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2021-01-23 19:01:14

 电大软件工程期末复习--简答题 1、试从软件的特点出发分析软件危机产生的原因。


 …… if (a>=4) && (b<0) {

 c=a+b; else

 c=a-b; if (c>3) || (c<1)

 printf(“c不在计算区域\n”) else


 c); ……




 int main() { int a[10]; for (int i =0;i<10;i++) scanf(“%d”,a[i]); int max=a[0],min=a[1]; for (int j = 0;j<10;j++) { max=(max>a[j]?max:a[j]); min=(min<a[j]?min:a[j]); } printf(“max= %d“,max); printf(“min= %d“,min); printf(“\n“); return 0; }



 if (a>=5) && (b<0) {

 c=a+b; else

 c=a-b; if (c>5) || (c<1)

 printf(“c不在计算区域\n”) else



 8、请说明对象模型的作用是什么? 9、请说明IPO图的作用,并给出一个IPO图的模板。

 10、什么是耦合?什么是内聚? 11、请画图说明软件工程的层次化结构,并详细分析中间两层的内容。


 int main() { int a,b,c,x,y,z; scanf(“d%,d%,d%),&a,&b,&c); if a>5 x=10 else x=1; if b>10 y=20 else y=2; if c>15 z=30 else z=3; printf(“d%,d%,d%\n”,x,y,z) }



 程序段A 程序段B …… {

 T=0; if (A>=1)&& (B>=2) T=T+1; else T=T+2; if (X>=90) &&(Y>=75) T=T+3; else T=T+4; }

 printf(“d%\n”,T); ……

 …… {

 T=0; if (A>=1)&& (B>=2) T=T+1; else T=T+2; if (X>=90)&&(Y<75) T=T+3; else T=T+4; }

 printf(“d%\n”,T); ……








 22、结构化程序设计的特征是什么? 23、某学校开发了学生网上选课的系统,学生在网上查找到希望选修的课程,并查看是否还有名额,若有名额就输入学号,系统自动记录该学生的选课信息,并返回选课成功。下面的顺序图描述了选课成功的情形,请将以下对象填入最合适的位置:系统界面、学生、学生基本信息、学生选课记录、课程基本信息。


 25、对功率大于50马力的机器或已运行 10 年以上的机器,应送到专业的维修公司处理;如果功率小于20马力,并且有维修记录,则在车间维修;否则送到本厂的维修中心维修,请建立判定表。






 (1)基本信息管理:教务管理人员输入或修改学期教学计划、学生名单和教师名单; (2)学生选课:学生根据教学执行计划进行选课; (3)分配任课教师:教务管理人员为符合开课条件的课程分配教师; (4)教师查询并打印课表; (5)成绩管理:每门课程的教师在考试评分结束后将考试成绩录入,学生可查询。









 1) 软件是一种逻辑实体,具有抽象性,无法看到软件本身的形态,必须通过观察、分析、思考和判断才能了解它的功能和性能。

 2) 软件对硬件和环境有着不同程度的依赖性,这导致了软件升级和移植的问题。计算机硬件和支撑环境不断升级,为了适应运行环境的变化,软件也需要不断维护,并且维护的成本通常比开发成本高许多。

 3) 软件生产至今尚未摆脱手工方式,软件开发的手工行为造就了一个致命的问题,就是为应用“量身订做”软件。长期以来,软件给人的感觉是修改几条指令很简单,客户总是强调软件要适应自己的业务需求。因此,软件产品大多是为客户“订做”的,通用性差。

 4) 软件涉及人类社会的各行各业,常常涉及一些行业知识,这对软件工程师提出了很高的要求。

 5) 软件是与文学艺术作品相似的精神作品,与体力劳动相比,精神活动过程的特点是“不可见性”,这大大增加了组织管理上的困难。

 2、答案 a>=4 b<0 a>=4 b>=0 a<4 b<0 a<4 b>=0 c>3 c<=3 c<1 c>=1 综合以上条件组合,设计测试用例如下(注意结果不唯一,只要满足上面的组合条件即可):

 a=4 b=-1

  c=3 a=4 b=0

 c=4 a=-1 b=-1

  c=0 a=-1 b=0


 3、答案 1)功能模型:表达系统的详细需求,为软件的进一步分析和设计打下基础。在面向对象方法中,由用例图和场景描述组成。2)对象模型:表示静态的、结构化的系统“数据”性质。描述现实世界中实体的对象以及它们之间的关系,表示目标系统的静态数据结构。3)动态模型:描述系统的动态结构和对象之间的交互,表示瞬时的、行为化的系统的“控制”特性。

