建筑物所有者在实施当地雨水管理解决方案中发挥的必要作用。这些诸如绿色屋顶、绿墙和私人花园等EbA措施的实施都依赖于公共-私人“共同创造”的过程,即公民、小企业和其他非公共行为体在指定区域和个别建筑物的合作共建[19]。根据目前的计划,预计在未来几年内,哥本哈根市将在新建筑上安装大约200 000 m2的绿色屋顶、垂直绿化和私人雨水花园[26]。除了目前对新建筑的要求,哥本哈根市还计划通过更直接的支持政策鼓励单体建筑方面的EbA措施。这些措施还包括通过提供直接的财政奖励,补偿一些初始和不可忽视的安装成本,并通过退还部分污水处理费,增强目前的间接财政奖励的灵活性[25](表3)。

位于Østerbro区的St. Kjelds社区是哥本哈根市气候变化适应计划的第一个社区级实施项目[27-28]。由于该社区设施较为老旧,人口密集,同时缺乏绿色公共空间,因此在2010年被哥本哈根市政府选为第一个由政府发起实施的项目,促进气候变化从战略框架转变为实际行动。该项目已成为哥本哈根市气候适应性社区的旗舰试点,展示了如何利用EbA措施与社区内各利益相关者建立合作,从而完成城市空间的更新[27]。

4.1 建立气候弹性社区的多尺度EbA措施

St. Kjelds社区项目采用了多重EbA措施来适应气候变化。1)该项目利用2个气候适应广场,即Tåsinge广场和St. Kjelds广场作为社区雨洪的主要滞留区[27-28];

在这个过程中,改造后的绿色屋顶和外墙、蓝绿基础设施以及雨水滞留空间等EbA项目被证实可以减少当地30%的雨水地表径流,从而改善当地的洪水调节服务[28]。此外,由EbA措施创造的新绿地(50 000 m2)增强了其他生态系统服务,例如生境保护,以及包括休闲娱乐、社会关系、归属感在内的文化服务,甚至有居民在屋顶和花园种植作物从而增加了供给服务[26-27]。

4.2 气候弹性社区应用EbA措施的合作规划与公众参与

St. Kjelds社区项目中的合作规划和公众参与程序极大促进了EbA措施在气候适应性社区的应用[27-29]。社区参与、场所营造和政府参与的合作是促使和支持该老旧社区更新成为气候变化适应性社区的出发点。合作规划中首先成立了一个由利益相关者组成的委员会,包括作为管理者的哥本哈根市技术和环境管理局、作为主要合作伙伴的HOFOR公司、作为设计者的一系列咨询公司,以及代表公共利益的居民。历经3年时间,委员会利用各种活动向居民征求意见,然后用专业的技术方案予以回应[29-30]。通过公众会议、访谈、调查问卷、种植活动、居民聚餐和研讨会等方式,千余人次的公众聚集到项目现场,提出他们的想法和意见。委员会还结合诸多利益相关者的建议,调整计划的指定和实施。在整个过程中,所有利益相关者都积极参与项目实施,密集的互动和充分的宣传使人们了解到各方目标与诉求。此外,在接下来的项目维护和管理中,通过实施合作和志愿服务,促进项目后续的可持续发展。这个项目的成功实施也使其成为EbA措施实施中如何与公众合作解决复杂的技术、经济和管理问题的范例。


5.1 项目前的深入数据准备和分析



5.2 基于生态系统的适应性设计与城市空间景观设计的紧密结合


5.3 协调多方利益相关与促进公众参与






① 2022年8月25日汇率,1丹麦克朗=0.931 3人民币。




XU Haiyun, LIU Li, DING Peng, (DNK) Maja Steen Moller

1 Introduction

Climate change has become an important factor affecting global sustainable development[1].The IPCC addressed that many parts of the world in recent years have experienced disasters caused by climate change, including sudden extreme weather events, such as floods, storms, droughts, high temperatures, heat waves, cold waves, and sea-level rise[2]. This negative impact will continue for at least the next 100 years[3]. These climate catastrophes pose concerns and risks to humans, properties, and services in towns and societies.

