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2020-10-26 00:59:23

人教版(PEP)2019-2020学年小学英语五年级下册Unit 3 My school calendar Part B 自我检测C卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 小朋友们,经过一段时间的学习,你们一定进步不少吧,今天就让我们来检验一下! 一、 Read and find.(读一读,把同一类单词的序号写在 (共1题;
共1分) 1. (1分) Lily has lots of ________(hobby). 二、 Read and choose.(读一读,选一选。) (共5题;
共10分) 2. (2分) It's February. People are celebrating the _______. A . Spring Festival     B . New Year's Day     C . National Day.     3. (2分) (2018四上·盐田期末) —       are you?   —Fine,thank you. A . How     B . What     C . Where     4. (2分) —Who are they? —________ A . They are my grandpa.      B . They are my grandma.     C . They are my grandparents.     5. (2分) 叔叔说今天是母亲节。他说:
A . Today is Mother's Day.     B . Today is Father's Day.     6. (2分) He _____to climb trees. ( ) A . wants     B . want     C . to want     三、 Choose the right date.(将正确的日期代 (共1题;
共3分) 7. (3分)  读一读,做一做。

(1) Zhang Peng今天感冒了,请为他选一份健康、营养的菜单,选出你认为合适的菜单。________ a.    b.    c. (2) 请你写两点建议给Zhang Peng ①You should________. ②________   四、 Choose the best answer.(选择合适的答 (共1题;
共5分) 8. (5分) 给下列问句选择正确的答语。

⑴What did you do there? ________         A. They are talking about their holidays. ⑵Where did you go last Sunday?________   B. Yes,I did. ⑶What are they talking about?________     C. I went fishing. ⑷Did you go to Turpan?________           D. I went to a forest park. ⑸Who did you go with?________            E. My parents. 五、 Read and judge.(阅读短文,判断正误.) (共1题;
共8分) 9. (8分) 看图回答下列问题 (1) —How many people are there in your family? —There ________;________. (2) —Who are they? —My ________,my ________;and me. (3) —Who's that cute girl? —It________;________. (4) —Do you have a little dog? —Yes,________;________. 参考答案 一、 Read and find.(读一读,把同一类单词的序号写在 (共1题;
共1分) 1-1、 二、 Read and choose.(读一读,选一选。) (共5题;
共10分) 2-1、 3-1、 4-1、 5-1、 6-1、 三、 Choose the right date.(将正确的日期代 (共1题;
共3分) 7-1、 7-2、 四、 Choose the best answer.(选择合适的答 (共1题;
共5分) 8-1、 五、 Read and judge.(阅读短文,判断正误.) (共1题;
共8分) 9-1、 9-2、 9-3、 9-4、

Tags: 学年   下册   人教版  