 4、答案 软件工程强调规范化和文档化。规范化的目的是使众多的开发者遵守相同的规范,使软件生产摆脱个人生产方式,进入标准化、工程化的生产方式。文档化是将软件的设计思想、设计过程和实现过程完整地记录下来,以便于后人的使用和维护,在开发过程中各类相关人员借助于文档进行交流和沟通。另外,在开发过程中产生的各类文档使得软件的生产过程由不可见变为可见,便于管理者对软件生产进度和开发过程进行管理。在用户最终验收时可以通过对提交的文档进行技术审查和管理审查,保证软件的质量。


  int main() { int a[10]; //读入10个数据 for (int i =0;i<10;i++) scanf(“%d“,a[i]); //max存放最大值,min存放最小值 int max=a[0],min=a[0]; //从10个数中发现最大、最小值 for (int j = 0;j<10;j++) {

  max=(max>a[j]?max:a[j]); min=(min<a[j]?min:a[j]); } //输出结果 printf(“max= %d“,max); printf(“min= %d“,min); return 0; }

 6、答案 业务需求是用户高层领导机构决定的,它确定软件的目标、规模和范围。业务需求一般在进行需求分析之前就应该确定,需求分析阶段要以此为参照制定需求调研计划、确定用户核心需求和软件功能需求。业务需求通常比较简洁,大约三~五页纸就可以描述清楚,也可以将它直接作为需求规格说明书中的一部分。





 b<0 a>=5

 b≮0 c<1 1<c<5 符合判定覆盖的测试用例(不唯一):a=5,b=-1,c=4;


 8、答案 对象模型:表示静态的、结构化的系统“数据”性质。描述现实世界中实体的对象以及它们之间的关系,表示目标系统的静态数据结构。在面向对象方法中,类图是构建对象模型的核心工具。

 9、答案 数据流程图中的处理本应该放在数据字典中进行定义,但是由于处理与数据是有一定区别的两类事物,它们各自有独立的描述格式,因此在实际项目中通常将处理说明用IPO图标描述。下面是项目中常用的处理说明模板:










  10、答案 在软件设计中应该保持模块的独立性原则。反映模块独立性的有两个标准:内聚和耦合。内聚衡量一个模块内部各个元素彼此结合的紧密程度;耦合衡量模块之间彼此依赖的程度。软件设计时追求高内聚、低耦合。

 11、 答案 软件工程的内容具有层次化结构,最底层是质量保证层,中间是过程层和方法层,最上层是工具层。见图:


 12、答案 条件:


 a<=5 b>10 b<=10 c>15 c<=15 判定测试用例(不唯一):a=6 b=11 c=16; a=5 b=10 c=15

 13、答案 在需求分析的同时,以比较小的代价快速建立一个能够反映用户主要需求的原型系统。用户在原型系统上可以进行基本操作,并且提出改进意见,分析人员根据用户的意见完善原型,然后再由用户评价,提出建议,如此往复,直到开发的原型系统满足了用户的需求为止。基于快速原型化模型的开发过程基本上是线性的,从创建系统原型到系统运行,期间没有反馈环。这是由于开发人员是在原型的基础上进行系统分析和设计,而原型已经通过了用户和开发组的审查,在设计阶段由于有原型作设计参考,所以设计的结果正确率比较高。

 14、答案 条件组合:

 A>=1 B>=2; A>=1 B>2 A<1 B>=2 A<1 B<2 X>=90 Y>=75 X>=90 Y<75 X<90 Y>=75 X<90 Y<75 由此获得测试用例:A=1 B=2; A=1 B=1;A=0 B=2;A=0 B=1;X=90 Y=75;X=90 Y=1;X=1 Y=75;X=1 Y=1;其中 X=90 Y=75能够发现错误。

 评分标准:答案不唯一,不管用什么方法,给出的测试用例能够发现错误就给满分。参考答案为X=90 Y=75。

 15、答案 包含关系用于构造多个用例共同的活动。例如,在ATM系统中,取钱、查询、更改密码等功能都需要验证用户密码。这种情况下应该将密码验证功能独立出来,便于复用、减少冗余。一个用例扩展另一个用例的功能,例如,在图书馆信息管理系统中,读者还书时,系统检查所还图书是否有预订记录,如果有则执行“通知”用例。

 16、答案 所谓抽象就是将事务的相似方面集中和概括起来,暂时忽略它们之间的差异。或者说,抽象就是抽出事务的本质特性而暂时不考虑它们的细节

 17、答案  疲倦 Y Y Y Y N N N N 感兴趣 Y Y N N Y Y N N 糊涂 Y N Y N Y N Y N 重读





  √ √ 休息 √ √ √ √



 疲倦 Y N N N 感兴趣

 Y Y N 糊涂

 Y N






 √ 休息 √

  18、答案 1) 描述的重点不同:活动图描述的是从活动到活动的控制流;状态图描述的是对象的状态及状态之间的转移。

 2) 使用的场合不同:在分析用例、理解涉及多个用例的工作流、处理多线程应用等情况下,一般使用活动图;在显示一个对象在其生命周期内的行为时,一般使用状态图。

  19、答案 1) 结构化方法分析和设计阶段所应用的模型之间存在鸿沟。分析阶段的主要模型是数据流程图,设计阶段的主要模型是软件模块结构图,数据流程图和软件模块结构图之间需要进行转换。不同的人转换出的模块图可能不同,有很大的随意性。