Climate change adaptation defines the adjustment of natural or human systems responding to climatic changes for their beneficial opportunities[4]. The adaptation can be understood as a process, action, or outcome in a system (e.g.,ecosystem), which improves the system for better adjusting to changing conditions of climate[5].Adapting to climate change can be accomplished in a variety of ways. Ecosystem-based techniques are receiving more consideration. Ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) was first recognized in international policy by theUnited Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change(UNFCCC) in 2008, and it has since been strongly encouraged by environmental groups[6]. EbA is defined as the management, conservation, and restoration of ecosystem services (ES) to assist people in adapting to the adverse consequences of climate change[7]. The scope of EbA is diverse, in which it can work for a specific existing climatic hazard,explore factors that cause an existing climatic hazard to help to respond or recover from the hazard,target future climate changes, or deal with current climate change adaptation deficits[5,8]. Its response to climate change is based on the management of ES Provisioning services, such as food production,fuel, and water; regulating services, like natural mitigation strategies, erosion prevention, and flood regulations; supporting services, including soil formation; and cultural services, such as recreational and other non-material benefits are all examples of ES[9]. These ES, such as provisioning and regulating ecosystem services, define the ecosystems’critical functions in climate change adaptation and disaster preparedness. They are crucial for climate change adaptation and catastrophe risk mitigation in the future. These services also highlight the benefits of EbA initiatives: as opposed to typical infrastructure-based measures EBA initiatives, offer economic interventions that are more intimately tied to nature and can deliver various advantages beyond climate change adaptation[10]. Biodiversity protection through improved habitat conditions,better recreation and tourism facilities, and increased food production are just a few advantages[11-13]. The EbA measures include types that depend on local context, ecosystem type, and climate change hazard.For example, in an urban context facing higher flood risks for people and infrastructure, stormwater management using green spaces is the increasingly used EbA. While in marine and coastal contexts facing a decrease in fishing production, sustainable fishing and coastal reef restoration are the EbA measures that should be used. And for the flood risks in marine and coastal contexts, suitable EbA measures include mangrove restoration and coastal protection. EbA has quickly risen to prominence as a critical component of worldwide climate strategy.Many cities in Europe have looked into its prospects in climate change adaptation urban planning[14-15].

However, little information is available on the actual inclusion of EbA measures in urban climate change adaptation plans because of the lack of documentation of the implementations.The C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group (C40),for example, is a global network of cities dedicated to combating climate change and advocating theParis Agreement[16]. Among all the European cities in C40 networks, only 2.3% of cities have implications for EbA measures, even though more than 45% mentioned various EbA measures(Tab. 1) for climate change adaptation in their plans[7]. Many cities may lack the organizational capacity of different stakeholders at varying levels needed to combine climate change adaptation other sustainability objectives, and therefore have difficulty in promoting the practice of EbA. Given that Copenhagen is one of the most well-known cities to implement EbA measures[7,16-17], this article aimed to overview Copenhagen’s climate change adaptation strategies across multiple scales. The study explored how the city strategically governs the ecosystem-based climate change adaptation practices from municipality-level schemes to smallscale place-based community green space projects for managing various local ecosystem services in collaboration with citizens and other stakeholders.

2 Background of Copenhagen and Its Climate Change Adaptation Plans

The City of Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark, has a temperate maritime climate with mild seasons and rainfall, and the most frequent rainfall is between July and August. Over the past decade,Copenhagen has confronted the pressure of climate change, the most severe two flood events took place in 2011 and 2014, which surpassed the “oncein-a-century” rainfall. The Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI) expected extreme weather such as intense rainfall and longer drought cycles will become more prevalent in Denmark. By 2100, the rainfall intensity of a “10-year rainfall” event will rise by 30% to 40%; Peak summer temperatures in Copenhagen are projected to increase by 2°C to 3°C by 2050. Copenhagen will also encounter difficulties from rising sea levels. The seawater level around the city will increase by about 1 meter in the following 100 years. These pose a direct stormwater flooding challenge to the urban life of Copenhagen and keep threatening the growth of cities[15].

