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2023-02-02 19:50:08


草地公民湿地公园坐落在塞纳河和卡里耶尔苏普瓦西市之间,占地113 hm2,是法国伊夫林省最大的生态涵养区和生物绿色保护区。这个拥有2.8 km河岸线和13 km慢行道的自然公园,是当地人进行家庭户外活动、休闲娱乐、自然观光的首选。改造前这里曾是洪水泛滥的采砂场,经过长达一个世纪的砂砾开采,这片基地演变成毫无利用价值的废弃场所。开采形成的2个大型水塘,也因为疏于管理而杂草丛生,很大程度上影响了塞纳河沿岸的风光。不仅如此,周围居民的活动范围也被限定在特定的使用区间内,在洪水季时,人们被禁止进入湿地区域。这不禁引人深思,这片废弃的湿地区域该以何种方式重建?于是在大塞纳河开发区管委会负责人菲利浦·多朵(Philippe Tautou)的建议下,湿地公园的规划项目正式开展。

得益于自20世纪90年代就从对塞纳河整体沿线的国土总体规划中积累了丰富的规划与景观设计经验,岱禾景观事务所(Agence TER)以创新的理念被选为草地公民湿地公园的设计团队。






岱禾景观事务所的创始人米歇尔·欧斯莱(Michel Hoessler)强调:“不论我们在世界的哪一个城市进行景观设计,我们都希望能够在未来的城市中构造充满活力的自然栖息地,它是我们应对目前全球气候变化以及平衡自然与城市问题时需要捍卫的韧性空间,也是我们以草地公民湿地公园为载体呈现出的主要设计理念之一。”







面积:113 hm2













图1、4©Agence TER,图2、7、8©A. Petzold,图3©侯磊,图5©GPSEO,图6、9©Sandrie Marc,图10©emmanuel-gabily

Situated between the Seine River and the town of Carrières-sous-Poissy, the Peuple de l’Herbe Wetland Park covers 113 hm2and is the largest ecological and biological reserve in the province of Yvelines. This natural park, with its 2.8-km-long riverbank and 13-km-long walking trails, has been a popular destination for family outings, recreation,and nature observation. A former river sand farm,the site, before its renovation, was flooded and abandoned due to a century of gravel mining.The two large ponds created by the mining were also neglected and overgrown, largely affecting the scenery along the Seine. Human activity has been confined to specific areas of the area and access to the site has been prohibited during the flood season. This leads to the question of how the abandoned wetland area be rebuilt. The project to renovate the Peuple de l’Herbe Park was then launched at the suggestion of Philippe Tautou, the president of the Grand Seine Urban Community.

The Ter office, which accumulated its landscape experience in the 1990s during the master planning of the entire territory along the Seine, was selected to head the renovation of the Peuple de l’Herbe Wetland Park with an innovative concept.

Considering the site’s specific flood risks and the ecological potential of the Seine River area,the Ter team proposed the protection of a wetland area that has become rare in the region. The project does not provide any traditional partitioned embankments and assumes the position of a natural defender of the river. Drawing on the natural gravel and shallow bank morphology, the shoreline has been reconstructed with microtopography that is conducive to the free flow of the river and suitable for fish spawning. Environmental restoration areas have been repositioned to provide new locations for ecological transition zones, riparian flora, and alluvial deposits on the river banks. Public access to the riverbanks has been made easier by the addition of access roads and observatories.

The Peuple de l’Herbe Wetland Park consists of three distinctive layers: 1) A flood buffer area and remodelled river bank that accommodates riparian vegetation and alluvial sand; 2) an ecological open space converted from brownfields and temporary ponds; 3) a non-motorized path and a social activity strip which is the transition area between the park and the city.

The natural context of the river valley and the upland areas is clearly identified, creating a progressive three-part landscape entity that extends from the plain river valley to the Seine uplands,making the park a visual focal point for the ecological continuity of the Seine.

The designers’ analysis of the site also revealed a more invisible ecosystem: a rich biological chain of insects, birds, and amphibians in the park. Consequently, the new theme of the park is ‘A bird’s paradise, a kingdom of insects’, to bring to the spotlight a system of organisms that is usually overlooked. By reserving sufficient space for ecological diversity, the programme defines the true inhabitants of the park (all living beings) as citizens.

To this end, the project has intentionally created in the heart of the park large areas of steppe and a series of ponds - uncommon in the Seine River basin, which form a biotope reserve conducive to the survival of specific flora and fauna. These areas also serve as habitats for birds,flowers, and fish and as outdoor viewing areas for lovers of flora and fauna. A small museum has been built to showcase the biological systems of all inhabitants of the area, so that visitors can see which plants and animals share this natural space with them, thereby making humans, plants, and animals the “joint owners of the park”.

Michel Hössler, the founder of Ter,emphasizes: “Wherever we build our landscapes in the world, we want to create a vibrant natural habitat in the cities of the future, a resilient space that we need to defend in the face of global climate change and the balance between nature and the city.This is one of the main design concepts we want to present with the Peuple de l’Herbe Park.”

Aware that the attractiveness of the park will be largely influenced by the proposed programme,particular attention will be paid to this dimension by questioning the different spatial and temporal scales previously considered. The challenge presented here is complex: To implement a coherent programme, adapted to a natural space,which satisfies the diversity of practices related to the scales (and, therefore, to the audiences)concerned. Places will be identified as being favourable for the hosting of events (punctual or perennial), educational activities, and daily practices.Additionally, emphasis will be given to managing the reception of the public on an everyday basis,as well as during major events. The long-term impacts of the programme’s proposals will also be considered; they will not challenge the ecology or harm biodiversity. By operating smartly, the Peuple de l’Herbe Wetland Park will become a base for scientific education, a ready display of natural energy on the banks of the Seine, and an ecological retreat for a diversity of living beings.

(Editor / LI Qingqing)

Project:The Peuple de l’Herbe Wetland Park

Location:Carrières-sous-Poissy, France

Client:General Council of Yvelines

Mission:Planning of the ecological park of the restoration of abandoned sand quarries on the banks of the Seine

Surface:113 hm2

Competition Year:2010

Implementation Year:2011

Finish Year:2017

Lead Design Team:Agence TER


Technical Design:Infraservices

Scenographers:Nez Haut

Flora and Fauna Research:OPIE


Consulting Engineers:AEU

Translators:ZHU Hong, HUANG Mingli

Sources of Figures:Fig. 1, 4©Agence TER; Fig. 2, 7, 8©A. Petzold; Fig. 3©Hou Lei; Fig. 5©GPSEO; Fig. 6, 9©Sandrie Marc;Fig. 10©emmanuel-gabily

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Tags: 法国   湿地   草地  