 2) 需求分析的细化程度没有标准,只能凭借分析人员的经验自己把握;需求分析的过程是在一种瀑布形式,当需求变更时,功能变化就会导致软件模块结构发生变化,造成了软件结构不稳定。

 3) 结构化程序设计将数据定义与处理数据的过程相分离,不利于软件复用。

 4) 结构化方法设计的软件结构不稳定,缺乏灵活性,可维护性差。

  20、答案 判定表是结构花设计的工具,用于描述多重条件的处理。分为4各部分:条件列表、条件组合、操作列表、特定条件下的操作组合。

  21、答案 原理1.用分阶段的生命周期计划严格管理

 原理2.坚持进行阶段评审 原理3.实行严格的产品控制 原理4.采用现代程序设计技术 原理5.结果应能清楚地审查 原理6.开发小组的人员应该少而精 原理7.承认不断改进软件工程实践的必要性 22、答案:



 24、答案 业务需求是用户高层领导机构决定的,它确定软件的目标、规模和范围。业务需求一般在进行需求分析之前就应该确定,需求分析阶段要以此为参照制定需求调研计划、确定用户核心需求和软件功能需求。业务需求通常比较简洁,大约三~五页纸就可以描述清楚,也可以将它直接作为需求规格说明书中的一部分。


 25、答案 >=50马力 Y N N N <=20马力 N N Y N >=10年 N Y - N 有维修记录 - - Y - 送外 √ √


 √ 本车间


  二、 应用题 1、答案 参考答案如下,结果不唯一。






 请您删除一下内容,O(∩_∩)O谢谢!!!2015年中央电大期末复习考试小抄大全,电大期末考试必备小抄,电大考试必过小抄After earning his spurs in the kitchens of The Westin, The Sheraton, Sens on the Bund, and a sprinkling of other top-notch venues, Simpson Lu fi nally got the chance to become his own boss in November 2010. Sort of. The Shanghai-born chef might not actually own California Pizza Kitchen (CPK) but he is in sole charge of both kitchen and frontof- house at this Sinan Mansions'stalwart.  “It’s certainly a responsibility to be the head chef, and then to have to manage the rest of the restaurant as well,“ the 31-year-old tells Enjoy Shanghai. “In hotels, for example, these jobs are strictly demarcated, so it’s a great opportunity to learn how a business operates across the board.“  It was a task that management back in sunny California evidently felt he was ready for, and a vote of confi dence from a company that, to date, has opened 250 outlets in 11 countries. And for added pressure, the Shanghai branch was also CPK’s China debut.  “For sure it was a big step, and unlike all their other Asia operations that are franchises, they decided to manage it directly to begin with,“ says Simpson.  Two years ago a private franchisee took over the lease, but the links to CPK headquarters are still strong, with a mainland-based 'brand ambassador’ on hand to ensure the business adheres to its ethos of creating “innovative, hearth-baked pizzas“, a slice of PR blurb that Simpson insists lives up to the hype.  “They are very innovative,“ he says. “The problem with most fast food places is that they use the same sauce on every pizza and just change the toppings. Every one of our 16 pizza sauces is a unique recipe that has been formulated to complement the toppings perfectly.“  The largely local customer base evidently agrees and on Saturday and Sunday, at least, the place is teeming. The kids-eat-for-free policy at weekends is undoubtedly a big draw, as well as is the spacious second-fl oor layout overlooked by a canopy of green from Fuxing Park over the road.  The company is also focusing on increasing brand recognition and in recent years has taken part in outside events such as the regular California Week. Still, the sta are honest enough to admit that business could be better; as good, in fact, as in CPK’s second outlet in the popular Kerry Parkside shopping mall in Pudong.  “Sinan Mansions has really struggled to get the number of visitors that were envisaged when it first opened, and it hasn’t been easy for any of the tenants here,“ adds Simpson. “We’re planning a third outlet in the city in 2015, and we will probably choose a shopping mall again because of the better foot traffic.“ The tearooms once frequented by Coco Chanel and Marcel Proust are upping sticks and coming to Shanghai, Xu Junqian visits the Parisian outpost with sweet treats. One thing the century-old Parisian tearoom Angelina has shown is that legendary fashion designer Coco Chanel not only had style and glamor but also boasted great taste in food, pastries in particular. One of the most popular tearooms in Paris, Angelina is famous for having once been frequented by celebrities such as Chanel and writer Marcel Proust. Now Angelina has packed up its French ambience, efficient service, and beautiful, comforting desserts and flown them to Shanghai.