In this situation, City of Copenhagen has a high ambition for the quality of life and local action toward climate change mitigation and adaptation. As a result, climate change adaptive cities have become an essential part of Copenhagen’s urban planning and policy development. Over the past decade,Copenhagen City has established various adaptation policies and plans for climate change adaptation[15-16].Denmark’s predominant climate change challenges determine the use of and focus on climate change related terminology in urban practice. In addition,the scope and connotation of terminology change throughout time and as policies evolve. For climate change adaptation, the discussion and practice in Denmark over the years has mostly focused on urban stormwater management and urban landscape integration. In recent years, Denmark has given more attention to sea level rise, but the relevant talks and practice initiatives will illustrate in detail how they intend to adapt. In reference to the practice of climate change adaptation, the completed projects in Copenhagen are primarily focused on the combination of urban stormwater management and urban landscape planning. Based on the above, this study focuses on urban stormwater management in the constructed practices of Copenhagen’s climate change-adaptive cities.

2.1 Copenhagen Climate Adaptation Plan

The plan is developed to deal with more frequent stormwater in Copenhagen in the future while being able to support integrated social,economic, and environmental sustainability and the improvement of the quality of life of residents,which responds to the UN’s sustainable development goals[17-20]. The plan emphasizes the most significant possible synergy with other urban planning and extra social gains beyond the flood regulation, such as recreational opportunities and an improved local environment with more green elements[1]. In this plan, the Copenhagen Municipality developed three main climate change adaptation measures for heavier downpours and higher sea levels[15,20].

Measure 1 relates to the adaptation of infrastructure, comprising the expansion of sewerage capacity and passive construction of pumping stations and dams. This action is implemented in areas where there is a possibility of severe damage, and the Copenhagen Municipality takes this measure first to prevent damage.

Measure 2 concerns detention of stormwater within an urban site or the disconnection of stormwater from the sewers at the buildings and streets to divert it to separated stormwater sewers or to Sustainable Urban Drainage System (SuDS). This reduces the proportion of stormwater discharged into the combined urban drainage network.

Measure 3 assures that floodwaters are discharged only to the least damaging areas in extreme rainfall situations. For instance, by rerouting selected floodways based on existing stormwater runoff paths, streets are utilized to direct stormwater to less impactful areas such as sports fields and parks. Among these measures,ecological-based climate change adaptation measures are highlighted in a chapter ofCopenhagen Climate Adaption Plancalled ‘Greener Climate Proofing Copenhagen’ in theCopenhagen Climate Adaptation Plan[20]. This planned the framework of EbA measures in multiple-scale levels, from regional bluegreen infrastructure planning in municipalities to communities and green roofs in individual buildings.

Moreover, theCopenhagen Climate Adaption Planalso firstly highlights the empowerment of the public. It emphasizes on disseminating knowledge to the public and businesses for climate change adaption[20].

2.2 The City of Copenhagen Cloudburst Management Plan 2012

In the Danish context, a cloudburst is defined by Danish Meteorological Insititute (DMI) to define a rainstorm that provides a minimum of 15 mm of precipitation in a maximum of 30 minutes. This plan is an offshoot of theCopenhagen Climate Adaptation Plan, and the Copenhagen Municipality has established its strategy for managing extreme rainfall in four aspects, including 1) specific strategies to strengthen urban flood resilience; 2) defining flood protection levels; 3) zoning and defining of priority levels; 4) financial planning and responsibility allocation[21].

