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2020-09-01 20:13:57

Pep小学五年级上册unit 4 What can you do ? Part C Story time 一、教学内容:

(一) 知识与技能目标:
1.通过阅读趣味故事能灵活运用本单元核心语言进行简单语言表达。Eg:What can you do ? I can …。

2. 能够理解对话大意,按照正确的意群及语言,语调朗读对话并进行角色扮演。

3. 养成整体阅读的习惯,用英语思维、猜测词义、预测、分析、判断、推理、归纳和总结的能力. (二) 情感态度目标:
1. 通过有趣的语言情景,激发学生的学习兴趣。

2. 通过小组合作共同完成任务,形成和谐的学习氛围。

3. 通过阅读,学会遇到危险保持冷静,动脑筋想办法。

三、Teaching Steps:
Step I:Greeting T: Boys and girls ,Good morning /afternoon ,I am your new English teacher ,my name is Wang Xiaojie ,May I have you name ? Ss: My name is … T:Nice to meet you . Ss: Nice to meet you , too. (设计意图:轻松的谈话,缓解课堂紧张气氛) Step II:Leading-in T:Can you tell me what day is it today ? Ss: Today is …… T: What’s the weather like today ? Ss: …… T:What can you do on sunny /rainy /cloudy days? Ss: I can ……(复习巩固本单元单词,句子) T: Wow , so great !You can do so many things on on sunny /rainy /cloudy days. I like sunny days best , Because I can go hiking on sunny days .one day I walked into a forest , I met lots of animals , and we became good friends.(课件呈现动物图片) Here come some animals . T: Do you know who are they? Ss: Panda …… T: Yeah ,We talked together ,but When we talked happily ,a snake came suddenly (课件呈现蛇的图片,帮助孩子理解单词,并引出snack帮孩子记忆),the animals are frightened ,they run away ,and then one of my friends rat missing .I don’t know what has happened to him .I can’t find him, and I’m worried about him. Can you help me find my good friend? Tell me what has happened to him. Ss: Yes, We can. T: OK, Thank you very much. Next I’ll show you some cartoons, through the cartoons you may find some useful clubs, OK? Small detectives, are you ready? (设计意图:创设情境,给孩子留悬念,让孩子们以小侦探的身份帮老师找朋友—田鼠,任务驱动,调动孩子们的学习积极性,培养孩子的责任感,Free talk 既训练了孩子的口语,又增加了彼此之间的亲和力,拉近师生距离。) Step III:Presentation 1. Pre-reading (初读,整体感知内容) T: OK, now let’s go to the theater to watch this cartoon. But you must answer these questions after watching the cartoon, OK? (课件呈现问题) Q1:How many animals are there in the story ? Q2: Did snake eat the rat at last? 2. Read Again (再读,了解故事梗概) T: It’s amazing, how did the rat run away , now let’s read it again .I’ll divided you into two groups ,Let’s have a competition and let’s see who is the winner.(分组PK,选出称职的小侦探) 呈现问题:
Q1:What can the rat do ? T: You may try to find out the key words and circle them, shall we?(设计意图:教师在学生阅读是给处阅读方法建议,培养孩子阅读短文能力,以及从短文中提取重要信息的能力。) Step IV: Consolidation 1. 活动“人当解说员”学生一小组单位讨论,根据Story time 图片分工,扫除阅读障碍,教师巡视指导,讨论完毕,教师总结呈现较难句子。

eg:Here comes some tasty food. Don’t throw me into the lake, please.… 2. 活动“争当故事之王” Retell the story and Act the story out 将学生分组,每组同学拥有一套顺序打乱的故事图片,请同学们把打乱顺序的图片标上序号。完成后,听录音学生反复模仿录音朗读故事,组内排演故事,之后选择几组同学做汇报表演,评选“故事之王”。

(设计意图:故事表演是一项学生喜欢的教学活动。中、高年级的小学生了解很多有趣的童话故事,用英语去表演对他们来说是一件非常新鲜、有趣的事。因此,在读后环节我们可以运用多媒体课件为学生提供丰富多彩的故事背景画面,同时提供机会,让他们参与到故事表演中来,完整演绎故事内容。表演后所获得的成就感会促使学生不断地去揣摩故事的 内容,进一步学习新的英语知识,以获得新的成功体验。这样,学生就真正成为了学习的主体。) Step V: Summarize T: Boys and girls, After reading the story, What have you learnt? Which animals do you like better? I think most of you want to make friend with rat ,because we have learnt a lot form him ,he tell us that when danger comes ,we should keep calm and try our best to find ways. At last ,thank you for your helping help me find my good friend .

Tags: 教学设计   五年级   unit  