 At the flagship dine-in and take-out space in Shanghai, everything mimics the original tearoom designed from the beginning of the 20th century, in Paris, the height of “Belle Epoque“. The paintings on the wall, for example, are exactly the same as the one that depicts the landscape of southern France, the hometown of the owner; and the small tables are intentional imitations of the ones that Coco Chanel once sat at every afternoon for hot chocolate. The famous hot chocolate, known as L’Africain, is a luxurious mixture of four types of cocoa beans imported from Africa, blended in Paris and then shipped to Shanghai. It’s sinfully sweet, rich and thick as if putting a bar of melting chocolate directly on the tongue and the fresh whipped cream on the side makes a light, but equally gratifying contrast. It is also sold in glass bottles as takeaway. The signature Mont-Blanc chestnut cake consists of three parts: the pureed chestnut on top, the vanilla cream like stuffing, and the meringue as base. Get all three layers in one scoop, not only for the different textures but also various flavors of sweetness. The dessert has maintained its popularity for a century, even in a country like France, perhaps the world’s most competitive place for desserts. A much overlooked pairing, is the Paris-New York choux pastry and N226 chocolate flavored tea. The choux pastry is a mouthful of airy pecan-flavored whipped cream, while the tea,

 a blend of black teas from China and Ceylon, cocoa and rose petals, offers a more subtle fragrance of flowers and chocolate. Ordering these two items, featuring a muted sweetness, makes it easier for you to fit into your little black dress. Breakfast, brunch, lunch and light supper are also served at the tearoom, “a hub of many cultures“ and takes in “a mix of different styles of French cuisines“, according to the management team. The semi-cooked foie gras terrine, is seductive and deceptive. It’s generously served at the size and shape of a toast, while the actual brioche toast is baked into a curved slice dipped with fig chutney. The flavor, however, is honest: strong, smooth and sublime. And you don’t actually need the toast for crunchiness. This is the season for high teas, with dainty cups of fine china and little pastries that appeal to both visual and physical appetites. But there is one high tea with a difference, and Pauline D. Loh finds out just exactly why it is special. Earl Grey tea and macarons are all very well for the crucial recuperative break in-between intensive bouts of holiday season shopping. And for those who prefer savory to sweet, there is still the selection of classic Chinese snacks called dim sum to satisfy and satiate. High tea is a meal to eat with eye and mouth, an in-between indulgence that should be light enough not to spoil dinner, but sufficiently robust to take the edge off the hunger that strikes hours after lunch. The afternoon tea special at Shang-Xi at the Four Seasons Hotel Pudong has just the right elements. It is a pampering meal, with touches of luxury that make the high tea session a treat in itself. Whole baby abalones are braised and then topped on a shortcrust pastry shell, a sort of Chinese version of the Western vol-au-vent, but classier. Even classier is the dim sum staple shrimp dumpling or hargow, upgraded with the addition of slivers of midnight dark truffles. This is a master touch, and chef Simon Choi, who presides unchallenged at Shang-Xi, has scored a winner again. Sweet prawns and aromatic truffles — what’s not to love? His masterful craftsmanship is exhibited in yet another pastry — a sweet pastry that is shaped to look like a walnut, but which you can put straight into the mouth. It crumbles immediately, and the slightly sweet, nutty morsel is so easy to eat you’ll probably reach straight for another. My favorite is the dessert that goes by the name yangzhi ganlu, or ambrosia from the gods. The hotel calls it chilled mango cream with sago, pomelo and bird’s nest – made with ingredients that resonate with every female soul. It does taste like ambrosia, with the sweet-sour fragrance of the mango forming the first layer of taste and sensation, and the pomelo sacs and sago pearls providing the tactile contrast. The bird’s nest — it’s the ingredient that gilds the lily, since it is supposed to nourish and nurture a perfect complexion. For those unfamiliar with this exotic ingredient, the bird’s nest is not a bundle of twigs, but is, instead, the dried secretion that cave swifts use to build their nest. Technically, it’s bird saliva, but the Chinese believe that it has collagen-boosting properties essential to beauty. To me, it just tastes good, adding a slight gelatinous crunch to the back of the teeth. There is also a baked mushroom puff pastry that includes the highly prized Matsutake or pine mushroom. You also get a choice of teas, but I strongly recommend the aged Pu’er from Yunnan province. It is a mellow tea that will go perfectly with the rich little nuggets, and will warm you up on a cold afternoon. Incidentally, the general guide is green tea such as Longjing or Dragonwell for the hot season, semi-fermented teas like Wu-long or Iron Buddha for autumn, and more warming teas like Pu’er for winter. The Shang-Xi afternoon tea costs 228 yuan ($37) per person, and 388 yuan for the more opule


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