To begin, the specific strategies to strengthen urban flood resilience include: 1) Stormwater must be separated from municipal wastewater to meet future extreme rainfall drainage needs; 2) the rainstorm’s major drainage is primarily directed to the harbor and a minor part to freshwater basins.Selected roads and newly constructed cloudburst pipes and tunnels are applied as flood channels to boost urban drainage capacity; 3) stormwater detention by transforming urban squares, urban green spaces and urban lakes as detention zones.

Secondly, the plan defines flood protection levels for the city to customize the climate change adaptation transformation and implementation zones according to the priority level. It prioritized four types of areas: 1) high-risk areas; 2) areas where measures are easy to implement; 3) areas with ongoing urban development projects; 4) areas where synergistic effects can be gained. According to this, the city is divided into seven catchment zones in the zoning process. Furthermore, each zone is prioritized based on the likelihood of flooding and the ease of retrofitting.

Finally, the plan is gradually in accordance with the government’s financial budget in a period of[21]. The plan states a funding model that attracts public and private investment. Responsibility for implementation is shared among city administrators,utility companies, private landholders, communities,and residents.

In addition to the aforementioned four aspects,for the EbA measures,The City of Copenhagen Cloudburst Management Plan 2012highlights the ambition of increasing the blue-green infrastructure for flood regulation[21].

2.3 Climate Change Adaptation and Investment Statement

This statement further describes mainly the technical and management guidance for implementingThe City of Copenhagen Cloudburst Management Plan 2012. The statement argues that collapse to act in the face of climate change could cost Copenhagen 16 billion Danish kroner①. The corresponding expansion of the sewerage network will cost at least 20 billion kroner. However, the combination of surface conveyance and detention solutions for flood regulation in theCopenhagen Climate Adaptation Planonly needs 12 billion kroner and is much more flexible than large pipeline solutions[22]. Thus the surface and detention solution needs to be broadly promoted in climate change adaptation projects.

The statement further defines four typologies of cloudburst management solutions in Copenhagen.1) The construction of “cloudburst roads,” where selected roads are realigned, the topography is changed, or curbs are raised to build a floodway for extreme rainfall. 2) Constructing “detention roads”that integrate multiple detention elements into selected streets to retain and store stormwater. This usually provides great chances to incorporate urban spatial improvements to serve urban blue-green infrastructure plans. 3) Designing “detention areas”to retain or detain stormwater by utilizing spaces such as sunken parking areas, plazas, sports fields,etc. 4) Making full use of small-scale spaces such as green streets in the community to retain stormwater runoff locally through a natural process. Depending on the site’s needs, these different EbA measures can be applied in diverse combinations with urban green space design[22].

Table 2 summarizes the characteristics of Copenhagen’s major climate change adaptation plans. While the three plans have different scopes and priorities in climate change adaptation, they all applied EbA measures in various degrees.Compared with the other measures mentioned in previous three different climate adaptation plans, the advantages of EbA measures have been clarified that EbA is able to provide lasting and sustainable, cost effective solutions for reducing the impacts of climate change, and contribute multiple co-benefits (e.g., carbon sequestration as well as social, economic and cultural benefits) through the sustainable delivery of ecosystem services[10].

3 Ecological-Based Adaption (EbA)in Multiple Scales Cooperation

The main goals of implementing EbA measures in Copenhagen are to relieve pressure on the city’s sewer network by managing stormwater onsite or close by where it falls, therefore the risk of urban flooding is reduced. At the same time,the Municipality also wants to create new habitats for species while providing Copenhageners with more recreational experiences and leisure options in green spaces. Thus, the EbA measures of current climate change plans in Copenhagen include the improvement of the following ecosystem services, including 1) flood regulation, reduce and prevent urban flooding by absorbing and retarding stormwater, 2) climate regulation, moderate and balance temperature, create shade and air circulation. 3) habitant biodiversity conservation,create habitats for animals and plants, and 4) cultural ecosystem service, create spaces and opportunities for recreation and social activities for citizens.Aiming to enhance these ecosystem services for climate change adaptation, the city of Copenhagen performed EbA measures on multiple scales.

3.1 Municipality Scale

At the municipality scale, the construction of blue-green infrastructure to detain urban stormwater and delay its entry into the urban sewer network is being promoted throughout the city as one of the major initiatives for cloudburst management in Copenhagen. The Copenhagen Municipality thus integrated the EbA measures with local urban planning and established corridors and green networks linked to existing green spaces and waters in Copenhagen Municipality[18-19](Fig. 1). These existing green spaces and waters[23], contributing to the important structure of the “finger plan” for the Copenhagen region, are preserved, and more green and blue surfaces are being established to improve the coherence of green networks. Copenhagen’s continuous blue-green infrastructure networks could contribute to the local dissipation of stormwater and improve the urban climate, enhance species movement for biodiversity conservation, and create attractive links between people and their natural surroundings.

In this context, the Copenhagen Municipality has sketched 300 projects across the municipality inClimate Change Adaptation and Investment Statementto enhance the urban open spaces’climate change adaptation capability and supply more green and blue surfaces for the blue-green infrastructure networks[22]. The development of these projects is under a detailed analysis of subcatchments, topography, the existing urban drainage systems, site conditions, and the potential of integrating stormwater management components with urban space. The Copenhagen Municipality and Copenhagen region’s largest utility company HOFOR will jointly fund the implementation of these 300 projects. The 300 projects will not be launched simultaneously, but a few projects will be chosen each year. The choice of the project is based on the situation of urban development and reconstruction and the reports from the Copenhagen Technical and Environmental Management Committee for the diverse water areas of Copenhagen[22]. The Copenhagen climate change adaptation strategy relies on a public-private ‘cocreation’. These may include the participation of citizens, small businesses, and other non-public actors in designated areas to retrofit the cityscape,adapting squares, streets, lakes, and parks to better cope with future cloudbursts. In the implementation of the projects, the relevant administrations of Copenhagen Municipality developed them in cooperation with local communities and residents.Apart from stormwater management design,improvements and upgrading work to urban public green spaces can comprise project costs. These 300 projects are expected to help mitigate stormwater and flood damage, provide public green spaces for mental health and recreation opportunities for residents, enhance community participation, and bring meaning to future urban green spaces.

3.2 Community Scale

The Copenhagen Municipality implemented“Copenhagen Climate-Resilient Neighborhood”projects in St. Kjelds Neighborhood, in the eastern part of Copenhagen’s central city, to demonstrate the community-scale implementation of climate change adaptation strategies through EbA solutions[24-25]. The focus is to enhance the quality of urban life in the community and neighborhood by developing ecologically responsible solutions,adapting to climate change, and developing greener areas. The practices with EbA for climate change adaptation on a community scale have a significant impact on a local, regional, national and global scale. In the “Copenhagen Climate-Resilient Neighborhood” projects, the Copenhagen Municipality strengthens continuous blue-green infrastructure works on neighborhood scales. This creates stormwater basins in designated areas,remodeling the community’s public green spaces,and adapts squares, courtyards, street areas, lakes,and parks better to manage local surface water runoff at the community level.

Moreover, establishing pocket rain gardens and water tanks in the courtyards of private residential buildings was also encouraged. The main objective is to reduce 30% of surface stormwater runoff to sewers by using EbA solutions[26-28].Besides, these EbA applied in the community could enhance the biodiversity of habitats in the urban context and create better and greener urban spaces for improving community life with better living conditions for the citizens and better identity for the local neighborhood. The “Copenhagen Climate-Resilient Neighborhood” represents an innovative model for climate adaptation at the community level, driven by efforts to engage and empower citizens in their neighborhoods. These EbA measures have created more stormwater retention or detention areas while providing leisure green spaces and habitat for species. In this process, the ecosystem services at community level such as flood regulation, recreation, and habitat conservation has been improved. These implantations of EbA measures at the community level are the result of collaboration between the Central City Planning Office, HOFOR, Copenhagen’s largest utility company, the local urban renewal office and committee in the communities, and residents.

3.3 Individual Building Scale

The Copenhagen Municipality also regarded individual buildings as the components in a microscale of the construction of continuous green and blue infrastructure networks. The Municipality decided to perform EbA measures in individual buildings in cooperation with local communities and residents to establish green roofs and walls, and replanted trees wherever possible to better enhance the ecosystem services for adapting to climate change[25-26].

Notable is Copenhagen’s emphasis on green roof policy and its role in retaining precipitation,regulating temperature, providing habitat, and boosting building and urban function[26].Green Roofs Copenhagenstrategy on green roof policy and planning originally originated from the goal of using green roofs to help cities combat climate change at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen in 2009[26]. Later, the green roof program was incorporated into theCopenhagen Climate Adaptation Plan. Green roofs were included as an EbA measure for enhancing green infrastructure and delivering adaptation potential. The green roof policy requires that all new buildings with a roof slope below 30 degrees have green vegetation to the extent that this is acceptable aesthetics and practicality[25]. This policy is realized in well-known projects such as CopenHill and 8 House designed by BIG architects and several local plans. The green roofs represent various ecosystem services, including 1) biodiversity conservation services through creating new habitats using flora and fauna adapted for the local climate; 2) flood regulating services through reducing surface runoff under regular rain showers; 3) climate regulating services through mitigating urban heat islands;4) provisioning services such as urban agriculture and food production; and 5) cultural services through improving recreation opportunities.

In these climate change adaptation plans and policies, landowners and building owners are specifically articulated to have a necessary role in implementing local stormwater management solutions. These EbA measures such as green roofs,green walls, and private gardens relied on a process of public-private ‘co-creation’: the participation of citizens, small businesses, and other nonpublic actors in designated areas and individual buildings[19].It is expected from the approved new local plans that about 200, 000 m2of green roofs, green walls, and private rain gardens will be installed on new buildings over the coming years[26]. Beyond the present requirement of new buildings, the Copenhagen Municipality plans to encourage these EbA measures in individual buildings through more direct support. These may include providing direct financial incentives to compensate for some of the initial and non-negligible installation costs and making the current indirect financial incentives more flexible by permitting a partial refund of the sewage connection fee[25](Tab. 3).

4 The EbA Implantation Case of Climate-Resilient Neighborhood

St. Kjelds Neighborhood, located in the Østerbro District, is the first community-level implementation of Copenhagen’s climate change adaptation plan[27-28]. Because of derelict facilities,dense population, and lack of green space, it was chosen by the Copenhagen Municipality in 2010 as the first government-initiated project to accelerate the implementation of climate change adaptation strategies into practical actions and solutions. The project has become Copenhagen’s flagship pilot to show how to use EbA measures to renew urban spaces with various stakeholder cooperation in the community[27].

4.1 Multiple Scale EbA Measures for Establishing Climate Resilient Neighborhood

This project adopted various EbA measures for climate change adaptation on multiple scales.The project incorporates the following components:1) two climate change adaptation squares, i.e.,Tåsinge Square and St. Kjelds Square as the primary detention area for a large amount of stormwater[27-28];2) detentions roads, such as Bryggervangen Street,that detain or delay stormwater at the community scale by transforming street side green space into rain gardens (Fig. 2); 3) a range of green roofs,green walls and stormwater detention courtyards at building scale; 4) other facilities to manage stormwater through retention, detention, storage and reuse, generating green urban spaces while managing stormwater more naturally and efficiently at the community scale. This neighborhood revitalization project included the creation of permeable multipurpose green spaces and underground rainwater storage tanks and aboveground and underground reservoirs. Rainwater storage tanks collect rooftop runoff from the adjacent buildings, which can be used for irrigation through special devices. Surplus stormwater will enter the sewerage system when the reservoirs are full. Urban spaces for recreational activities have also been created with landscaping and sporting facilities. Together with the shops in the streets, these spaces form an area for public leisure and nature education and bring more job opportunities to the community.

In the process, EbA measures such as green roofs and facades, blue-green infrastructure, and detention spaces have been first proved to improve local flood regulation service, which gradually disconnects 30% of the stormwater from the urban catchment[28]. Besides, the new green spaces(50,000 m2) created by EbA measures enhanced other ecosystem services such as habitat conservation,cultural ecosystem services like recreation, social relations, a sense of belonging, and even food production in some roofs and gardens[26-27].

4.2 Collaborative Planning and Public Participation Using EbA Measures for Climate-Resilient Neighborhood

The project’s collaborative planning and public participation procedures significantly contributed to climate change adaptation through EbA measures[27-29]. The interplay of community engagement, place-making, and governmental engagement was the starting point for the initiative.A committee was set in the cooperation, which consisted of stakeholders including the Technical and Environmental Administration from the Copenhagen Municipality as the manager, HOFOR as the main partner, a number of consultancy companies and design studios as the designers for various sub-projects, and residents who represent the interests of the public well-being. For three years, the committee collected the residents’ inputs through various activities and then responded with professional technical solutions[29-30]. Amounts of public meetings, interviews, questionnaires, planting events, resident dinners, and workshops were organized to bring together more than a thousand people to reach the project site and contribute their ideas and views. The committee also coordinated proposals from many stakeholders and developed and implemented the plan. All stakeholders were actively involved in the project throughout this procedure. Intensive interaction and sufficient publicity led to an understanding of different parties’ objectives and demands. In addition, it is an integrated part of the project to implement collaboration and volunteering in the following maintenance and management to promote the subsequent sustainable development of the project.The successful implementation of this project also serves as an example of how to solve complex technical, economical, and managerial problems.

5 Discussion

Our study overviewed Copenhagen’s current climate change adaptation plans and how EbA measures are integrated with local climate change adaptation implementations at multiple scales. We also present how the city implemented a specific climate change adaptation project with EbA measures collaborating with various stakeholders.We close the paper with Copenhagen’s experiences of applying EbA measures for building climate change adaptation city with multiple-scale cooperation among municipality and community managers, consultancy companies, designers, and residents. These experiences are as follows.

5.1 Pre-project Data Preparation and Analysis in Depth

Copenhagen’s ecosystem-based climate change adaptation policy and management conduct are based on a systematic analysis of flood risks in Copenhagen.Consequently, the concept of screening climate change risks is proposed. The concept combines information on topography, sea-level rise, storms,rainfall/runoff distribution within the municipality,and the value of infrastructure and real estates in different regions. This unified information is adopted to develop a climate change risk map based on parcel conditions. All of the above relevant information within the municipality is collected as the local GIS database to form regional maps that can view the spatial extent and depth of flooding and present the economic value of properties, infrastructure, etc.

The climate change risk map will classify the most critical or priority areas for conservation,such as historical sites, industries and business, and infrastructure; each provides a priority ranking for addressing climate change. Applying the climate risk map with priority areas, the Technical and Environmental Committee of Copenhagen[22]can identify projects after a comprehensive analysis of the expected outcome, implementation, construction cost, and coordination with other development projects. In practice, some projects would be considered as priority for development in the Committee’s annual budget negotiation, including projects that are easily implemented, efficient and effective detention roads and areas, areas that suffered the most damage in recent years, etc.

5.2 Close Integration of EbA Measures with the Landscape Design of Urban Spaces

In the context of urban land constraints,Copenhagen has intimately connected ecosystembased climate change adaptation planning and urban development by synergistically combining bluegreen infrastructure for climate change adaptation functions with urban public space. As a result,integrating EbA with urban spatial landscaping has turned into the mainstream explication to support climate change adaptation planning in Copenhagen both at the policy and practice level.It is implemented in urban master plans and urban project developments. For instance, if communities build public green space and developers develop housing areas, EbA elements must be deemed part of the development project; hence, connecting urban spatial design and stormwater management and helping to leverage financing to expand the scope of climate change adaptation planning[15].Copenhagen strives to achieve climate change adaptation planning at the urban landscape design level for future projects by refurbishing streams,and lakes, and transforming urban open spaces into multifunctional green spaces with both urban landscape function and stormwater management function. These projects could transform public spaces into green belts, rain gardens, flood ponds,pocket gardens in the community, green roofs, and blue-green infrastructure in Copenhagen. They will also provide both the landscape values, leisure and other social benefits for the community residents,when it is not raining. Therefore, they provide great opportunities to improve urban livability.

5.3 Coordinating with Multiple Stakeholders and Promoting Public Participation

In Copenhagen, public participation is an essential part of the execution of urban planning projects, and public will and opinion greatly influence the process of the final project proposal[31]. Residents, the design team, experts,relevant specialistes and stakeholders coordinate and provide their knowledge during the project implementation process[29-31]. Residents express their aspirations and needs, and the design team translates the many public statements into a project proposal.In the same way, the Copenhagen Municipality has been able to mobilize various stakeholder groups in the community to realize long-term economic,environmental, and social benefits in implementing EbA projects for local ecosystem management.Since different sites have diverse site characters and capacities to manage stormwater, the Copenhagen Municipality didn’t stipulate a uniform stormwater management design standard for different EbA projects. Instead, within the general frames of stormwater management plans and local plans,site-based solutions are much encouraged, which provides good motivation for public participation.

Public participation is a significant part of the design process. Through the participation of residents, who know more about the site problems and the needs, design practitioners can more correctly program the stormwater and urban space within the site. The design components thus reflect the residents’ vision. The residents also develop a more robust sense of community belonging from their neighborhood involvement. Some civil servants working in the Østerbro District stated that “In the practices of Copenhagen’s climate change adaptation process, the higher capacity of the site to retain stormwater, the better feedback of the community on the project, and the more financial support from government to the project.” Such a mechanism motivates the designers and the community to contribute to the project. These investments are also much less expensive than just enlarging or upgrading the stormwater network while contributing to the improvement of the inhabitants’ quality of life. By coordinating various stakeholders in implementing the project, the Copenhagen Municipality could manage urban stormwater more sustainably in the process. It inspires the transformation of other urban neighborhoods, provides opportunities for creativity, and calls for new active and healthy lifestyles, which carry a whole range of long-term economic, environmental, and social benefits.

6 Conclusions

This study indicated how EbA measures were implemented on multiple scales in Copenhagen.We explored how the city strategically governs climate change adaption policies and practices from the municipality level to small-scale levels in collaboration with the government, companies,citizens, and other place-based stakeholders.Furthermore, we summarized the experiences of EbA measures in multiple-scale climate adaption cooperative planning in Copenhagen. This refers to adequate data preparation in the early stage,rigorous planning, well-integration of stormwater management design, landscape design of urban open space, coordination of various stakeholders’interests, and public participation.

Currently, the concept of EbA has been promoted through international fora, including theUnited Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change(UNFCCC) andParis Agreement.Including nine Chinese cities, more than ninetyone cities joined the C40 network worldwide to pledge to implement theParis Agreementand have increased attention on EbA in their strategies for adaptation to climate change. The insights from this demonstration of applying EbA methods for climate adaptation city building with cooperative planning at different levels in Copenhagen may inspire future initiatives in other cities.


① Exchange rate as at 25 August 2022, DKK 1 = RMB 0.9313.

Sources of Figures and Tables:

Fig.1 drawn by authors based on Science-IGN-GIS Database at the University of Copenhagen; Fig. 2-1, 2-2 photographed by authors; Fig. 2-3 drawn by authors referred with [28]. Tab. 1 made by authors referred with[5];Tab. 2 made by author’s literature review on climate change adaption documents published by Copenhagen Municipality; Tab. 3 made by authors.

(Editor / LIU Yufei)

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